The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I understand :3 thanks for clearing that up for me !

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You’re a golden glowy eye Blood Elf Rogue but it claims your a Nightborne Rogue? what are you hiding?


Probably a race change that the forums hasn’t completely processed yet.

Please tell me that pun was intended.

hehe yea I race changed back to Belf because the heritage for Nightborne isn’t that great for Rogue or Hunter but I still have my Mage and Warlock ;3

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IMO I was thinking it could be a hint that now there could be VE of High Elven origin or connection. Mind you, that outfit is pretty High Elven coded so it did raise an eyebrow for me to see it used on Void Elves.

Maybe it means nothing, maybe its a thematic hint, or maybe Blizz actually is going to start phasing HE’s into VE’s by giving them their aesthetics.


Plot Twist. They plan to integrate Void Elves into High Elf society instead of the other way around.

Which kinda makes more sense if you think about it…


You know me so well :wink:

so what is the definition of a high elf exactly?

as far as I can tell they are the same race as blood elves.

main differences blood elves chose to drink from the corrupted sunwell and some splinter factions did not. (so where did high elves get their magic from then if not from the sunwell?)

but now the sunwell has been purified now (i have golden eyes now) so does that make blood elves high elves now since it is cleansed?

i’m not so sure that high elves are locked in lore wise to alliance. maybe at one point some splinter faction of them are but that seems flexible (see blood elves going to horde and voide elves going back to alliance).

I do not think so, if it’s still on rails, at some point Alleria will betray the alliance (guilt for the dark creature that inhabits her) and surely will take all the VE you can, and seeing that there are not many, will begin to also convert HE into VE, and it will be safe where the BE finally intervene.

Besides, seeing VE with HE clothing may be a sign of where they started to take out “troops” to swell their own army, since the BE rejected them.

(everything is speculation):cow:

A completely bogus unrealistic one.

The BE would probably try to kill off the High Elves before that happened.


For what was seen inside the game, basically they do not care what they do as long as they do not harm quel’thalas or the sunwell.
If the high elves now want to become Void Elf, I guess no one would stop them (except maybe Vereesa)

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They are at war and even on the best terms they treat them like crap. There is no way your scenario would happen.

Alleria actually seems to be against people becoming voided given what she knows about it.

The fact that they chose to stay with the Alliance and rejected the Blood Elves ways would mean they would turn to the Alliance for help if such an unrealistic thing happened.


I think it’s looking too much into a generic NPC.

If it was a void elf base for some questline with several hints at high elves becoming void elves, I’d consider it. But most of these NPCs for incursions are made just with “what looks good” in mind. Like the former “Alliance purge squad” which used gear that would fit the Twilight’s Hammer better.

Also, I’m not sure if Blizzard even defined how/if more void elves are made. They are unable or unwilling to answer that question. I’ve tried asking different developers several times and it’s always ignored. That makes no sense unless it’s meant to either be a future plot point or something they haven’t decided yet.


no? They are not neutral. They are firmly part of the alliance. Why would they join the horde when they hate the horde?


You really don’t know this subject at all. They are the same race and that was never the debate. What we are saying is that political and cultural differences are enough to justify being added as a separate allied race.


This is a good point. The undead, who have been around the whole time, have spent 5 expansions trying to Create new troops. It’s clearly an important enough plot to explore it for so long, but not for the void elves?

Can we be realistic here for a second. Do we really expect them to give an exact copy of a race of one faction to the other? What is significantly different about them aestheticly to distinguish between them? What is the reason for adding this race besides people on the alliance wanting them?

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Everything you just mentioned applies to the Night Elves and Nightborne.

But I guess double standards are A-okay now, as long as your “team” is the one reaping the benefits?


No it doesn’t. They look different. High elves have no aesthetic difference from blood elves except their eyes. Don’t talk about my bias when yours is far more blatant.