The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Then why are your eyes either fel-corrupted or light-corrupted, while high elves’ are unpolluted?

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That all happened later. I’m still gorgeous.

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They’re not “corrupted” any more than High Elves are.

High Elves have glowing blue eyes because of their living on Arcane magic. It’s not a corruption so much as the physiology of Thalassian elves to almost exude whatever magic is sustaining them. Fel, Light, Arcane.

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most in fact don’t have glowing eyes but instead natural pupils. Those that did have glowing blue eyes would have mostly been those that lived in quel’thelas and are now blood elves.

Sure there are a few left in places such as dalaran but most have natural eye colors for their race.


Sorry, I mean it in the “why bank on such a flawed argument” sense. No matter who is bringing population into the conversation, the thing is it being the reason for HE not being playable is just a lacking justification given how it is simply not true if we look at other allied races.


That’s really just arguing about semantics at this point.


I don’t see it as flawed is the thing.

To be fair, the argument against population is based entirely on an assumption and quite literally challenging Blizzard’s almighty word. That’s the simplest I can put it.

I like how in their logic the High Elves kicking the Horde out of Dalaran is part of their faction identity and not interfaction conflict.

Your talking about Blood Elves. We are talking about High Elves.

Blood Elves did change from what they where, that is literally part of their story.

They changed cutlery from a division that was already there between Silvermoon and the more woodsy outgoing elves. Now considering Archers/Rangers backwards and a waste of time.

They took up a philosophy of survival at any cost, leading to them becoming fel tainted and large chunks of their population becoming withered.

They have become more and more of a Light based society and are starting to become “Light Tainted”.

High Elves chose to stay with the Alliance after the Second War and then chose not to take up the name of Blood Elf and the ideals that led to the Blood Elves becoming Fel Corrupted and withered. Their Eyes and Skin are not changed by Fel Taint or Light Taint.

The still follow the ranger path and still chose to fight with the Alliance.

The High Elf story is no longer the Blood Elf story.


I don’t know about that. Corruption carries certain connotations. Fel-corruption seems a thing, but “Light corruption” is a bit odd when put against “pure” Arcane.

That’s a lot of nice stuff you just made up.


and here lies the difference. You view blizzard as almighty when blizzard is in fact below the consumers and is beholden to them.

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The fact that you buy into Blizzard’s authority as a triumph argument, dismissing the obvious lack of internal consistency, does explain why you think the population argument has any value.

The whole point of this discussion is that we disagree with Blizzard on their decision and that they are wrong in their justifications. To say “it’s true because Blizzard said so” is meaningless appeal to authority.

In layman’s terms, not because something is “legal” is “right”


Now you are just purely trolling. or you are just that ignorant to the actual lore.


Look at the Mag’har recruitment scenario.

Light is no longer purely good.

Every single thing I posted is sourceable.

If you say it’s fake then you don’t know lore enough to comment on it.

They don’t have to change a dang thing. They already did with a bunch of other races.


And as I’ve said in the past, fair enough. I believe Blizzard dictates all in their own story, even when it’s apparently inconsistent to players.

Frankly I’ve said my view ten times over in this thread, I only return when someone quotes me from days ago and tries to skew something I’ve said.

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To be fair if it is fel or light corrupted it is also “arcane corrupted” so you are allowed to call out Alamara for lack of consistency.

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That was pretty much my point, aye.

I’ve read up on quite a bit of lore. I’ve watched videos, done quests, etc. I’m not claiming to be an expert, but I’ve not read a single thing about any of what that guy said. There is way more evidence in game that is aligned with what I and many others are saying, which is contrary to what you’re saying. Those random elves aren’t high elves. Fine, they look like them. They’re not them tho. Like banished void elves from quel thalas, they aren’t blood elves anymore. They’re void elves.

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Of course, but we are definitely allowed to call out lack of consistency with their reasons, regardless of what Blizzard says. Some disagreements are just about opinion -such as what are the limits of faction identity- but other inconsistencies, like pop, really are flawed because they don’t hold true across the board.

Fair enough.


Sure. I have issues with a few inconsistencies in the way things are portrayed in-game vs. in lore as well.