The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

I think that blood elves are basically high elves.

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Was this thread just closed?

You do know anti people where reporting pro people too right?

I think with the new system flags against individual post count toward the entire thread.


eek i’m afraid to post. two threads now have been closed right after my most recent post. i’m getting paranoid.

Moderator note - The thread was temporarily locked down due to a large number of flags. Upon investigation, a vast majority of those flags had come from a coordinated effort to have the thread locked. As such, the flags were removed and those abusing the flagging system suspended from the forums.


They got it back up pretty quick for a Sunday night.

Both sides have reported each other. We know this. I think the locking of either thread…was rather dumb and tasteless.


This tribalism is getting out of hand.

Case in point…


oh thanks for the update.

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Where was my invite to this anti collaberated movement? Mine must have been lost in the mail.

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Not really sure, I never get one either :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s probably people who don’t post much I’d wager, or not as much anymore. In any case it’s probably best to drop it as talking about moderation isn’t generally frowned upon. We know people abuse the system regardless of viewpoint and it’s unfortunate that it happens at all, but the mods generally work things out.


So why is my thread still locked then, for the second time, no less? There’s no doubt it was a coordinated effort there as well. Thread has been up for months without this kind of issue.

Moderator Note - Because I didn’t see it at the time. My bad.


so was it ever discussed in this thread, regarding how the allianced quel’dorei sustained their magic addiction beyond meditation and the sunwell ring? did they touch on the moonwells?

i’d ask the mod who responded to this thread’s closing but i dunno who it is

Yall dun goofed on the last thread :see_no_evil:

There are a few quest where you gather magical artifacts. Like Allerian Stronghold.

Quel’danil just happened to get a cursed one that turned them into Wretched.

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You are a champ. Thank you.


so nothing about moonwells? isn’t that odd? i mean the moonwells are powered by water from the well of eternity according to their lore. its nature based magic. in the rpg, the nelves wouldn’t allow them access but this is not the case in the mmorpg as anybody in the alliance can access the moonwells.

That’s sad too, it was the one with the most development.

Basically this; we know thanks to the Allerian Stringhold quest that High Elves can manage their addiction by consuming magic from items; given that most of the remaining High Elves reside in Dalaran, it is very likely they had way more access to enough magical items to help their addcition in contrast t Blood Elves.

Tho we do know that the addiction wasn’t lethal, and that certain types, such as Farstriders, suffered far less from it, so much in fact, that an offshoot of them, the Highvale, basically overcame it, helped by some light worshiping.