The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The main base of theres is in Tiragarde Sound its the Hordes main base effectively where you help the first mate stage a coup against the local captain for control, even after the base was found by the Alliance and attack canonically before the main fleet was saved and returned they’re still actively around specially since for the Alliance they couldn’t tell the Pirates apart from the other Pirate factions.

The ones who’re with the Horde are more akin to Goblins in that its always money to them, funnily enough when you help with the coup alot of Pirates despite hating Alliance still hated the Horde more cause they were related to people in the Alliance lol.

I think its more of a freelancers thing for the time being where long as the Horde pays them they’ll work for them and when Kul Tiras isn’t a target they’ll probs not be paid anymore and either disappear or get killed and become Forsaken under the Lich Queens orders.

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Of course, the human boss you have to kill even shouts “For the money… and for the Horde!”.

But it’s funny to think of a “human race” full of piratey customizations (think Barbossa or Jack Sparrow) options on the Horde. It’s not a “must have”, and I’m certainly not expecting nor campaigng for it, it’s just that it’s an interesting concept that I wouldn’t mind if it happened.

Also, in the end of the war campaign, the Horde exposes the pirates to the Kul Tiran navy. The kul tiran ships are destroyed and the attack is halted, but that town would surely be doomed, as those pirates were not only petty criminals, but were also conspirating with enemies of the nation. We didn’t see any more story featuring them after that, so their fate is uncertain, but canonicaly the incursions happens after that, so I’d say the Horde is still defending those pirates as long as they are useful.

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I hope I’m not the only one that has done this, but has anyone else, gone to make a Blood Elf death knight and made them look like a High Elf… sigh… one can only dream.

Horde high elves are already playable whereas the exile/remnant on the alliance aren’t unless you’re voided out, so blue eyes for a PLAYABLE RACE doesn’t hing on a NON PLAYABLE IDENTICAL VERSION of them. If anything, it’s a far stronger case for Horde elves to have it because that’s what they are and the fel is gone.

And considering they’re going to piss off people in any direction, the easiest and most sensible direction would be to offer the greatest number of people the best option, blue eyes for blood/high elves on the Horde. Appease a handful of angry forum posters or add an option to literally hundreds of thousands of people already playing the race?


The fel does not disappear. It has to be bred out through generations and in case you haven’t noticed elves don’t have new generations that often.

Orcs are losing their fel taint because they age so fast in comparison to other races. An orc is a fully grown adult by age 12.


also to add on no one but selfish individuals that think they are special snowflakes are going to get mad over alliance getting high elves. Trust me on that. Most of the anti high elf crowd are in fact drama vampires looking for their fix and being opposed to something very popular is the perfect topic to tap for drama.

When high elves are added to the alliance the topic will die overnight and no one will give a crap. They will move on to find their next fix.


Those gold eyes must be a fever dream, then? Guess the fel doesn’t disappear, and there aren’t people removing it in the Nightborne race intro. Quick! Someone scratch that brown paint off Thrall’s son!


Golden Eyes seem to be more of an indicator of, “Light Corruption,” rather than Fel Corruption at this point. The Light is starting to become part of the Blood Elf biology, which is quite interesting to see.


It’s only used on priest and paladin’s just how it’s applied to other non-lightforged races when the light is being used in art/etc (Human Paladin/Priests/etc) and is indicative that high elves tend to show the type of magic they’re primarily using.

This would indicate blue eyes for mages and why warlocks would continue to have green, as an example. If the “light corruption” nonsense (besides the extreme parts we saw in AU scenario for Mag’har with unchecked light issues) were true then EVERY high elf would end up with golden eyes and that’s not the case.

Nevermind there are blue eyed members in the Horde that aren’t DK, surely those guys don’t mean anything either.

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Most likely a bug.


Bug fixes happened to others that had blue eyes but a number retained them and were even added up to Legion, so I’m incredibly skeptical.

I’m skeptical it’s intentional considering Gold Eyes were added as an option but not blue.


There are far more Alliance players who care about the Thalassian race than there are Horde players who do. The vast majority of Blood Elves are Blood Elves because the players chose the most pretty, human looking race available on the e-sports faction, not because there is any lore draw or substance to the idea of Horde Blood Elves.


Citation needed, or you’re just spewing dribble.


And there it is. Somebody with no hard evidence to back up their claims starts demanding proof (what would that even entail in this case? a huge market survey?) because somebody disagrees with the nonsense they’re laying down in the first place.

If that’s how it’s going to be: you first.


The whole point is that you can’t substantiate it, and people can’t offer numbers to the contrary therefor it’s not a conversation point. You can’t claim one side cares more because you have zero way of knowing that’s true and I and others can’t claim others care more/etc.

That’s my point.

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Your claim was that more Horde players would be happy with blue eyes for Blood Elves than Alliance players would be to get to play High Elves. That’s neither demonstrable nor historically true.


All Golden Eyes show is that Light is able to cleanse the Fel. Where do we see Arcane cleansing the Light?

Also that not every Blood Elf NPC has Gold Eyes means it must take a lot of Light or one must be attuned to a lot of Light.

Still no evidence of Arcane being the same way. They say in lore the Sunwell is a mix of Arcane and Light.

A mix can be:



Where is it stated that the Sunwell is actually 50-50?


but they have the same character models as the blood elves…but blue eyes wouldnt it be confusing?

Different hairstyles, additional hair and skin colors, tattoos, a different idle stance such as Nightborne received, etc… would more or less resolve that issue.