The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

high elf unique model would look good but it comes with a chance of it coming out badly like Nightborne.

I think the non glow ā€œhuman-likeā€ Blue Eye is more fitting for High Elves.


Youā€™re confused that people want more customization ?

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I found the High Elf Allied race theme song :laughing:

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A big difference between the blue eyes of female High Elves and Blood Elf Death Knights in the in-game models is that the first ones didnā€™t glow and they are almost violet while second ones are pretty much cyan. No much problem in giving blood elves blue eyes but at least make them explicitly different, but i still would prefer to have the option to chose between having my high elf with glowing eyes or not.


I just donā€™t think giving BE blue is necessary, they already just got gold. Especially when there are still other non-elves with glowing eyes but only one color option.

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While I would love for High Elves to get their own starting area etc I honestly donā€™t see it happening. I donā€™t see any new races getting that actually, not now that we have the Allied Race ā€œrouteā€. However like all the allied races I do think it possible for High Elves to have their own ā€œhomeā€ like the others have, though where it would be would be hard to figure out.

Dalaran would perhaps make the most sense, they have been and are a huge part of Dalaranā€™s history and culture, and the bulk of their militant members live there with the Silver Covenant. Their lodge in the Hinterlands could also serve as a sort of ā€œbaseā€ maybe with a little ā€œremodelingā€ of the zone since when and if the Wildhammer Dwarves get added that would be their city hug as well.

With the phasing and stuff they have been using in the old world they could literally make it anywhere and you only have to see it after you complete the introduction quest.

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More like Iā€™m confused why people donā€™t like them when they are inherently symbolic of Blood Elves, just like gold eyes are. (Which fits their diurnal motifs fine enough to be acceptable.)

But blue eyes really arenā€™t, the transition of blue eyes to green is exactly part of what characterizes a Blood Elf compared to the other elf races.


I would like to say that Iā€™m very sad about the closure of the High Elves Donā€™t Work: A Primer topic. The topic served both, to keep the High Elven discussion organized, and, to be a place where all people engaged on the High Elven debate could have a proper space to argue.

I hope the forum employees will not only keep the topic still available, but even maybe re-open it.


Dalaran does seem to make the most sense to be honest. It wouldnā€™t be hard to have the city hover somewhere over the ocean (private zone), and then make the Silver Covenantā€™s area the High Elf base again. I suppose the only real issue then would be if Dalaran is used again in the future, but if it were, itā€™s not as if the Silver Enclave canā€™t just stay that way rather than get remodeled the way it did in Legion.

Iā€™m sorry if I missed similar suggestions from those 5.6k posts at this thread but:

I had a lot of thought and my guess (as in my own personal impression) is that Blizzard hasnā€™t given High-Elves to the Alliance YET is because theyā€™re still afraid of faction imbalance.

I would correct that by GIVING the High-Elves to the Alliance, with everything without hold-backs:

  • New hairstyles.
  • Tattoos.
  • All classes (Paladin, Warrior, Priest, Mage, etc).
  • Heritage armor
  • Better models and animations
  • Starting zone and the whole shebang (with perhaps the creation of an arcane based Sunwell with the help of the Night-Elves)

BUT, and this is VERY COOL for the Horde (as I would like to play it, Iā€™m guessing many would agree); I would give the Vrykul to the Horde. Those lore based human ancestral, horn-helmet users, ax-wielding, 4-feet tall Vikings with an attitude. And ALSO:

  • New hairstyles (w/ few beard selection, and female war makeup options), and human-like skin tones.
  • Tattoos
  • Classes (DEATH KNIGHT, Warrior, Shaman, Druid, Mage, Priest and whatnot)
  • Heritage Armor
  • New Models and animations
  • Starting zone and the whole shebang as well.

Cā€™mon, Vrykul fits Horde thematic perfectly! Theyā€™re not Alliance stuff!

Think about it: most of the Alliance always wanted the classic elf for their faction, and the Horde is looking for a human-like character for like forever!

Both sides would be happy, and Blizzard would get MORE subscribers and return of their player-base.

Make WoW cool again!


Upvote for high elf support. retracted for giving vrykul to horde. Vrykul are definitely an alliance race if they ever choose a side. IMO they would have been perfect to give to alliance as part of the first 4 in a similar fashion to how nightborne went horde.

Nightborne were helped by both sides but in the end the horde was more friendly towards them and more cooperative and understanding of them.

Vrykul were helped by both factions but sylvanas did try to enslave the valā€™kyr.


Why did it close down?

Ponti, we need to get you to 120! My main is a 389 Lock Horde, I could help you!

Personally I really donā€™t care what the Horde gets in general as long as it isnā€™t High Elves, but I think youā€™ll have a lot of others who would be upset to see Vykrul go to the Horde, as it is one of the races Alliance players have been requesting. In fact when the Allied Races first came out, the major Alliance requests at the time were: High Elves, Wildhammer Dwarves, Krokul/Broken, and Vykrul.


I understand your position, BUT I would give the Vrykul to the horde still. For two reasons:

  1. Theyā€™re aggressive, viking-like race. Which fits the horde thematic very well. Their faction armor fits like a glove.
  2. You need to give something back, you cannot take everything for one faction, otherwise it would cause imbalance.

stares dumbfounded

looks at nightborne, magā€™har, and zandalari

looks at dark irons

Really? you are going to say that about the alliance?

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You think we have an imbalance now? You should have tried Vanilla period. Before the Blood-elves there were like 7 allies for each 3 hordies. Is not much of a hard guess why the game design team moved Blood-elves to the horde.


I donā€™t think this is a problem. When Allied Races were first discussed the Developers said they had a list of ideas of what to add to each faction, and that the list of possibilities for the Horde was over twice as long as that for the Alliance.

The Horde has plenty of potential additions. Even now while Alliance players keep thinking about the same four additions (High Elves, Wildhammers, Krokul, and Vykrul) and scrap the bottom of the barrel for additional ideas that could work (Jinyu, Saberon/Botani), the Horde has at least two more variations of Tauren, Three more variations of trolls, a third variation for Orcs, two variations for Goblins (Gilblin and HobGoblins), Ogres, etcā€¦


At this point races will not fix the current imbalance favoring horde. Yes some people will switch over but the majority will stay where they are unless the races added have extremely good racials as that is what caused the imbalance in the first place.

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