The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I actually did and was told by multiple people from these threads “There’s already 2 other threads about this, stop making threads about this topic and post in the 2 that exist”

I’m fairly confident that no pro-high elf person from this topic told you or anyone else to post here about Blood Elves.

Hopefully you’re an adult. Assuming you are, you can surely realize that this topic is not about what you’re asking for. This topic is not about Blood Elves or their eye color. Asking for that here will do nothing to help you get what you want.

I realize I am probably wasting my time replying to you but I felt like it couldn’t hurt to be civil and answer as truthfully and frankly as I could. Posting about Blood Elves getting blue eyes in this topic is the equivalent of poking a hornets nest, which I’m fairly sure is your real intention. On the off chance it isn’t, I’m asking you nicely to stop. This topic is not the place for requests for blue eyes for Blood Elves.


When I made my own thread that’s what I was told multiple times by multiple people.

And I am pretty confident that those “multiple people” were probably either anti-high elf people who directed you here to act as an unwitting troll, people who don’t give a crap about High Elves but like trolling, or those “multiple people” are pure fiction and you’re an actual troll.

Needless to say, I am telling you right here and right now, this topic is not the place to ask for blue eyes for Blood Elves. To actively continue posting about it here, after being told multiple times in this very thread not to, is basically admitting you’re here to troll the pro-high elf community.

I’ll ask you yet again to please stop asking for blue eyes for Blood Elves in this topic. It’s not the place for it and such posts only serve to antagonize the pro high elf posters (which is what I believe the actual intent is).


Well if they really wanted to give Blood Elves blue eyes, they would also have to give Void Elves red eyes. It would only be fair.


Not as many as people think. The lore never delved too deep into the political systems of the kingdoms, but Stormwind is co-ruled by a parliament-like “house of nobles”, Ironforge has a senate, the gnomes vote for their king and, pre-dark times, Quel’thalas had the Convocation of Silvermoon. Sure, none of those are modern democracies, but they are also not completely authoritarian.

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Even if they just added High Elf cosmetic options to Void Elves, that would be enough.

At this point Blizz is just being petty.

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because it does exist. There is a rather large thread buried somewhere in the forums asking for the addition of blue eyes for blood elves.

Blood elves can get blue eyes in the same patch that gives high elves to the Alliance.

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I’m fine with that. Blue Glowing Eyes for Blood Elves, and High Elves get non-glowing eyes in Blue, Green, Gold, Purple, Brown, White…


I honestly believe the vast majority of players who want blue eyed belfs just want to troll the people who want HElves.


I agree. Most of them just asks for blue eyes to end the high elf requests.

But I don’t mind giving players options. Give them their blue eyes, so long as we get high elves in the Alliance.


I mean… I’m serious. I would be absolutely happy with non-glowing eyes for High Elves. At this point I’d much prefer it in fact. Let the Blood Elves get whatever glowing eye colors they like. Won’t affect my High Elves.


They know they won’t end it. They just want something to spite the other faction.


And then I just answer like I answered above.

Maybe if your posts were a little less biased and disrespectful towards alliance players and maybe if you make a little less spamming about blue eyes for blood elves with the intention to troll and annoy us, people here would not ask you to go away with this.


Buried as being a troll thread as I understand, but yes I did see where Pallymcpawn had made at least two threads asking the question.

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So basically you want to steal important features from the Alliance’s most recently added elf race for your own personal vanity. Got it.

Why wouldn’t it? It might not have been Lor’themar’s idea but he’s not the only one running Silvermoon, and Rommath is nowhere near a saint as we’ve seen time and again when he shows up on-screen.

I’d prefer the glowing eyes, not a fan of non glowing eyes for High Elves. Honestly of all the eyes, the Void Elf eye color is what I envisioned High Elves having from the start.