The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

A couple of the void elf skin tones are alabaster white. I don’t even think they can make the “fair skinned” claim.

that isn’t fair skinned though. It lacks coloration altogether.


So everyone is to blame for this individual? That’s pretty silly.

High Elves are coming to the game. On horde you fight high elves on Island Expositions.


No. I say some. There are some Pros that are blind and say misinformation/things to back up what they’re talking about. Which is what is happening on the Anti High Elf Thread.

Someone was saying that Lord of the Rings didn’t exist and that Warcraft/High Elves were which was confessing others on that thread.

So blame the individual. The tribalism in WoW has gotten out of control.

That is more what I mean by a dragon themed race. Something that looks like a Dragonborn/draconian from the D&D style. Drakonids fit that for Warcraft. I just want them to be playable. I also want my Alliance elf paladin damn it.


They could make it the AR for Worgen, where they are drakonids in combat and out-of-combat they have a twin forms style ability that turns them into a High Elf with draconic flair.

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Just wanted to pop in an say that I, for one, support playable High Elves in the Alliance.


I love the Void Elves, but they really desperately need a serious story. Just being bodies to throw at the Horde in the war campaign and incursions isn’t enough, they still only have two noteworthy characters and a very noticeable lack of substance. It’s a shame because they have so much potential, and that’s just a trend when it comes to new Alliance races, all potential with no substance because Blizzard can’t bother to put that work in like they do with Horde races.


I’m still waiting for the void elves to get any good lore…


I expect them to be able to eventually silence the whispers entirely, similar to how worgen control their rage. Either that or it gets brushed under the rug and forgotten that there are any negative consequences to mastering the void.

Aleria received her power without any physical transformation. It is doubtful any future void elves will undergo a similar transformation as umbric and his people. So that just leaves the Aleria route for new void elves.

Where does that leave us? With void elves being basically high elves that know void magic. This is the disappointing thing about them. They’ll end up as high elves with a gimmick. Something they arguably have been since conception.


This is most likely, with the ocasional traitor to remind people of the whispers, while the hero ones seem unaffected.

So apparently Blizzard is going down the drain according the forums, maybe finally they will listen to us, release High Elves to bring back new and old players.

And let’s not forget the money they make for Race changes.


I doubt even that. The worgen rage basically just makes them a temperamental people now. There’s really no downside to the “curse”. At best, void elves may be eccentric.

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I thought that the Worgen rage was cleansed in the ritual that grants the two-forms ability, and that Gileans were temperamental anyway, though I could be misremembering.

Also, I support playable Alliance High Elves! :hearts:


You know, I do believe Dragons had the power to gift mortal races with a Draconic form or some such, a kind of transformation. I suppose if Blizzard wanted to make High Elves more distinct from Blood Elves, seeing them all transformed to a new version of this wouldn’t be so bad. Just no scales. Horns are fine. If they look more like Ysera/Alexstraza/Azuregos, then I’d be pretty okay. New hair/skin colors of green, red, purple, blue, on top of existing skin colors would also be pretty great. Dark-skinned colors since Black Dragons take on darker skin colors usually. Similarly themed hair colors would be pretty cool too.

I’m up for Dragon Elves.

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why? Why give them a mortal form? The only reason playable dragon’s should have a mortal form is if it is a class and your mortal form is the race you choose when making it.

Don’t try to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. High elves are high elves. Dragons are dragons.

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I think that could make for a rather interesting take on playable High Elves to be honest. A Dragon-related race would be objectively awesome for the Alliance, I don’t think anyone could be unhappy with it. Make these Dragonsworn from High Elves, or even just the Silver Covenant, and I think Blizzard could add enough customization options to make them visually distinct from Blood Elves. That and there would certainly not be an issue adding classes such as Druid (Green Dragons) or Shamans (Black Dragons).

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Personally I don’t see a reason to do this. I want the 2 races separate. I want the woodland ranger theme for high elves. They can’t be that as dragons. Sure you can RP as it but to me I only RP by what the lore is.

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