The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Void Elves will still exist next expansion

Iā€™m not sure if your ignorant or blind hahaha and so would High Elves hahaha, Iā€™m not arguing against Void Elves, Iā€™m just providing your true facts haha.

Like I said your obviously biased in your ways, so I wonā€™t argue with you anymore, no point talking to a brick wall it ainā€™t gonna moveā€¦ so have a lovely day and keep mentioning void elves haha cause it has so much to do with the facts haha

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Funny how the expansions with lesser High Elf presence are the bad ones hahaha. Cata sucked, WoD i didnā€™t even need to say anything, and BfA OMEGALUL.
Not implying that this is a defining factor, but just a coincidence.


And thereā€™ll still be a demand for High Elves as well!

But ah, if we donā€™t want Void Elves next expansion, we can have a Blood Elf/Void Elf warfront and I can handle that problem. We all remember from that one boss in HFC what happens when Void and Fel mix, so I reckon a couple of chaos bolts into one of their Void portals and, hey, problem sorted

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The devs didnā€™t say that. Ion said that. Ion by what we can see is the only thing stopping high elves from happening. The story devs want high elves. Lower tier devs have come out in support through tweets. Terran gregory himself said that he would love high elves to happen.


how have they been disappearing? void elves have not taken the roles of high elves. They serve different purposes. A few rangers and spellcasters are not helpful in the current situation compared to expert void users that can create aberations from the fallen enemies and open void portals that are undetectable and canā€™t be disrupted by the enemy. Arcane portals can be detected by most magic users and those with a high enough skill with the arcane can even redirect them.


Hell, even Alex Afrasiabi said they might happen now. Talk about a dramatic 180.


lol, my point though still stands their story was made too similar to the High Elves and it seems that Blizzard is Having the V.E.'s take most of the HE roles in the Alliance.

I donā€™t recall seeing any ā€œAlliance High Elvesā€ in the Alliance for the most part of BFA, for a race that prides itself on being loyal to that faction they sure didnā€™t help in doing anything significant in the war so far. Silver covenant didnā€™t even bother to send an army to help their ā€œfriendsā€.


You do realize this is a worldwide war and that there are literally too many different groups within the faction to use them all in just a single area.

We donā€™t know what many groups are doing in this war because blizzard doesnā€™t portray the various fronts. All we get is small snippets of what is going on in the EK and kalimdor through the war table missions.

Drede, any chance you could grab us a time-stamp of the Ion quote so we can just have them listen to it in its entirety rather than waste words on it?

This is just a reflection from the decision of not making High Elves playable in BfA and showcasing their brand new product: the Void Elves. The High Elves are not heavily represented in BfA because of that: Blizzard didnā€™t intended to.
In Legion the High Elves played a key role in many moments because the dev team had a different view and plans for them, but suddenly a change in their mindset happened and we got Void Elves instead.
Dude executing a game isnā€™t as simple as it looks and involve a lot of outside issues and personal views like Ion opinion on them (which is clearly not biased at allā€¦), itā€™s not because High Elves are not represented in BfA too much that they are absent on it.


There are 40,000 views between the two threads about High Elves.


Bestest reply and summarization EVER!
Flips hair, TWO snaps and then hoists the very first cup of Irish Breakfast Tea of the day in salute!

Agreed. If Void Elves didnā€™t exist, there might be an argument for High Elves. That time has passed.


The only thing void elvesā€™ existance did was show that there were no longer any reasons to not add high elves.


ā€œThe Alliance cannot have a race with the same base model of the Blood Elvesā€
-Void Elves happen-


Why should Alliance get TWO versions of the Hordeā€™s most popular race?


Because High Elves are not a version of Blood Elves?
Not our fault that Blizzard made purple Blood Elves for the Alliance, we could had only the High Elves.
Well iā€™m happy with both anyway.


Why shouldnā€™t they?

Just like why shouldnā€™t Horde get Sanā€™Layn?


Exactly. Alliance get High Elves, Horde get Sanā€™Layn, then both factions have two races of Thalassian elves.