The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

To be fair I’m fairly certain the Fel Crystals were retconned to be regular mana crystals, and that it was Rommath and the Magisters using Fel to reconstruct Silvermoon City and restore Eversong Woods which resulted in mass exposure of every elf in Quel’Thalas to Fel, thus resulting in the green eyes.

I could be wrong. For one thing, I don’t know how Rommath and the Magisters could’ve fixed Eversong, but from the Sunwell Trilogy, when Anveena was at Quel’Danas her little… pulse effect only fixed Quel’Danas. I don’t believe it stretched to Eversong which supposedly looked much like the Ghostlands before it was restored.

I would say the most notable reason would be that they have lived in those kingdoms for so long. Many would have been born in them and never seen quel’thelas. They view themselves as citizens of those human kingdoms.

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He is right like my family is native to scottland, ireland and england yet i was born in australia as were my parents.

Same can apply to the other races im pretty sure its mostly see for Dwarves and Gnomes more than Elves though.


The only one I find this to be believable for would be Dalaran to be honest. I don’t think most High Elves have an interest in other Kingdoms than that. This being said, certain lodges have been around for a while. I believe the one in the Hinterlands was established sometime after the Troll Wars and meant to keep an eye on Forest Troll movements in the region, but became one of the more well known settlements of High Elves outside of Quel’Thalas.

It seemed lordaeron had a large population of high elves. Enough that they had a sizable amount that enlisted in their military. I doubt all of those high elves were ones that chose to remain in the alliance after quel’thelas left. I believe many would have been born in villages and cities of lordaeron.

Hard to say for sure. I don’t see why many High Elves would want to live in Lordaeron to be honest. I suppose Quel’Thalas could have had an overpopulation crisis that was never made clear, but at the same time, it just seemed to me that the only Kingdom that’d have had a large sustainable population of High Elves (outside of Quel’Thalas), would’ve been Dalaran.

I believe lordaeron would of had a sizable population simply because it was such a big kingdom. It controlled tirisfal, northern silverpine, both of the plaguelands, and hillsbrad.

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They should just expand Highvale in the Hinterlands into a larger settlement complex and base the High Elves out of there. If we got another end-of-expansion 4 pack AR patch, like at the end of Legion, then Alliance could get Wildhammer Dwarves and High Elves at the same time!


My name is Pepino, and I approve this message :+1:t3:


Heres a further boost to that already good idea, turn the Hinterlands into a Warfront and it brings High Elves and Forest Trolls and proxy helps with Wildhammers :smiley: we got a Emerald Dream portal there and troll ruins of Shadra both of which are good exploits for War and it also helps secure the Revantusk Trolls home for the Horde and the Blood Elves have a better coastal route secured then to give reason for the Horde to show up.

Plus a little part of me wants more story onto Shadras status since its implied she was permakilled somehow despite how hard it is to truly kill a Loa (only 1 confirmed case).


Good ideas! Also, the San’layn could take over the Forsaken operations in the Hinterlands, giving the Horde Forest Trolls and San’layn as their allied races.

This thread is still going, eh? Cool.

Honestly, with so much of this expac boring the bejesus out of me, the only thing I could possibly get excited for is if they announced High Elves. Sadly, with my log-in time decreasing with every mind-numbing week I’m scrounging for something to keep me interested in the game, I don’t know if I’ll actually be around to see High Elves added (if the devs were even able to pull their heads out of their arses to make the decision to add them).


They could replace those night elf buildings with actual high elven houses and spires, we already have the assets on the game, i wonder why they didn’t did that on the cataclysm revamp, literally all the devs needed to do was to place the high elf buildings there and move the NPCs but they didn’t for whatever reasons.
I still prefer Dalaran as their hub, it is where the bulk of their population and military is, having 2 racial hubs on the Hinterlands doesn’t seems right, especially because the lodge there have about 1/10 of the importance of Dalaran.


In the Comics, Highvale actually is depicted as having High Elven buildings, even an Arcane Sanctum. I think the issue as to why it hasn’t been updated is twofold. Firstly, the Eastern Kingdoms really was the last continent to get touched up by the Cataclysm revamp. Secondly, the Thalassian buildings are differently proportioned to the Night Elven buildings, so it wouldn’t have been possible to do a 1:1 swap of the two without having to rework the terrain.

I agree. It’d be nice to see Dalaran firmly entrenched as an Alliance nation again. Right now the Horde has two sprawling magical kingdoms. Let the Alliance have it’s one.


I forgot about the proportions and forms, but even reworking the terrain on a really small area isn’t a big of a deal.

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shadra was permakilled because yazma used a forbidden dark ritual learned from the drakkari. it is the same thing that the drakkari did back in wrath to try to fight off the scourge. They permanently killed their loa to absord their powers.

so what class has the best identity for high elves?

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Historically, it would have to be Hunter, since the High Elf Rangers are the OG High Elf presence on the Alliance since Warcraft 2; they have remained as part of the alliance as part of the Alliance Expedition, and Alleria herself, their leader, is has returned.

Also, happy 2019 y’all!


btw. I recently found out that if you /eye a Silvermoon City Guardian as a Paladin they will Kneel.

If you ask for the Hunter Trainer they will insult them as backwoods and consider being one a waste of time.

So yes. It is confirmed in game that Rangers have lost focus and are looked down upon, Silvermoon is mostly City/Aristocratic Elves, and that Blood Knights are taking center stage in Blood Elf culture.


Much as I’ll get flack for an obviously biased answer, I’d have to say Mage. A lot of the High Elves we see in game are using magic (Silver Covenant Spellbows/Spellblades), or are outright Mages. This is especially true in BFA where High Elven Sorceresses were added to Stormwind, Shield-Mages in the Battle for Stromgarde, and now Archmage Yvera in Boralus to portal players around between Warfronts.

The Alliance could use a race that has a strong focus on the Mage Identity at this point. High Elves have an equally strong Ranger identity, if not stronger thanks to the profusion of Hunters who are lore figures (Auric, Vereesa, Alleria, etc…), but that does overlap with the Night Elven sentinel identity and right now the Night Elves should not have ANYTHING taken from them.