The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

That’s very gentle of you, Pepino! But I think I did not leveled to 120 due to lack of time. I’m working into Brazilian streams, a blog and I also have the High Elven jobs.

If I need to get my character to 120 don’t worry I’ll call you.

I think the best option is the Nathanos-like humans.


It was only shut down because individuals abused the report function and is slated to re-open in 12 hours.


Blizz admitted this much, it’s no secret. The Horde was given a pretty race to help with faction imbalance. Lord knows it worked like a charm lol

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I don’t know if, “Abused,” is the right word or not. There were a lot of… hostile posts in there. Plenty of trolling, inflammatory remarks, and calling out/insulting other posters. I’m not surprised there was a lot of flagging in that thread. I’m just surprised it was closed is all.

There are plenty of times I just stop following it when people get into circular quote debates and start slipping in insults towards one another. Not worth keeping up with then.

[Edit]: To be clear, there were a lot of posts from posters on either side of the argument that seem worthy of being flagged.


There is an auto close if enough posts get flagged. Same thing would happen in any topic whether the flagging is legit or false.

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Ah, that makes sense, and seems like a bit of a bad idea. I wonder how many flags are required to close an entire thread, as opposed to getting an individual post checked out?


I don’t know but this flagging system that makes posts go dark is the same as the old downvote, imo. I don’t understand why they have this system if they didn’t like the other, they’re almost the same.

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I’m not that sad, I’m okay with anti opinions being shared here.

The problem with that thread is that it was made because certain antis were too stubborn to admit their opinions were absurd after being countered and debunked many times in this thrwad, so they had to create that thread as their little safe zone.

Despite that, there was alot of participation from the “pros” in that thread.

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This is what I would consider an, ‘Inflammatory,’ post.

For one thing, I’ve never been entirely comfortable with the label of, ‘Anti’s,’ or, ‘helfers.’ It’s a great way to de-humanize another person and just dismiss their opinion. Tribalism is fine in-game, but when we’re on the forums discussing things together, I feel it’s better to judge people by the content of their posts and the words they use to convey that content, rather than by their stance.

For another thing, stating that those with a dissenting opinion needed a, ‘safe space,’ is also inflammatory. Buzzwords like, ‘Safe Space,’ are just begging to start an argument.

Nothing against you personally, Frankenstula, just using your post to explain something that has bothered me for a while now.


‘too stubborn’
‘opinions were absurd’
’ little safe zone’
Not helpful.

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I didn’t say that to dehumanize and if it makes you feel better I’ll change that to “people who disagree with high elves being playable” and “people who agree with high elves being playable”.

I was just using that term because it’s short and simple, not as an insult.

Regarding the safe space, I’m also just using it quite literally, not as the insult that people tend to throw around these days. (Similarly to how being a feminist is thrown around as an insult, even though it’s a good term)

I would have nicer things to say about those people if they had stayed in the official high elf thread instead of running away to their own hub/club/safespace just because their illogical desires to be spiteful were getting trampled here.

I am also not saying that all of them are like this. And with all that being said, there was a large participation from many “I agree with playable high elves” people in that thread as well.

I am very happy to see that the whole high elf discussion will stay in the official thread.

Realistically, the Alliance won’t be getting anything of that importance, read High-Elves (as opposed to Blood-Elves) without giving something back of great importance to the Horde. It has to be something aesthetic and lore-wise as important.

Not because I want it that way, but it is the way that WoW is designed at every single expansion so far.

If the player-base of either faction don’t want to give, no one will have it either.

I suspect it still matters. They’re still being very careful in what to add to each faction. My doubts are based on why the Alliance got the Void elves in the first place, instead of High-elves.

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Sorry, I forgot to answer this bit.

I know it sounds weird. But is even less weird than the Blood-Elves aligning themselves with the Horde… Let’s be frank, no matter how pouty they got when Lord Garithos treated the Thalassian like cr*p. IMO it is a lot weirder due to the fact they aligned themselves with their longtime enemies: the Trolls.

The narrative for the Vrykul can make do: Either Sylvanas try to get on the Vrykul good side by being diplomatic with them, or enslave the Val’kyr once and for all, and get the Vrykul as a perk.

One, what does that have to do with High Elves on the Alliance?

Two, given that e don’t know how the Sunwell exposure works, saying BE “Should” have blue eyes is complete speculation.

The fact that BE got golden eyes, yet haven’t got blue eyes, implies a contextual difference for it, with Golden eyes being more likely -hence why they happened- than blue eyes -which have not presented themselves again in the population at large. -Of the few blue eyed blood elves that have existed in WoW, none have appeared later than MoP-


wish they added more high elf lore the stuff they keep adding are just small teases.

I’m glad it’s coming back.

While I may be on the pro-side, the anti-side deserves to have their own place to discuss the topic and I’ve participated in that topic almost as much as this one.

Personally I feel that the anti- topic still helps keep the issue of Alliance High Elves visible and thus more likely to be noticed by the devs.


I’m impressed these threads are still up.

Why? this thread isn’t going to end.


On the one hand I think making your own thread against something just because someone made their own thread for something and you don’t want to discuss in their thread is not a good mindset.

On the other I really liked how most of the arguments and pettiness was contained over there. Some people from both sides got really petty.

Guess that’s what did it in though. People have literally argued over the meaning of words over there.