The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I agree with all of this, but I just see them avoiding Dalaran due to its heavy use in Legion and Wrath.

I’d say mages but also hunters. The reason is because hunters used to use mana and were almost a type of caster in their own right, shooting arcane shots, using frost traps, and whatnot.

Honestly I would say Mages are the common ground between High Elves and Blood Elves, and the divergeance of culture is the Blood Elves embracing their Blood Knights and a more formal (more human-like funnily) military, while the High Elves continued the traditions of having a military more focusing on Rangers.


I like this interpretation, it makes a lot of sense actually!


Void elves seem to be taking this spot, albeit with void-flavored mages. The way they are being used is very close to how the Kirin Tor would be used (sans summoning voidy things).

While this is true, as you yourself said, the focus is on Void Magic. It’s a fair bit darker than actual Mages are. I don’t think you’ll find mages animating the bones of dead dinosaurs or using magic to corrupt eggs.

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I would definitely say that mages, priests, and paladins are the elite in the modern culture of the blood elves. below them being the spellbreakers who are more or less specialized warriors, The farstriders exist in some capacity but it seems that instead of being the core of the army they are now more of a police force for the lands outside of the walls of silvermoon.


It doesn’t matter so much the “flavor” of the magic, I think the mage (and non-demonic warlock) standard spot on the Alliance is meant to belong to the void elves now.

I disagree. It seems to me that the Void Elves have found a specific spot as Dark Casters, the people who wield taboo powers for the benefit of the Alliance. They come in where regular magic can’t work alone. Look at Umbric and Jaina working together in 8.1, for example. She makes the portal, he makes it untraceable.

The High Elves we’ve largely seen in Battle for Azeroth have been mages, or magically inclined. Even though Void Elves bring a strong caster thematic, I don’t think they fill the Mage Role that the Alliance doesn’t quite have solidified by a race.


I think Hunters, Mages, and Priests are the Bulk of High Elf Culture in terms of Classes. Others like Warriors, and Rogues fit in that Bulk as well. Paladins, and Monks I could see that happening atleast. Druids and Shamans still unsure if its even part of their culture.

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Considering that the Guards call Hunters Backwoods and a waste of time and kneel before Paladins, it’s safe to say Rangers/Farstriders are outright hated and Paladins/Blood Knights are revered.

I wonder if they blame the Farstriders for the fall of Quel’Thalas given it was their job to defend it.

Combine this with them yelling “Go back to your forest!” to the Alliance sympathizers in the street you can say that Blood Elves are mostly aristocratic city elves who look down on the woodsy elves.

Wonder if the Farstriders are going to disband at some point… heh.


So there is already a political split happening between the Blood Knights and Farstriders. This could be the division that leads to the Farstriders joining the Alliance.


I don’t really want them to join the Alliance. I just see them breaking apart at some point.

I want to see how things are going to go with all the light worshiping and the growing influence of the holy side of the sunwell, Liadrin is becoming a zealot and they already exiled void and shadow users from their kingdom.

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Watch this all be a plan by the Naaru to Lightbound the Blood Elves.

They end up with glowing sun tattoos and stuff.

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If we ever do get High Elves, I imagine they will generally be ranger-themed. As far as classes though I’m hoping for them to have access to Mage, Priest, Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, and Rogue with my fingers crossed for Druid as a bonus.


At this point just give them new models and give them to you guys, so you finally shut up.

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Thats the spirit!


Wow thanks bud!



I agree with most of those classes with exception of druid. I know High Elves have been known to be druids, but I just don’t see them adding that to High Elf class roster.