The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No. +7 chars.


paying a premium upfront price for an allied race would be better than the 2 month long grinds they give us.


What is that supposed to mean?

Just a “no”, but it’s too short for the forum to accept it as a post.

But, if you want a better explanation: changing two decades of lore just to shut up people won’t make them happy.


If you could articulate how it’s changing two decades of lore when it’s not changing anything but adding to the ongoing story would be beneficial.

Also, forgive me but there’s going to be unhappy people regardless of outcome, and those decisions don’t hing on trying to get people to shut up or if they end up unhappy. I’d like to see blue eyes regardless of any other outcome overall and it’s a side effect that it’d make a few people unhappy. Whether this “shuts people up” or not I couldn’t care less.


i wonder if pantheon will have high elves. gotta get my helf fix somewhere. hehe

I have a better solution, Just Kill the younger sister, replace her with the older one ally side (or vice versa) and have ALL the remaining “Alliance high elves” convert to Void Elves, while others escape to silvermoon.

there’s no story left to give the High Elves, the Void Elves already cover wanting to bring back silvermoon, and they don’t like horde etc. while the Blood Elves cover being the High Elves true successors.

Both are playable Unlike High Elves, Blizz should do all of us a favor and wipe them out in favor for more VE and BE stories and representation, High Elves are a thing of the past.

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i disagree. i can prove with my poor writing skills, even, that there’s plenty of possible lore for alliance quel’dorei. you just need to loosen up your hat a bit, it’s cutting off oxygen to your horns creative juices.

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How many sissy elves do you people need?!

Funny, coming from a gnome. Elves are popular, there’s no denying it, by saying that there will always be demand for elves.


I’ve said it before but I’ll say it here.

I believe Blizzard want high elves to become a thing of the past in the way the highborne are. Adding them as a playable race would completely negate that.

Yes, there are a hundred thousand reasons that we could add to the narrative that would allow high elves to be playable, but I don’t think it’s in the cards for a reason. A reason I agree with.

I much prefer the idea of high elves as being these mournful people, the very last of their noble culture as they knew it.

I mean hell, we could do mental gymnastics to add naga or dragons as a playable race but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


I’m a feminine female irl. i like flowers and elegance and and tracery art. calligraphy and hieroglyphics. elves and mages and healers and …gnomes are good too. i like archery. women that move more like women and less like soldiers, even if they are soldiers.

why? :smiley:

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You realize you are playing a fantasy mmorpg, based on things like dungeons & dragons and tolkien and european folklore?


Ok? That has literally zero bearing on what I said.

o.o then why did they put high elves in island expeditions, war fronts, bolarus

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Because they still exist, but not in great numbers.

playable naga? easy!

jaina decurses them, they revert but since they’ve been away from the well of eternity, they revert to more of thalassian appearance with fish fin ears instead of bunny ears and their class is siren (bard in case you didnt get the connection). when in combat,they temporarily revert to their naga appearance but its only for a few seconds.

tada. can wear normal belf armor. can still be naga looking while in elf form and combat is initiated in their naga form .

I don’t think you read what I said.

I said we could do mental gymnastics to add them as a playable race, like you did, but it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

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how is anything going to be added without mental gymnastics? every new thing added to the game is going to have to be checked against existing content.

Mental gymnastics tends to mean ridiculous leaps to reach a far-fetched conclusion for the sake of justifying that conclusion.

You don’t need mental gymnastics to write a good story. High Elves have been set up to be a nearly wiped out people, we’ve had actual dev commentary on how the closest thing we’ll get to a high elf is a blood elf, and Blizzard even did mental gymnastics to give Alliance a race of a similar model to appease people who wanted to play a Thalassian flavored elf.

If they didn’t have a reason to keep people from playing High Elves, they’d have added High Elves.