The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I would love to have playable Alliance High Elves as well, but.. i'm sorry Ion said no.

Void Elves are shaping up to be nearly as good as High Elves however.. just trade in the Paladin for the Warlock.
10/08/2018 01:32 AMPosted by Tunkaningan
That's all well and good but unless you plan to put "high elves" on the horde then its a no go.
Sorry, High Elves would never go horde...
Just want to thank all the people coming in here wanting to actually contribute to the conversation and debate over this rather controversial subject. I, myself, really want Sethrak and Arakkoa as allied races, and will continue to work until I see my dream come true. But I don't know if I'll ever have the titanium will High Elf people have.

Just in this one thread, I've seen so many vile and disgusting posts directed towards people that simply want to play what they want. Pixels on the screen. Now I want those people that make those posts to take a step back and question, "Is this really what I should do with my life?" I ain't going to tell you what the answer is, because there is no right answer. Everyone values things differently, that's just what us humans are.

But despite whatever comes their way, I'll continue to stand by my high elven friends until the bitter end. They've helped me out continuously for Arakkoa, and for that, they'll have my eternal respect.
10/08/2018 02:38 AMPosted by Nindraine
@Tunkaningan: That argument was thoroughly covered yesterday. By all means, if you have something new to the table, let's hear it.....but arguing the same points you did yesterday just invites a circular argument that isn't worth engaging in.

@Ruddypiper: What you posted is framed as a response, but doesn't actually respond to the points I've made. It simply parrots the same argument, without backing the statements made no less. If you disagree with what I posted, then by all means, show me examples that disprove or undermine the points I made, in the same way that I pointed to examples in-game that show how Blood Elves and High Elves have changed since going separate ways. Otherwise all you have is opinion.

You guys keep espousing the same things day in day out and talking about what could be like whether they can be hunters or paladins is not the same.

There are a set number of things both sides are gonna talk about. I feel if i don't respond and nobody else responds against High Elves then Blizzard will take it as the community not resisting. I'm here to be your polar opposite. I largely do not care if you engage me or not. I have a set number of things to do today and they do not revolve around this discussion. I exist to remind the developers that there are parts of the community that resist this idea. I'm sure one thing we could possibly agree on is that they make changes ill advised and often to a smaller percentage than is actually representative to the problem. An example being Flying or Rep grind for Allied races. Personally i don't see the issue with locking flying from the start, from keeping Draenor flying behind reps or even allied races behind reps. Though i understand I most likely fit into the minority as more casuals play this game than not.
10/08/2018 03:31 AMPosted by Nicolete
I would love to have playable Alliance High Elves as well, but.. i'm sorry Ion said no.

Void Elves are shaping up to be nearly as good as High Elves however.. just trade in the Paladin for the Warlock.

Void Elves have incredible potential. They being the newest race in Azeroth have to have their story fleshed out more. I dont think anyone thought everything there is to know or tell about the Void Elves was going to be done at the end of Legion or even in BFA. They have further expansions to world build around these Elves. Adding little things here and there as we go and it accumlates into one big story for the Void Elves. Not in the mainstream necessarily but in 4 years from now We can look back and look at the new story built around them. I sincerely doubt they will leave them as bare bones as they are considering a WIndrunner Sister leads them.
10/08/2018 12:33 AMPosted by Arisran
10/07/2018 11:12 PMPosted by Daenirr

Yes sir! Like Alurna said, the Highvale are very close to the Wildhammers + Draenei so it seems like a strong possibility if Blizzard pays attention!


I really think less class options were a mistake. Lightforged are the least popular allied race and it's not just because of their underwhelming lore and aesthetics, it's because they can only be a miserable 5 classes. At least Highmountain Tauren added new druid forms, Lightforged don't add anything new to our faction. Maghar Orcs getting priest was a step in the right direction.

I have no idea what ultimately compels people to decide those types of things, be it class or athletics, but leaving out DK, druid, shaman, warlock and DH seem to be a good reasonable decision.

Are there any examples of helf druids or shaman in the lore or in game that come from the pre established allied backgrounds..?

Well no, but we never would have thought of worgen and kul tiran druids based on previous lore, but blizzard did a splendid job of explaining them when they were released.

I'm just thinking of more interesting options that will separate Blood Elves and High Elves while still somewhat making sense. Ultimately blizzard is the one who'll decide what makes the cut, but I can always dream :)
I can imagine High Elves will be locked behind some pathfinder type of gating as a middle finger to everyone who requested it if they ever add high elves.
10/08/2018 03:51 AMPosted by Tunkaningan
10/08/2018 02:38 AMPosted by Nindraine
@Tunkaningan: That argument was thoroughly covered yesterday. By all means, if you have something new to the table, let's hear it.....but arguing the same points you did yesterday just invites a circular argument that isn't worth engaging in.

@Ruddypiper: What you posted is framed as a response, but doesn't actually respond to the points I've made. It simply parrots the same argument, without backing the statements made no less. If you disagree with what I posted, then by all means, show me examples that disprove or undermine the points I made, in the same way that I pointed to examples in-game that show how Blood Elves and High Elves have changed since going separate ways. Otherwise all you have is opinion.

You guys keep espousing the same things day in day out and talking about what could be like whether they can be hunters or paladins is not the same.

There are a set number of things both sides are gonna talk about. I feel if i don't respond and nobody else responds against High Elves then Blizzard will take it as the community not resisting. I'm here to be your polar opposite. I largely do not care if you engage me or not. I have a set number of things to do today and they do not revolve around this discussion. I exist to remind the developers that there are parts of the community that resist this idea. I'm sure one thing we could possibly agree on is that they make changes ill advised and often to a smaller percentage than is actually representative to the problem. An example being Flying or Rep grind for Allied races. Personally i don't see the issue with locking flying from the start, from keeping Draenor flying behind reps or even allied races behind reps. Though i understand I most likely fit into the minority as more casuals play this game than not.

The thing is though is that your argument against them essentially revolves around You and the other anti's don't want them to be playable as a personal opinion. Many of you claim to have lore reasons as to why they shouldn't or "it would break the factions" but in reality they are not true.

At the end of the day you can not want them but there isn't a reason to not add them. Yes it can be boiled down to we want them and you don't but we at least have a legitimate argument we back up with lore and precedent.
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10/08/2018 03:51 AMPosted by Tunkaningan
10/08/2018 02:38 AMPosted by Nindraine
@Tunkaningan: That argument was thoroughly covered yesterday. By all means, if you have something new to the table, let's hear it.....but arguing the same points you did yesterday just invites a circular argument that isn't worth engaging in.

@Ruddypiper: What you posted is framed as a response, but doesn't actually respond to the points I've made. It simply parrots the same argument, without backing the statements made no less. If you disagree with what I posted, then by all means, show me examples that disprove or undermine the points I made, in the same way that I pointed to examples in-game that show how Blood Elves and High Elves have changed since going separate ways. Otherwise all you have is opinion.

You guys keep espousing the same things day in day out and talking about what could be like whether they can be hunters or paladins is not the same.

There are a set number of things both sides are gonna talk about. I feel if i don't respond and nobody else responds against High Elves then Blizzard will take it as the community not resisting. I'm here to be your polar opposite. I largely do not care if you engage me or not. I have a set number of things to do today and they do not revolve around this discussion. I exist to remind the developers that there are parts of the community that resist this idea. I'm sure one thing we could possibly agree on is that they make changes ill advised and often to a smaller percentage than is actually representative to the problem. An example being Flying or Rep grind for Allied races. Personally i don't see the issue with locking flying from the start, from keeping Draenor flying behind reps or even allied races behind reps. Though i understand I most likely fit into the minority as more casuals play this game than not.'re just going to dig your heels in and repeat the same beaten to death and disproven arguments regardless of what is actually said, just to voice your opposition?

That literally boils your argument down to 'I don't like it,' which tbh isn't my problem.

I mean, sure, it's your right to say so, I suppose. I can think of better ways to spend your time, but you do you. I'm going to put you on ignore, though. All the best.
It's been an interesting read, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see this is still going.

From a purely personal perspective, I'd rather druids than shaman. It'd help differentiate them from the Horde, given that faction's strong shamanic roots. Though, perhaps it's unimportant, given that The Horde's faction identity seems to have eroded quite severely, since cata launched. Blood Elves aren't shaman, mind you, but they aren't druids either. Such a slight push away from the faction probably means little, but I wonder if its worht mentioning this once.

I also feel, selfishly, that The Alliance needs good druid options more than it needs shaman ones. High Elven druids also excite me more because it seems it'd be more the High Elf take on druidism. Whereas proposed shaman ideas, while super cool, usually involve more of a wholesale adoption of Wildhammer culture than a synthesis.
I wonder what racials the high elves would get. I remember seeing a neat post a while ago with a list that included "Keen Eye" which increases the range of abilities by 2 yards, or "Arcane Concentration" which would slightly give a boost to resource generation like rage, energy etc.

I doubt that's exactly what they will get but for the sake of a constructive thread, let's come up with some potential racial abilities of our own for the Quel'dorei. :)
10/08/2018 04:53 AMPosted by Safana
I wonder what racials the high elves would get. I remember seeing a neat post a while ago with a list that included "Keen Eye" which increases the range of abilities by 2 yards, or "Arcane Concentration" which would slightly give a boost to resource generation like rage, energy etc.

I doubt that's exactly what they will get but for the sake of a constructive thread, let's come up with some potential racial abilities of our own for the Quel'dorei. :)

I had a great discussion earlier with another poster playing around with the idea of crafting racials. He mentioned something along the lines of them being good with their hands because they had to keep themselves busy to help deal with their withdrawal.

Ultimately this would reflect in slower more meticulous crafting, but at the benefit of using less mats.

Or maybe something for gatherers like 'elven thumb' that gives them a quicker gathering speed or a chance at giving them an extra ore or herb on pickup.
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10/04/2018 03:19 AMPosted by Gulrum
I support playable High Elves for the Alliance!

I CANT SAY THIS ENOUGH! PLEASE BLIZZARD! You gave the horde what they wanted with upright orcs and brown orcs now give the Alliance what they wanted for a long time! Give us our high elves!
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10/08/2018 04:02 AMPosted by Starlagosa
10/08/2018 03:37 AMPosted by Dànnar
But despite whatever comes their way, I'll continue to stand by my high elven friends until the bitter end. They've helped me out continuously for Arakkoa, and for that, they'll have my eternal respect.

Here's just one example of the type of friends you have:
"Garithos did nothing wrongYesterday at 10:25 PM
Here's my Blizzcon prediction
Vulpera are announced for the Horde
The next slide has a black silhouette with pointy ears
Ion teases about finally revealing the allied race we've all been waiting for
Silhouette fades to reveal the pointy ears were from a horse
Camera pans sideways to reveal a junker gnome riding the horse
Ion gets shot on stage"

Junker Gnomes would be 1000% better then another Elf race.
@Starlagosa could you please post more of these logs? I'm finding them quite fascinating.
10/08/2018 04:02 AMPosted by Starlagosa

Here's just one example of the type of friends you have:
"Garithos did nothing wrongYesterday at 10:25 PM
Here's my Blizzcon prediction
Vulpera are announced for the Horde
The next slide has a black silhouette with pointy ears
Ion teases about finally revealing the allied race we've all been waiting for
Silhouette fades to reveal the pointy ears were from a horse
Camera pans sideways to reveal a junker gnome riding the horse
Ion gets shot on stage"

10/08/2018 04:06 AMPosted by Starlagosa
Wallurian(RunicKnight)Yesterday at 9:23 AM
@Illyana They are all _____bags.
Including that Goblin _____ who wanted Blue Eyes for Blood Elves.

These aren't even the worst things I've seen on there but it's probably best not to post what's on their discord. It's just fair to know that their "we are nice and civil" demeanor tends to fade when they think no one is looking.

I just think it's funny that most genuinely think that anyone who's an anti is automatically a troll as if having a dissenting opinion on the matter isn't worth consideration. Have people on both sides been dicks? Yea, that's an understatement, people get impassioned or just tired of the topic (especially this one.) But being against alliance high elves that aren't voided out doesn't make you a troll.

10/08/2018 04:17 AMPosted by Nindraine're just going to dig your heels in and repeat the same beaten to death and disproven arguments regardless of what is actually said, just to voice your opposition?

Is that not often what the pro-high elfers do? I would say both sides are at an impasse considering we're not going to really change each others minds about this, or about certain specifics.

These topics are going to keep going on and on and on in circles forever unless some sort of finality comes to things in game regardless of some of the pro side claiming "We'll keep asking no matter what! ALTERNATE REALITIES! ALWAYS A WAY WE WIN" kind of idiocy.

I think the discussion overall is a fair one to have but there's a good bit of people on the pro side that won't take pretty much anything Blizz says or does unless it caves/caters to them when Blizzard doesn't have to or even realistically seems inclined to it.

My personal opinion is that they eventually (cause knee jerk removal without story to back it up is bad,) only have the option for void elves through stated attrition or something happening to push this even farther along with the confirmation that most assume is that the void elves are growing numbers of recruits from the alliance high elf remnants and a few blood elves seeking them out. Blood elves get their heritage scenario further cementing the fact that they're the main line of their race (sorry people who want the old WC2 elves, the story/decisions didn't go that way,) and the discussion, at least in Blizzard terms, is finished and they move on regardless of the posts made about it.

I initially didn't start against the pro-high elf movement but after the constant !@#$%ing over void elves when they were announced and how they handled even the slightest dissent to the idea of a playable copy of a Horde race, I'd just like to see an end of sorts to it. Hell, I thought the void elves would slowly take prominence even before I wanted all alliance high elves dead, now it's just icing on the cake.
10/08/2018 05:33 AMPosted by Eleroleron
@Starlagosa could you please post more of these logs? I'm finding them quite fascinating.

If I run into anymore I'll definitely post them. Most of them have really tried to clean up their act on what they post that everyone can see. After posting these little gems no doubt they're going to keep more of their obscenities private. They can still be hypocrites but at least less people will know.
10/08/2018 05:49 AMPosted by Starlagosa
10/08/2018 05:33 AMPosted by Eleroleron
@Starlagosa could you please post more of these logs? I'm finding them quite fascinating.

If I run into anymore I'll definitely post them. Most of them have really tried to clean up their act on what they post that everyone can see. After posting these little gems no doubt they're going to keep more of their obscenities private. They can still be hypocrites but at least less people will know.

We all know how they're a bunch of hypocrites, The undead guy who lead or used to lead them also made a rant on that discord server and It was posted here in the forum, they love playing the victim.

The girl who wrote their manifesto was also vocal against playable Nightborne on the Horde and the threads asking for fixes to the models, she now denies it and plays the misunserstood martyr.
What a high elf may look like:
10/08/2018 05:49 AMPosted by Starlagosa
10/08/2018 05:33 AMPosted by Eleroleron
@Starlagosa could you please post more of these logs? I'm finding them quite fascinating.

If I run into anymore I'll definitely post them. Most of them have really tried to clean up their act on what they post that everyone can see. After posting these little gems no doubt they're going to keep more of their obscenities private. They can still be hypocrites but at least less people will know.

Has your argument against the possible inclusion of High Elves devolved into "those guys are jerks and hypocrites?"

Every group has bad apples, especially if these groups gather behind keyboards where the language is amplified 10x. I guarantee you that everyone here in the GD has used some colorful language on the internet at some point. Don't pretend as though everyone in the Helf discord is a jerk, and don't ignore the fact that people deliberately go out of their way to be jerks to them. High Elves are a topic that plenty of people on both sides are passionate about, both of them will have their extremes

The discord used to have a channel dedicated to vent frustrations, it was the only channel that allowed the use of colorful language at the time. It was removed because they didn't want to spawn extra toxicity, and this was before People like yourself started watching them like a hawk (which I must admit is a little bewildering). The discord has always been moderated, there hasn't been an upsurge in politeness just because you watch them
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