The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Holidays are over. Anyone else hoping for 8.1.5 PTR next week?

Iā€™d say the chances arenā€™t bad. Pretty sure FFXIV is releasing itā€™s new patch this Tuesday.

Basically every person who wants High Elves.


Sure, but itā€™s fair to point the hypocrisy from both angles. Asking for blue eyes is definitely asking to have a feature that is now unique to Void Elves. (And, really, it diminishes one of the reasons for Void Elves which is a compromise to High Elves.)

Although to be completely honest, youā€™re not entirely correct either since Iā€™m seeing High Elf partisans here say theyā€™re ok with blue eyed Blood Elves as long as they get High Elves as well, whereas that Blood Elf I responded to would pitch the biggest fit about that ever happening.


Crypt ive been arguing since late 2017. If its one thing ive learned its you guys are disorganized despite the discord and if we picked 10 random Helfers theyd each differentiate.


Donā€™t Deathknights have Blue Eyes aswell, I think preventing something from happening cause of eye colour is pretty abysmal.

Plus if you really look High Elf Blue Eyes and Void Elf Eyes are actually different.


High Elves actually have pupils and are more human or donā€™t have glowing eyes at all.


Then donā€™t generalize? That just makes it hard to take you seriously, especially if youā€™re aware of that.

Well, youā€™re kinda doing it here as well as I donā€™t personally have a side and think Void Elves are sufficient enough but itā€™s fun to come here and pick apart the logical inconsistencies I see here every time I do come back!


and that is a good thing. A big argument used against us from the start had been we are just a hivemind or the same 20 people with 400 alt accounts each.

We donā€™t all agree on the same exact thing. That is how it should be.


Yes, but that is treated as a distinguishable class trait and itā€™s still different from Void Elf eyes in that it shines like a lightbulb.

Whereas Blood Elf partisans want what is basically the exact same eye aesthetic that Void Elves have, which Blizzard likely gave to Void Elves to make them closer to High Elves while still their own thing.

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Personally I think the green glowing eyes of Blood Elves are the worst features of them. DK blue eyes, Void Elf EYES AND high elf eyes are all 100x better. I can see whyy they are salty. Also the golden eyes are too glowy.

Whether or not you take me seriously is on you.

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Eh I think green eyes are actually pretty, which is why Iā€™m perplexed by the demand to customize them away.

Which just makes me think they really donā€™t like the fel, sinister elf theme at all and secretly want them to be good guy High Elves again.

The High Elves we want are already part of the Alliance, we just want them playable. Thalassian thematic isnā€™t exclusive of the Horde and it never was.


yea but if they add them to the game i dont want them to have the small boring quest that allied races have. I want them to have a cool introduction like worgen.

Then they would have to be a standard race with their own starting zone, start at level 1, etc. Iā€™m not sure Blizzard will ever do another standard race with the advent of allied races. But I suppose anything is possible as the devs like to say.


They could just split the starting zone for BE in half and make the story about a civil war.

Thereā€™s several reasons Blood Elves arenā€™t getting Blue Eyes.

  1. For the differential arguments. The only differences between Blood Elves and Void Elves are Skin/Hair/Eye color and it is used to differentiate between Alliance aligned High Elves and Blood Elves. If they do give Void Elves a more normal Skin Color option this will be even more important.

  2. The Sunwell is no longer a pure source of Arcane energy and Arcane canā€™t clear Fel. Also Light is a primordial power and Arcane is not. With recent lore we have seen that the Light can corrupt just as much.

  3. The Blood Elves are moving to an increasingly Light based society. (Are they being Light Corrupted?)

  4. They are still using Fel Crystals for some dumb reasonā€¦

  5. They completely separated Blood Elf and High Elf models to keep the Eye Colors Green/Gold Blue/Purple faction/race exclusive.

Side note; The forums automatically sort post with a number/period next to them. Neat!


Arcane magic always looks pink to meā€¦

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