The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

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why would the high elves join the alliance instead of joining the rest of their kind on the horde(sindorei). ?

those now known as blood elves were once high elves. The transition came about during the Third War, when Prince Arthas turned his attention towards Quel’Thalas. The Scourge slew more than 90% of the high elven population, devastating their culture and leading to the renaming. Of the 10% of the high elven population that remained, 90% of them adopted the name Sin’dorei (“children of the blood”) or Blood Elves.


blood elves are high elves under a different name but biologically the same. in other words high elves are a playable race but not on alliance side.
so i think a better arguement for this would be allowing blood elves to choose faction but i don’t think this will ever happen



screw it i give up wow is a cluster ^%&$ right now…
waiting for classic good ol classic rpg

Because they’ve always been part of the Alliance, and the story behind the “rest of their kind” being with the Horde is so transparently game- rather than lore-driven that it really never needs to be addressed.

The story of the Sin’dorei almost exclusively exists to constantly attempt to justify being with the Horde, and it doesn’t even do that well enough to make people who are committed fans of Warcraft lore stop talking about how wrong the situation is.


Biologically the two groups are nearly identical, but in terms of morals, loyalties, culture, etc… the two groups are distinct.

90% of the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas was wiped out by the Scourge during the Third War. The rest of the High Elves outside of the Kingdom were never accounted for in that number. Of those survivors, 10% would reject the mana draining techniques, rename themselves High Elves, be exiled from Quel’Thalas, and resettle in Quel’Lithien Lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands, which during Cataclysm was lost as it’s inhabitants became Wretched.

Thus the High Elves players wish to see playable would be those who, during the WC3 Era, had already more or less turned their backs on Quel’Thalas by ignoring Anasterian’s command to leave the Alliance and return to the High Kingdom. These individuals lived in Dalaran, served in the Alliance, accompanied Jaina to Kalimdor, and as of BC their numbers were further bolstered by High Elves from the Alliance Expedition of WC2, led by Alleria.

These Elves have all made the conscious decision that they do not approve of the Blood Elves’ tactics and morals, and certainly not the Blood Elves joining the Horde.

In reality, the High Elves players in the Alliance want to play, are already members of the Alliance. Beyond that, they’ve been an active part of the Alliance’s many campaigns. The Silver Covenant is the most prominent group in this, having fought alongside the Alliance in Wrath against the Lich King, Blue Dragons, etc… They would also fight against the Horde in MoP, and feature again in Legion. Right now in BFA we see High Elves in the ranks of the Seventh Legion, and supporting the Alliance through Island Expeditions.


Because high elves don’t consider blood elves “their kind”. They associate themselves with humans and other alliance races more. They have lived in their cities for centuries. They were not citizens of quel’thelas but instead of these human nations.

Very few of the alliance high elves were direct exiles of quel’thelas or decided to leave after the fel stuff happened. Most of those that did are the rangers that followed vereesa. The vast majority of high elves have been part of the alliance for a very long time. They have families and friends there.

There is also a case to be made that there are a lot of high elves in the alliance. Possibly as many blood elves that survived the scourge invasion. The 90% population being killed off only ever accounted for the kingdom of quel’thelas and never was in consideration for the high elves outside of the kingdom. Chronicles has only added in the possibility for even more high elves then there were before. We have no concrete numbers nor even some way to make an accurate guess but the potential is there and blizzard can easily use that open area of the lore to write it in when making them playable.


The others have given you detailed answers.

Let me chime in with one short and sweet: High Elves are already on the Alliance.


i feel you , lore wise i think it would make sense.

but as far as marketing, faction balance and this currently being a source of income and not a game by gamers for gamers i don’t think it’ll happen sadly.

the amount of things this game could accomplish if every decision made wasn’t so obviously being run though psychologists and marketing.
aswell many of the races in game currently favour one faction over the other but not all are playable…

We’ll wait and see I suppose. To say Blizzard would make significant profits off of race changes alone would likely be an understatement considering how long the High Elf request has been on-going. It could even revitalize the subscription base by bringing back old players.

I’ve got a few friends who’d try the game again if they could be an Alliance High Elf. Like me, a Blood Elf on the Horde just doesn’t do it for them. Unlike me, they find Void Elves to be repulsive and want nothing to do with them.


which is the worse financial decision they could make. High elves is literally money waiting to be printed for minimal work. If they wanted to just give us a straight copy of what is already in game players would be happy. If they put in actual effort to make them distinct they would make bank from the faction and race changes as well as the many fans that have unsubbed over the years coming back to play them.

It would also probably help out some with the current faction imbalance at max level that is nearly 60/40 worldwide in favor of the horde.


The same thing could be said about many other races . I know I would pay big money play as tuskar (been praying since wrath). if they put in the same amount of effort as void elves clearly minimal seeing as how they have the same /dance and attack animations…clearly money grubbing.
i agree i would love to play high elf on alliance but im not sure how they could pitch this to a group of 100 year old investors…
as someone who plays both factions at level 120 on many servers(currently at character cap for account).
i feel the imbalance trying to get into dungeons and uldir is a pain in the @#$ as alliance. cant use summoning stones unless war mode is off.
faction imbalance seems to be a natural result of allowing people of people getting stuck with their faction based on their preferred race. maybe some kind of betray your faction because of moral indifference or something idk…

if they added high elves they would need to give horde a race and they seem to be focused on adding new races rather than letting us play old ones.
and based on the new allied race system they would need to give us rep to grind rather then letting us play the content we worked irl for. Which would mean devoting a huge portion of an expansion to one playable race. Which i don’t think is cheap… budget implimented by activison.

at this point it feels like if you play for the lore you get screwed over more and more but if you want addictive gameplay you still get screwed…

High elves should have been added instead of void elves. Simple.

No one asked for void elves. Ever.

But, since they were added, then I’d give Horde man’ari eredar, or pirate humans, or Nathanos-like undead. I really don’t care. It doesn’t matter in the slightest.

We just want an Alliance race that has been an Alliance race since Warcraft 2 and stayed an Alliance race all this time.

If Blizzard is fooling itself into creating races no ones asked for instead of much-requested one, then it just shows how far lost it has gone.


wow is like a painting
patches are like layers
if you never decide the painting is complete
it turns into an abstract mess of incomprehensible garble

they definitely should have added high elves instead of void elves.
at this point they have made so many mistakes i think this game is beyond repair.

also cough naga end cough…

I think we don’t see their eyes going back to blue because the sunwell is serving up the holy kool-aid now. Maybe if the sunwell were restored to an arcane font of energy, their eyes would return to blue. But that is a thing of the past.


Just give them red and yellow kul’tirans and call them ogres. Or forest trolls. That could be a two for one story with the horde reaching out to the Amani, causing a greater rift between the high and blood elves.

So what if they added Void Elves and Nightborne to opposite factions because they planned, by the end of the expansion, to have Night Elves and Blood Elves switch sides? Plenty of hints to this possibility lately, especially if Sylvanas is held to account for her crimes.

Agreed, Alliance need a draconic race and Horde need a reptile race. Scales for everyone!

eh. the only proper reptile race currently is sethrak. The others we have seen are too savage and uncivilized having no central authority. I would much prefer sethrak to go to the alliance since they are mortal enemies of the vulpera.

As for draconic allied races yes very much yes make it so. Wrathion from what we can piece together is trying to restart the black dragonflight. He was in the alliance embassy all the way back in the blizzcon 2017 build. Devs said he was a placeholder but no one was put where he was in the live game. I believe he is probably turned off until it is time for him to show up. Currently wrathion is in netharian’s lab possibly looking into the cloning technology developed by him to create the chromatic dragonflight.

With that in mind maybe he shows up asking anduin for help at some point? leading into black dragons as an alliance AR.

Now dragons are simply too cool of a thing to only give them to one side so I believe for parity blizzard would give the horde blue dragons in the form of the azsuna brood. They are very much allies of the nightborne at this point. Maybe something happens that brings them into the horde?

PVP Rule #1

Kill first ask later.

Anyway, it doesnt matter, doing rbgs recently, I notice that almost 50% of all matches are against Horde players (HvsH).

Do you know what’s confusing? Horde players as Alliance in Rated BGs. This is even worse when you’re the Horde player in Alliance side, because sometimes when u’re losing do u think u’re winning.

Arenas you’re matched with everyone else, regardless of faction.

So, I’m sorry but this argument don’t hold any weight.


this is true. I have on more than one occasion fled to a horde controlled base in RBG because all I am thinking about is my toon in full spiked red armor on top of a direwolf. I end up getting killed because whoops i’m alliance.

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Unfortunately I don’t see Blizzard outright moving an entire race from one faction to another. Too much mess. The best that could be done is to allow certain races become Neutral in the same way Pandaren are. Blood Elves and Night Elves seem like they could fit this easily enough. Possibly Forsaken and Draenei.

Sethrak for the Horde, Dragons for the Alliance. Sounds good to me. The Alliance really needs an objectively impressive race at this point. Dragons would work. Most Dragonflights have good reason to ally with the Alliance anyways.

Blue - Kalecgos’ connection to Jaina, and the Kirin Tor.
Red - After the events of the Second War, there are still Red Dragons unhappy with the Horde.
Green - The Horde just burned down a World Tree while Azeroth is dying, and is blighting Darkshore.
Black - Wrathion’s friendship with Anduin comes up, and there’s also the fact he’s tried backing the Alliance before.

The only outlier would be the Bronze Flight, which we’ve seen aid the Horde by recruiting the Mag’har. Unless the Nightborne mess with time somehow, I don’t see the Bronze Flight having a reason to pick a side. They’d be a bit OP anyways.