The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Gaaaah! This is the part that always frustrates me. The constant teasing by Blizzard. All I have wanted since WoW was announced was to play as a High Elf.

It is good to see though and I really do like the blue golems.


Guess you got me.

But remember in Legion, the main area where the SC be sets involved in is the Hunter campaign.

Then we see what looks to be mages in Suramar…but they missed an opportunity for their involvement or show off of skill and prowess, so I dont really count them.

This would be the first time since Wrath that SC mages are shown off or more prominently than their hunters.

I didnt know that Lorthemar was once the Grand Magister


Wonderfully laid out!

I’ll look into those quests, it’s been a while since I’ve played through them.

I still see High Elves as low population compared to other races by a fair amount, though I understand a player’s want to feel legendary. It’s a delicate balance in a MMO, sadly.

Yes, and the majority of Silver Covenant mages are Battle Mages.


This would be the first we have seen them. That’s just untrue.

I am thinking they are continuing on with the battle mage trend in BfA.

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Actually we really enjoy the Hunter prominence of the Silver Covenant. And also makes a lot of sense.

Silvermoon - Paladins;
Void Rift/Suramar - Mages;
Silver Covenant - Rangers;
Darnassus - Priests/Druids.

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That has always been one of the sticking points hasn’t it. The thing with the Void Elves and the Light Forged shows that can be bypassed. Void Elves in particular are a portrayed as a very small force. Light Forged could always recruit from the regular Draeni but honestly how many of them are there anyways? I know Blizzard has played fast and loose with population figures since… well Warcraft 1. That and time,

While we don’t know the exact numbers of High Elves they have shown up in some fairly large numbers for awhile now. Most recently a significant force in Suramar in Legion. I’m not saying they should get their own population centers/region of Stormwind (they totally should though) but the idea of there being enough of them to support several promininet player hero’s is in my eyes set.


I don’t know if it is appropriate to comment this here but, 2 spirit Highborne Night Elves hold the portal to Azsuna, while in the Horde side we got 2 Nightborne. Did Farondis and the Azsunian Highborne get along with the Shen’dralar and by extent the Alliance? Maybe that’s because the Nightborne might be sacking Azsuna in search of magical artifacts from the ancient empire? Probably it’s just headcannon, but i like to speculate stuff.


We also dont know if they are SC

Also didnt do anything, so I behest count them.

Didnt those get retconned? They havent been mentioned since their intro, and their one existing achievement in the runestones got changed to a creation of arcanists

I would like to know what happened to them.

Most likely highborne helping highborne.

It’s because stance and demeanor are behavioral, not biological.


To a race like Humans, Orcs, Forsaken, Blood Elves, absolutely, the High Elves have a small population by comparison.

To a race like Lightforged Draenei, Void Elves Mag’har Orcs, Darkspear Trolls, the High Elves have a comparable, if not larger, population.

Despite being scattered around the Eastern Kingdoms and other parts of Azeroth, we still see single groups of High Elves engaging in military actions with the kind of effectiveness and success that large armies would pose, which isn’t all that surprising. Kael’thas took 15% of the survivors of Quel’Thalas as his forces. If 15% is enough to go through multiple campaigns in WC3:TFT as well as Outland and BC, then the 10% exiled from Quel’Thalas would constitute a large force. That also makes sense considering they ended up at Quel’Lithien Lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands, and protected Quel’Thalas border from the Scourge for years. Those are not the actions of a small population.

In Cataclysm the Quel’Danil Lodge in the Hinterlands withstood a battle with Horde forces.

The Silver Covenant has continually fielded a small army of High Elves against multiple threats in the name of the Alliance.

When you look at High Elves as a complete and total race, their numbers aren’t anywhere near as small as other playable races. Indeed, Void Elves were described as an, “Elite Crack Squad of Elves.” The Silver Covenant is far more than a Squad.

This is among several reasons why population is just not a factor for a race being playable anymore. We have too many playable races with populations beyond tiny for it to matter.


Aye. Looking at the silver covenant realistically I would have to be composed of multiple battalions which consist anywhere of 500-1000 soldiers each. They also have a small naval force and siege equipment/artillery.


Not just that but there are population centers that are fully capable and are assumed to have a population that is increasing their numbers the old fashioned way. It’s not like there is a small group of survivors dying off but a civilian population doing civilian things. Aka having babies. We don’t see them wandering around Stormwind but they are supposed to be there.

Hence me wanting a High Elf quarter but that might just be me. After seeing how amazing the new BFA cities are I wouldn’t mind a major revamp of the old capital cities.


Do I see a High Elf training a Void Elf? :smirk:



At this point if the High Elven groups united under a single flag, located in one place, and established a proper government, there really wouldn’t be a question as to the future of High Elves. There would be a large enough population to sustain multiple generations, and a stable enough government to ensure that becomes a possibility.

It’d start out much like a City-State, but that’s still a lot better than nothing. Considering how each different group has adapted over time, the High Elves would have a diverse society adapting different aspects of other cultures for certain. I think that’d be very interesting for them, and certainly far more than Void Elves have or will ever have. With the Void Elves, it’s all pretty much the Void. Anything else is just… filler. But with High Elves you have the potential for different philosophies and ideas to really be strong within a united society, as much so, if not more, than what Quel’Thalas has for the Blood Elves.


It IS very interesting that while the alliance retains “Silver Covenant Guardian Mages” as their portal-holders, the Horde gets neutral “Argent Mages.” It seems that Dalaran is still alliance, even if just nominally and still preferring to maintain a more neutral approach in practice. Dalaran didn’t leave the alliance tbh on the Legion prelude, they were just willing to work with the Horde to stop the Legion.

Also it does seem that the Court of Farondis ghost-elves are more partial to the Alliance, neat! But I still I am very intrigued as the why do we have a direct portal to Aszuna, mmm.


You do ;D hehehhe


I think the Azsuna Portal actually leads to Legion Dalaran. I can’t imagine where else it would go.