The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I honestly don’t see dragons going to any faction at this point.

Heya All,

It’s one hour till New Years here in Sydney, just wanna say Happy New Years and may 2019 bring smiles and joy to everyone. Also be the year that High Elves get announced and released :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

2018 been crazy with its ups and downs in WoW time to leave it in the past and move forward into a greater future.

For The Quel’dorei!!!

love everyone in this thread,

P.S also happy for Wildhammer Clan aswell in that announcement!



Friends and supporters of the High Elves,
The year 2018 will be remembered as a time where we have succeeded in establishing a clean, solid and clear community of supporters to playable Alliance Quel’dorei.

We got an undeniable position, as one authentic request from the World of Warcraft community. This was achieved through the demonstration of austerity as to what we ask, and how we ask.

When I started my efforts on behalf of the High Elves, I never imagined that we would have a solid place within the World of Warcraft community. As the months passed, we survived the test of time, and today there is no discussion about the future for allied races, without discussing High Elves, as if this future were ours already.

At the beginning at the year, on the avid February 28, our close friend Alurna Vexander brought up the High Elf Thread Discussion, which took the place of the Unofficial Void Elven Discussion Threads decision after 14 topics were created. The High Elf Discussion Thread would not only have more topics than its Void Elf predecessor, but also would double the number of threads created.

Seeing the great potential in favor of the High Elves at the Alurna’s publication, and knowing that there is no other text to summarize the essence of our aspirations, I worked hard on the re-publication of the same text now renamed “The Alurna Manifest of High Elves.”

This manifest, named in honor of the author, fulfilled a mission of being our nautical chart through the months to follow. The manifest received recognition and praise from big sources of information for the World of Warcraft community, the Wowhead blog and the YouTube channel Taliesin & Evitel.

Already on April 16, Community Manager Ornyx, representing Blizzard Entertainment, acknowledged the validity of the discussion that we build, despite the violent acts and online movements that tried to disqualify us within the World of Warcraft community.

Here goes, the words of our Community Manager:

Ornyx, in his work as the representative of the game community, has sent our wishes to the development team.

On April 26, 11 am and 46 minutes from the Pacific, the Game Director Ion Hazzikostas has declared the position of the World of Warcraft development team in why chose the Void Elves to be the Alliance’s allied race at the beginning of the expansion, rather than High Elves.

Ion, within his reply, expressed two refuted countless times arguments against High Elves: 1) that they would be a very small population race (and therefore Void Elves, who have a smaller population still to be made playable); and 2) the current model of the High Elves is very similar to the Blood Elves (although there is the possibility of modifying the High Elven model to the difference from Blood Elves).

Ion’s response triggered in the forums a veritable avalanche of feedback, either by condemning his words or by supporting them. Some even say that have never been created so many official forum topics on the same subject.

Ion Hazzikostas evidently is a professional who thinks in the most technical way possible. What I see of this situation is, before Battle for Azeroth the organized community in favor to playable High Elves practically did not exist, and therefore there was no clarity behind who asks for “Thalassian Elves” playable in the Alliance. The interpretation made by the development team would then be that Alliance players want nothing more than the skeleton of the Blood Elves playable in their faction, exactly what happened.

Adding to the fact that, from the beginning of Battle for Azeroth, there is no work-time to develop really different models in new animations and textures, it was necessary to create something on the basis of what already exists. Thus were born the Elves of the Void, a blue/purple recoloration of the Blood Elves.

However, it is untrue that the community of the High Elves is nothing more than a bunch of fans of the Blood Elves model too lazy to change factions. So we form a stable community with clear demands.

After Ion Hazzikostas’s response, I emailed him explaining our community’s position on their statements, such an email would become the Alliance High Elves as a Playable Race petition. An Open Letter to Ion Hazzikostas, who today has 663 signatures.

Everything we organized would not be possible without our discussion platform, the server Legacy of the Quel’dorei. Nothing that I have worked for the High Elves have taken so much effort and satisfaction from me than our discord server. Keep it organized, program bots, rules, design, ranks, API’s. All of this was precocious it and worth every second of sleep lost, mainly by knowing that persons like the Comunity Manager for European Blizzard, Aerythlea, and many of you reading, are part of this server.

The year 2018 proved to us that times for coming have the continuation of our passion to the High Elves as players of World of Warcraft. Looking forward to the future of our community created in 2018, my last words are to congratulate. Congratulations on everything you represented. And have a great new year.



Night Elves are alliance forever! Sylvie just seems obsessed with having our dead ones though.

What a ride this year has been!

The discussions started in November 2017, but it was in 2018 that void elf info was revealed.

We watched as our worst case scenario, that the void elves would be ill-presented, badly explained and very limited in customization and lore, to become true. All our previous suggestions were completely ignored as Blizzard delivered the worst conceived race ever in place of the high elves we always wanted.

Everyone expected us to give up. THe opposite happened. High elf threads exploded all over the forums. Blizzard kept denying us a proper answer, while our predictions for void elves kept becoming true: it’s been 11 months, and they are still a lore mess that makes no sense. Even the most basic questions (“can they create more”) remain unanswered.

This is a year in which I felt betrayed by Blizzard a lot of times, but I’d like to think 2019 will be better. Do I think Blizzard will announce high elves? No, I don’t think so. But I hope the new year brings us some much needed apologies, and a better compromise, whatever it is.

Stay strong, helfer folk.


What bugged me the most is I was willing to compromise when I played out the Alleria story and thought we were getting something just like her. Instead we get something completely different, with a different backstory, different visuals, and different acquisition of their void powers.

It should have been High Elves like Alleria who chose to follow their returned hero and chose to learn the void powers. They should have had customization options for the warpaint and only looked voided out when they went into entropic embrace (which also looks different than Alleria’s photo-negative version).


so are high elves hapening

No current plans are known yet. That’s why we are discussing it.

What bugs me is people who wanted Broken had to Grind rep with a group of Broken but got a completely separate and unrelated race.

They could have given Alleria her own faction or something.

This was one of the main request when we where shown Void Elves. But Blizzard really wanted them to have nothing to do with High Elves.

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so what chance do you give it? I’ve seen some high elf npc in island expeditions and warfronts…ive heard people saying we will get snakes and gnomes instead tho

I think blizzard just wanted to expand Void Lore…

Almost no chance this Expansion as it seems they had all the Allied Races planned out over the course of the Xpac.

There is still hope for the future though as many other races are also requested like Forest Trolls and Wildhammer Dwarves despite already getting new versions of Trolls and Dwarves.

Likely but we can’t really know for sure.

Void lore would be explored way better throught a class.
BfA is not even likely to delve too much into it.

Yeah, yeah, Azshara and N’Zoth, but there’s a difference between “Old Gods” and “The Void”.

I think High Elves will be added, just not in Battle for Azeroth. The Developers seem to want to keep the factions visually distinct for the duration of BFA due to concerns over players growing confused about whether someone they see is on their faction or not.

Yes, Void Elves, Nightborne, and Pandaren have been brought up, no, a Blizzard employee/spokesperson has never commented on those three counterpoints.


Well while Blizzard figures it out, I will be enjoying FFXiV and its ability to make Elves (light or dark skinned) without having to play on a specific faction. :smirk:


As others have said the chance of high elves this expansion is extremely low. We do know from what little info we have gotten from inside blizzard that we have them talking about high elves. No concrete plans or anything. Just be discussed among the devs.

Personally what I can see happening is something similar to the first 4 allied races. Preorder the next expansion and get access to them. This time it would be an “old allegiances” type deal where we get high elves, wildhammer, forest trolls, and ogres.

Blizzard clearly already had their allied races planned out. That is why they haven’t revealed anything past KT and zandalari. They suspect they will get major backlash from the next allied races so they are holding off until it is time to put them in. probably hoping that seeing the content and interacting with them before actually telling us they are an AR will make us more open to the idea of them.


Yes!! I hope this happens High Elves and Wildhammer omfg the dream team!


Can we just stop this, High Elves are already playable just not on the faction you guys want, give it up.

Blizz said no twice already, are you really going to make them say it a third time?


why would they switch sides?
sylvanas is a high elf…

One opposing opinion I often see is that somehow Belf players would switch in mass and join the Alliance. I think this is a flawed assumption. I love Blood Elves and mine would stay Horde. They wouldn’t betray Silvermoon for anything. However I would also enjoy playing some new characters that felt so strongly about the events leading up to and during TBC that they chose not to be Blood Elves. I remember rolling my first Belf and finding that scene in the Bazaar in Silvermoon where the NPCs are arguing about leaving the Alliance. That was pretty cool and made think. I have always found the High Elf - Blood Elf dynamic to be very compelling!


I see this a lot as well. But the last word from Ion was no current plans but anything is possible in the future.


they are not playable though. If you hate the topic so much go read another post on these forums. There are plenty other topics to discuss.

When we say we want to play high elves we are not saying the race high elves which should honestly be called thalassian elf at this point with all the different variations of it. We are saying we want to play the faction high elves.

also I am still waiting for blizzard to say no for the first time. They haven’t said “no, playable high elves for the alliance are never going to happen”