The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Moonwells being well of eternity water is strange. Not only does this make them fonts of literal, primal magic, something Night Elves considered forbidden until Cataclysm, and still look wearily upon, but also since WC3 the well and Nordrassil no longer provide them with immortality.

RPGs have been decanonized.

They are well of eternity water (Arcane) with nature blessings.

Personally I take it as Moonwells being a “safety treatment” for the waters of the Well of Eternity. Given that each Moonwell is made with purified water from another Well, the “raw power” would be very diluted.

It’s implied that Illidan made the first Moonwells, and perhaps in the same way that Nordrassil was planted to harness the power of the New Well, those firsts Moonwells were treated on a similar way -also consdiering they might have been made themselves with a small faction of WoE waters-

So in the same way Nordrassil as sacred, the Moonwells are, because were altered.

In Dalaran, were even the air is stained with arcane, is quite safe to assume that the High Elves there didn’t suffered too much from the sunwell lost.

if i remember correctly, it says that by adding normal water to the water of the well of eternity, it greatly enhanced the power of tiny amount of well of eternity water. you’d think it would dilute it but says it enhanced its power. go figure.

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As much as I have to criticize about BFA, I’d still end up putting out 5-10$ for a High Elf DLC.

That is something I am vehemently opposed to doing as a policy in general, but it just goes to show how much High Elves belong as a playable Alliance race from a lore standpoint.


Yeah, sure. Totally had nothing to do with the excessive brigading of Nyshant or anything.


could you imagine the fallout? high elf fans would be blamed for introducing and promoting DLC in wow.

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They get blamed for everything already anyways, might as well might as well get something out of it for once.

its voodooo. or as jabba the hutt would say
 pooodoo. hehe

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Wait, what?

Cool. We can do without such abuses.

It’s a pity that people can’t just ignore threads/opinions and feel the need to silence all dissent.

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Just realised with the scaling they added to the whole world of Azeroth and the fact they can adjust them as shown after they launched it, Hinterlands could be a High Elf and Wildhammer Allied Race starting hub and zone for them since it sort of matches more then say Dark Irons in the other zones, just lower the level bracket down to 1 but keep the maximum they put there so it applies to both sets of players :smiley:

That’s an awesome idea. Definitely have my vote on that!

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My name is Pepino and I approve this message :+1:t3:!.

Glad to see the Threads are unlocked again.

As far as making Hinterlands a starting leveling zone, I don’t think we’d see that. Leveling Scaling doesn’t seem a good reason to push new characters into a random zone. I mean, imagine level 1 Nightborne started out in Suramar, most of which questing is rep gated? Or Lightforged Draenei starting on Argus? I like how Allied Races travel to Stormwind and start from there.

In regards to DLC Allied Races, while I’m not a fan of the idea, I openly admit I’d buy High Elves as their own Allied Race in a Heartbeat if that was what it took to get them.

Aye thats why i brought up Dark Irons as well, there homes were designed as late end game content is why whereas Hinterlands is a lower level well leveling zone thus makes it more adjustable, while a LFD on Argus would make sense if they joined during the end of Legion itself not post Legion it would make sense problem is thats a end game content zone thus not scaled its the same with Suramar and Nightborne joining the rebellion.

Basically the HMT, LFD and Nightborne are in a 120 zone effectively, VElves have no zones, DiD do have a zone near them but the story doesn’t match enough and the level bracket is far higher as well, Draenor Orcs don’t have a zone anymore, Zandalari and Kul’tirans face the same problems as the first three being current end game zones.

Hinterlands is low enough level to support Wildhammers, High Elves and Forest Trolls since the level bracket isn’t all that high for the zone, this also makes it unique as theres not many low level bracket zones for new races to appear in like take Furbolg if they joined the Alliance, we have Darkshore for one clan and Azuremyst for another clan both of which are already low level zones, Quillboar on Kalimdor are another deal who exist in already very low level zones again.

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How’s about this
 we give Blood Elves Blue eyes, and make something up in the story that could cause an even greater fallout between the remaining high elves and the Alliance (Maybe Dalaran gets destroyed or something) and the remaining High Elves have to choose either void, or blood.

High Elves just aren’t relevant anymore, they’re just a waste of an npc, asking for them especially since Blizz said no 2 times is just silly.


No. +7 chars.


It’ll probably just be something where blood elves regain blue eyes and blizz just stops using alliance versions over time as the void elves get a bit more love (though, sporadically like all races whenever it’s convenient with the story.) Could definitely be something that sparks it story wise; they’re in prime territory story wise this or next expansion for it.

We might see some resolution come from the three sisters cause unless (or maybe because) Blizz does a redemption arc for Sylvanas (not that I specifically want one,) we might see a shift happen with the remnants that are in the alliance and/or are neutral. Even if they don’t it’s not even needed, blood elves don’t need them for development since they’re already a prime playable race versus just being NPCs used as a foil.