The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

i play both factions and i still find it confusing when a void elf is wearingh a full set and i cant see any of those things especially in wpvp it happens way to fast.

okay. the mutiple thousands of posts made on the officials forums since the game launched that have asked for alliance high elves donā€™t exist I guess. Let alone the ones on unofficial sites.

This whole movement asking for blue eyes for blood elves has only came about after the high elf discussion megathreads became a constant thing last year. Sure there were fringe posts asking for them since wrath but those were from people that had no understanding of the lore and as horde saw what they thought to be blood elves in dalaran standing around in alliance armor and holding alliance banners. Once it was explained to them the whole thalassian elf situation they stopped with their request.

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I meanā€¦ the red text above their heads doesnā€™t give away who is a friendly target and who isnā€™t? How do you cope with Pandaren?


barely my ui is set up differnet it isnt red or blueā€¦ i

basicly modern wow characters have no class or faction identity based on race/class

its a %&&^# show

like when i play my dark iron dwarf or my maghar i need to keep my helmet off or i feel like i wasted weeks of my lifeā€¦

Hundreds of thousands of people play blood elves. I claimed that giving blue eyes to blood elves reaches the single largest group of the player base and thatā€™s true regardless if people want x/y.

Itā€™s a sensible addition that reaches the most players on something thatā€™s already playable versus something that is a carbon copy sans eye color on the alliance that IS NOT playable.

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but also so basicly you want void elves but with fair skin?

that is because blizzard made void elves to preserve the blood elf model because that is what they thought the high elf fans were asking for. In reality that is the one thing most donā€™t care about and are fine with it being changed completely.

All we want is the story and lore associated with the race. We have made countless suggestions to alter them from blood elves so they couldnā€™t be mistaken for each other. At this point blizzard saying they donā€™t even know what makes high elves unique are just blinding themselves purposely. If they are not creative enough to come up with their own way of how to make them look all they have to do is use the mock ups done by the community.

When I look at your Dark Iron Dwarf I donā€™t get confused about whether heā€™s a dwarf or or a lava dwarf. I donā€™t get confused when I see moose Tauren and wonder if theyā€™re horns Tauren. Anybody who has ever played even one arena match knows that the enemyā€™s silhouette means absolutely nothing in PvP, either, because enemies get outlined in red.

There is just no reasonable explanation for the lack of playable High Elves in the faction they belong with.


Personally Iā€™d like High Elves. Not Void Elves, considering Void Elves are former Blood Elves. Iā€™d like to play as a High Elf from the Silver Covenant, Quelā€™Danil in the Hinterlands, the Alliance Expedition/Sons of Lothar, etcā€¦

As for what they look like, I donā€™t mind them looking a bit different.


that isnā€™t how that works. You canā€™t point at something and say it is the majority when the opposite group isnā€™t even able to play as the thing they want.

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they arent highlighted unless i target themā€¦

and sadly sometimes i assume belfs are void elves or vice versa same with pandas and i end up dyingā€¦

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You might want to consider turning on nameplates. Or having HP bars showing. V or Shift+V for that I believe.

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I really donā€™t understand how you do this. If this is what happens to you I can only assume you handicapped yourself with the UI you are using. If you were a healer or a ranged caster maybe it would be understandable but as a warrior? no that just doesnā€™t make any sense.

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wait i thought void elves where former high elvesā€¦

alleria windrunner is a high elf not a belf
and sylvanas windrunner is also a high elf

The playable Void Elves are followers of Magister Umbric. They all come from the Blood Elves.

Alleria isnā€™t really a Void Elf either to be honest. Sheā€™s a High Elf who has mastered the Void.


even using default ui im not sure what people mean by members of the opposing faction are highlited redā€¦ but this is off topicā€¦

There are hundreds of thousands of people who play the pretty race that was put with the Horde specifically so people who donā€™t care about the story would play the ugly faction. That is all that can accurately be claimed, here.

Let me know when you can somehow prove that more Horde players care about Thalassian lore and identity, which has historically been an Alliance story and frankly still is to this day.


Well ainā€™t it funny they gave it to Alliance then eh? I guess that meansā€¦ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


The name above their head.

If neither you or they are flagged for PVP/Warmode, the names of opposite faction players appears in an orange color, but if you both are flagged, their names are red.

Iā€™ve found a picture that might help explain it for you.

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all playable void elves are former blood elves from silvermoon. They were exiled for studying the void. The process that changed them has never been shown that they can replicate it. The thing that transformed them in the first place was an accident. they were meant to become ethereals. instead the ritual was interrupted and they were transformed into the way they are.

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