The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

the portrait makes your mog look unique…dem Void Elf EYES.

The helm he’s wearing also enhances the blue eye glow.

Too much negativity and games over there, I just don’t bother.

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One half of that party here, that was honestly ridiculous which is why after the few back and forths I stopped. Not proud of it, but sometimes can’t help myself.

Does no good anyway, Blizzard makes the decision ultimately at the end of the day.


Starting to think I should withdraw a bit from the forums unless I have something extremely relevant/interesting to post.

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Thats what I been doing, its a nice change <3

You said you think they’re pretty

Idk how that translates to all that

The Anti crowd is just mad that people enjoy stuff

Considering the entire population didn’t go gold, nor ANY non Horde aligned elves who have made pilgrimages to the Sunwell and are tied to it just like every other person of their race with small exceptions (void elves and Alleria,) it’s not really an argument that they can’t have blue eyes.

Also, the last part about none having appeared later than MoP is false.

People can get upset over the bickering but saying that people are “just mad that people enjoy stuff” is pretty narrow minded. Many people have legitimate and valid reasons why they want one thing over the other and prefer not to have Alliance get High Elves/etc.


Oh, my discussion will come here if they don’t re-open it. I took one look at this thread at the time and noticed any actual discussion or debate had died, and it had become just planning and concepts, fanfiction and fanart, as if High Elves are some kind of guaranteed eventuality.

I wanted a place for actual debate, discussion on the matter, a place to draw comparisons, similarities, and just gushing in general about all elven lore. This place was talking about things like handing Silvermoon to the Alliance, dragon people, druids, shamans, unicorn mounts, etc, all of which seem like force fit “differences” to arbitrarily hand High Elves just to give them an identity that they simply don’t have.

Over the course of the thread I think, aside from some very toxic, openly hostile and frankly, salty people, there were some good discussions made, especially regarding Half Elves.

At no point, not once, did I step in here to bring any of that counterplay or argument into this thread, which if I was a troll many have claimed or flasely flagged me to be, I would have. I felt a good Yin to this thread’s Yang.

Unfortunately, some people are intent on flagging everything they don’t agree with in some childish effort to sweep away opinions they don’t want to see, so I may thusly bring discussion here if Blizzard truly want this to be the overarching containment thread regarding High Elves.


That is the entire purpose of these threads. This was why they were created in the first place. Their purpose was never to debate whether or not they should be added. It was to make suggestions for their addition as well as showing how much the community loves high elves.


Not sure if you were around when the forums got bombed by High Elf threads everyday until they started locking them and containing them, but that’s exactly what it was supossed to be.


and those threads were 90% threads complaining about the large amount of high elf threads. barring a few strays the only true high elf community thread has been the megathreads.


Yet this thread about High Elves supposedly includes discussion both for and against, even according to the original post of this thread.

When visited, however, it painted a very different picture than actual discussion from both parties, which was of course, why I created my version back in August of 2018, and then reposted it when the new forum transition went live in November.


They were created to stop their being hundreds of High Elf threads on the forums.


they’ve closed your thread again. whats up with that?

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People from a coordinated, salty and angry High Elf fandom I imagine.


but it was a good convo. :angry:

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It’s obviously a segment of the same people abusing the flagging system, which now that it’s been done twice in a row, will be easy to see for moderation.


well to pick up where we left off –
since the rpg lore of nelves not allowing helves access to the moonwells, apparently is not applicable in the mmorpg, theres wiggle room in there for them actually doing so. but there’s also the sunwell ring that vexander mentioned and meditation.

theoretically, the writers are just avoiding the topic entirely cause the devs had no plans for playable silver covenant. but now with the heavy focus on it, i could see how having access to nature magic is entirely possible since they could’ve easily sustained some of their addiction by moonwell use which is nature based magic . it 's important to know the moonwells were restarted by water from the well of eternity, so its working on the same premise as the sunwell but is neither holy nor arcane magic. its nature magic.

presumably. the sunwell ring wouldve contained the arcane/holy mix?