The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No? I don’t see any pushback against Wildhammer as a potential allied race.


there isn’t as much because they are not discussed like high elves are. The people that want them are there and then there are people that are against their addition and say they should just give ironforge dwarves wildhammer tattoos and call it wildhammer.

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Hopefully, San’layn. The last elves added to the game because after San’layn and High Elves, we do NOT need anymore.

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Yeah but it also does exist, many people say that Wildhammer are just Dwarves with tatoos and such and would be better as customization options, which is lacking: no recruitment scenario, no starting hub, no racials, no mount, no heritage armor. For me: Wildhammer as a allied race 100%.


Its same argument as Dark Iron Dwarves. Dark Iron Dwarves are just Dwarves with Black/Grey Skin with the same theme of Bronzebeard Dwarves.

Wildhammer Dwarves have a lot of different themes, culture, looks, and lore alot more than Dark Iron Dwarves and different from the Bronzebeard Dwarves as well. Wildhammer Dwarves have a Scottish/Celtic Theme, They’re more tied to Nature with the Gryphons, Their Buildings is Scottish Look of Stones and Wood within the Highlands, and etc. Even in some Unique customization options they even have Wild Haircuts and even Feather Beard options too. Plus they have their own Heritage Armor if you played the Wildhammer Dwarf Hero from Heroes of the Storm.

In fact if anyone goes to WoWhead viewer and sees the many options for the High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves. You can could see that Wildhammer Dwarves are more than just a Tattoo option. They have different skin colors than regular playable Dwarves right now. Same with High Elves. In fact I only spotted 5 Different color Skin options for both the Male and Female High Elves.

So Wildhammer Dwarves aren’t just a Dwarves with Tattoos and Same can be Said with High Elves just being a Thalassian Model with Blue Eyes. They make perfect sense to be a stand alone Allied Race 100%. I mean if reskins like Dark Irons, Lightforged, Highmountain, and Mag’har can be stand alone allied races why not the Wildhammer Dwarves, the High Elves, Forest Trolls, and etc.


Scottish Highlander theme which descended from the Celts actually.

In day of the dragon they where said to be taller and less bulky. They just never added that to wow.

Few people know this cus that book is OOOLLLDDD.


I hope it would be sooner than the Pre Patch to the next expansion, by the story line we have a long way to go… looks like the alliance is running out of nightelves to kill off and the horde is running out of forsaken and goblins to kill off.

could use the High elves and San’layn/ orges sooner.


It’s true but I’m trying to say the idea of them having different builds and physique isn’t that far fetched.

well if it went with the legion model it wouldn’t be the pre patch. It would be the last patch of BFA.

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If they handle it well, no problem.

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Hmm, this would actually make a ton of sense if the San’layn ended up as the Forsaken’s AR.

I’ve always wanted a Wildhammer Shaman, I pray for the day!

Better then Lightforged Undead…



Future for Allied Races is worrying. I mean if the Forsaken Allied Race is San’layn while the Alliance has no Elf in return and just more forced allied races like Light Undead on the Alliance than High Elves. I fear for the Future of Allied Races in General.

Me too. I hope one day I can finally play as Celtic Dwarf Shaman as well as a Wildhammer Dwarf Druid/Warrior when Wildhammer Dwarves become playable as an allied race.

Start to wonder that discussions like this and all the background surrounding High Elf and Blood Elf faction placement stand as a good reason for why the faction system was a mistake.


the faction system wasn’t a mistake. Blizzard has just made a lot of mistakes when handling it. Such as blood elves going horde when they should have rejoined the alliance. The only reason they made that was because of a poll they did in asia where the horde players wanted a pretty race.

This is the reason why there is a dwarf amassador and night elves during the questing. They were originally meant to help the blood elves with their magic addiction problems after the loss of the sunwell.


Honestly, giving blood elves blue eyes would only piss off a group of players more than please a group of players. It would be purposeful maliciousness directed at a group of players. Does ActiBlizz really need to upset more of their fanbase now?


It also wouldn’t make any sense as the blue eyes of the high elves that are alliance factioned in the game today is what sets them apart from the Blood Elves. Not only do the blue eyes need to stay with the alliance aligned high elves, but well… this thread… ally race the high elves as playable already. Give them some tattoos etc. like what was started with the void elf leader…


I’d love to see High Elves added as a playable race for the Alliance. Since I Primarily play a Paladin I don’t have the option to roll an elf on the Alliance.

The blood elves inclusion into the horde has always appeared to be a decision that sacrificed lore for gameplay/balance considerations. The fact that we have a faction called the “Horde” that is primarily composed of Thalassian elves Is a bit comical when you think about it.

Players have been asking for playable High Elves for 14 years now. The allied race feature of BFA is probably my favorite, and it seems like the perfect opportunity to give Alliance players one of the four founding Alliance races.

Humans & Elves have had been intrinsicly linked in Warcraft lore for thousands of years since the time of Thoradin and the Arathorian Empire.

Also from a strictly monetary standpoint this would generate a ton of cash for blizzard with race changes.


Yesterday, in the Horde incursion in Tiragarde, the pirates took some bigger role in some world quests. As Horde, you fight alongside them in Ashvane Foundry. As Alliance, one of the bosses you need to kill was a kul tiran pirate using a Horde tabard.

Heh, I wouldn’t mind a human “race” on Horde with a pirate-like customization options…

Storywise, thought, I’d like to know how these pirates survived after the Horde exposed them to the Kul Tiran navy in their war campaign.

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