The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

aye. the vast majority of blood elf players want to play on the horde but want to also play a pretty race. They are not people wanting to play high elves secretly wishing to be alliance.


they are not the same they have completly different cultures and ideals
aswell as different methods of satiating there cravings belfs.
after the destruction of the sunwell the belfs needed a new way to satiate their hunger and illidan taught them to use fel magic.
the ones that still use this are in outland (hostile belfs)
the ones that dont went back to silvermoon after the repair of the sunwell and learned to leech life force of ethereals( i think). belfs are basicly dirty high elfs

but you should read some of the earlier posts

high elves are already in alot of the alliance cities and they are the ones that taught magic to the humans 
without high elves on the alliance we would have no mages so it seems fair we could play them.


No, blood elves are in the Horde, not high elves. When you create a new character, it say blood elf.


Will we have options to be a Elf Dragon, Human Dragon, and etc for playable Dragonkin on the Alliance?

Nope. High Elves are not playable still. Do I see Purely White Skin Elves that is Human Elves or anything Quel’dorei? Nope all I see is Sin’dorei Red Skin Elves.


When you read/play stories for decades and grow attached to characters, you want to play those factions. If all I wanted was a pretty elf, I could just play a Blood Elf. But that isn’t the point at all.


Blizzard are the ones who created the Silver Covenant. That lore isn’t going away just because it is inconvenient at this point in time.


The ship is off-course because of things like not allowing the Alliance to play a race that’s literally been part of the faction for over a decade.


I find this so weird, especially considering that the Horde parallel, Mag’har Orcs, were indeed added. No problems adding that one for some reason! People had been begging for it since around the same time as people were asking for High Elves.


Priorities are fine, we been asking for High Elves even at its best
 the game is falling apart cause Blizzard doesn’t care
 so you can’t put that on us, go make one of the 1000s of Blizzard QQ threads then.


Your priorities aren’t mine

If you want to be the “fix wow now” champion go be my guest, but that doesn’t mean we here should stop asking for what we want
 and we aren’t going to.


Must be nice to be in the position to say this as a Horde player, rather than needing to shell out upwards of $1k to move all my toons across server and faction so I can be seen as a valued customer and not a piggy bank for Blizz to break for spare change when they need to make the black for the next quarterly report.

Looks at the NPCs listed as High Elf Sorcerer in Stormwind

Clearly they’re not.


Pretty sure he’s not the one screaming incorrect lore for the sake of crying in a thread he doesn’t like existing.


Personally I want a dragon allied race to be an updated drakonid model with a racial to turn into a full drake or dragon.

If they go the route of having them look like another race but with draconic features as options I see that working better as a class based on dragons. That way you would essentially be a dragon choosing your mortal form which determines what faction you are on. Options to add on horns, scales, and other features would exist similar to how DKs and DHs have unique options.

Just gonna leave that here, it was surprisingly good of a read that made dragoning up races good.

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Wasn’t expecting to get linked here, but I’m still glad you liked the idea! Regardless of how it’d pan out I think there’s ample possibility for something like this down the line that would make sense but also be visually impressive and fun for everyone.

I think it’s better that there not be a dragon race per se, since something like a dragon should be for both factions/etc.

On topic: I think Void Elves were kind of the final thing here. I can understand the desire that people show but really don’t see it happening as it’s really been the Horde’s ballpark ever since they joined the Horde. Just my 2 cents.

Hey, last time I checked I was not in the Horde.

You can have that opinion but I think it is safe to say high elves will happen. If ion doesn’t do it his replacement will. We have waited 14 years. we can wait some more.

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Blizzard seems to have double standards when it comes to this kind of thing.

The Horde can take the “Purple Elf” Identity from the Alliance but the “Fair skin” elf Identity is an exclusive to the Horde.

Not to mention San’layn look like it might be a thing which completely is in the same identity space as Void Elves.

If blizzard were to be fair at all we should see High Elves around the same time as San’layn, but this day and age Horde favoritism is at an all time high.


Yeah, for me it’s where every counter argument falls apart, no matter what Blood Elves or High Elves are. Blizz already given the Alliance purple elf identity to the Horde, but for some “reason” (a.k.a Horde Bias) Alliance cannot have the Horde fair skinned elf identity.

The Horde bias on this game is complete illogical. I cannot understand why one developer would make so much more for just half of their fans/customers. It doesn’t make any sense.

Why, I would love more only half of my customers, when all of them keep paying the same for my services. I just can’t understand Blizzard behaviour on favoring Horde so much more, when Alliance is alredy falling into pieces, we’re going to the point where so few people will be playing Alliance that giving content to them will be a waste of time.


2019 is going to be a Great Year for High Elf Debates within the WoW Community. The Anti High Elf Thread has gotten worst.

There’s a Reason why I had to rethink my life and look myself in the mirror to see how much ridiculous drama I had gotten myself into or made. At this point I don’t even know how to even form a conversation with anyone now. Anti or Pro. I know the Antis are just laughly bad in arguments and reasonings but some Pros just made the Movement/Discussion for High Elves bit more worst than what happened to me on MMO Champion and few months back.

I’m not naming Names or anything But I think some of you Pros really need to rethink your Life and get off the Internet. Continuing to argue or bash or say ridiculous/insulting things will continue to make not just the Movement bad but also your life worst as well. Believe me I been through an insane mid life crisis through WoW Forums, MMO Champion and etc. I don’t want some of you Pros to fall under Pure Harassment or being completely mock/laugh at.

I know WoW Sucks right now because there’s no High Elves. But High Elves are not just only race on the Alliance for Allied races. There’s Wildhammer Dwarves, Broken Draenei, Vrykul Humans, Arakkoa, Dragonkin, and etc.