The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

You don’t need to be toxic about it.


“Oh. You’re seeking one of… them. Well, if you truly want to waste your time speaking with those backward individuals, you’ll find the rangers in Farstriders’ Square. Zandine can take care of you.”
Damm that is… intense. This warmed my hope a bit but, this is what they always quoted when you asked for hunter training?

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I found that if you ask about paladin trainers they demand you to be respectful in the blood knight hall if you value your head. Defenders of the weak and champions of justice btw.


Yea I imagine it’s highly unlikely but hey a guy can dream right? :slight_smile:

I’ll be happy enough just to get playable Alliance High Elves so I won’t quibble over a lack of Druids as a class option.

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I’m doing the Thas’dorah artifact questline with this alt now, i was excited to do it, so far i found both High and Blood Elves on it, apparently the farstriders didn’t have a problem with the Quel’dorei and Vareesa leading the expedition, curious.


Druids or Shamans! Shamans could also be viable, considering they close to Wildhammer and be a good selling point to seperate them from void elves and Blood Elves!


demand that you be respectful of them in their hall? How dare they!

The text is still from TBC, thought, so It’s not the current state of things. Silvermoon was painted as a fascist state at that point, there’s a lot of sinister things happening around the city, and the blood knights were the magisters’ hand to keep things in order.

If you wanna see more of the blood knight/farstrider feud, there’s a blood knight NPC walking around the city on his horse. As he passes throught some farstriders, they started talking bad about him.

The latest time we saw some rivalry between blood knights and farstriders was in MoP, during 5.1’s DIvine Bell campaign. In one of the missions, you are helped by one of each (the Farstrider is Orestes, the same one that later in Legion dies in Niskara helping Vereesa locate Alleria). During the MoP quest, thought, he and the blood knight character just taunt each other in a more friendly manner.

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Well, your character was exiled a few months ago.

I don’t think things are too sunny there atm.

Well, it’s still a fascist state, just not so desperate as before. I’d like to see how Silvermoon is nowadays (besides the shal’dorei tourists).

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Considering that it was a Silver Covenant expedition, put together by Vereesa to find her sister, it would have been very inappropriate for the Farstriders to have any objection, or say on it. But I am glad they helped.


Reading your post makes me remember the dark days, when many of our threads was deleted for no reason.

Even now I dont know who was responsible for that, some threads came back later, but most of those are gone forever.

Right after that insidious Q&A, seems like Blizzard started some kind of witch hunt against us.

I’m glad that’s something from the past now.


Most of the governments in WoW are authoritarian. This isnt something new.

None of the other governments go so far as to brain wash their own citizens if they start espousing whatever they deem to be wrongthink.


Yet, we also dont know if this still continues past the timelock of TBC either. Thus is the problem with that.

Then again, there also isnt evidence of this happening en masse, either.

It would be an interesting turn in the story to have a civil war erupt in Silvermoon between the Blood Knights and the Farstriders. Perhaps this is what the Silvermoon warfront will actually be about?

I could see some sort of partnership between the Void Elves and Farstriders emerging. Especially since it wasn’t too long ago that the two groups were able to freely mingle.

Blood elves got a gold eye customization option due to the holy portion of power in the sunwell. Considering it also consists of arcane, it’s only right that they also have a blue eye option as well to represent that.


Blue is an Alliance color.


Nope, It’s just a color that the alliance continuously tries to sully and ruin. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well feel free to go make your own topic to make fun of the Alliance and ask for blue eyed Blood Elves.

The rest of us here are talking about Alliance High Elves and how to make them playable and what we’d like to see if/when they do.