The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yeah, i take notice on that, non elves have problems to differentiate one from another like that goblin on A Good War, but muscularity and tallness are a big deal, they do have a big impact on how the in-game model and animations are represented.
Thalassian elves also have smoother eyebrows and hair.

When we talk about using the night elf, we are implying to change the model in ways to make them more high-elf-like (change ears, scale the model down, and so on). THe point is that the silhouette would be different from blood elves, but you could still see them as ā€œsister racesā€.

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Fair enough, but is not a big of a deal to use the Thalassian model like they did with the Void Elves, itā€™s just that people on the other side are being overdramatic at it. The Thalassian model way seems to be clearly the most easy, practical and appealing. Look at Alleria, they did a great job on her, she doesnā€™t resemble a Blood Elf at all.
The experience we have on the game with the High Elves have them using the Thalassian model, itā€™s how we see them, itā€™s the image that most people have in their minds when thinking about them on the game. It would be anti-immersive to suddenly change that to something worse.

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you mean like many in the pro community have been advocating for if changes are necessary?

Many feel that they should be more muscular and gritty looking as they live mostly as commoners and soldiers. They are not the nobility of silvermoon who use magic to care for their every needs.


I for one would be fine with the idea of using night elf silhouettes for the high elves :slight_smile:

Just slap on the pale skin/blue eyes and shrink their model a little, boom done.


As someone who has supported the inclusion of High Elves to the game, I for one would not be satisfied with this and would still be asking for High Elves on the forums if this were to happen.

Iā€™m not interested in ā€œcompromiseā€ at the expense of lore, nor am I asking for High Elves light, or High Elves alternative. Iā€™m asking for High Elves. Period. I wanā€™t them to maintain the Thalassian model as they should, they are High Elves not Highborne. And the only changes I would be alright with would be their animations (casting, attacking etc) and a new voice.


Iā€™m wondering what potential Horde race would be paired with High Elves when they are released? What makes the most sense?

Forest trolls maybe? How about a battle between the Revantusk and High Elves in the Hinterlands? Both are already technically part of their factions (but unplayable) too.


Iā€™ve always wanted to see Forest Trolls or Ogre added to the Horde. The Forest Trolls could be given the big hulky models (if more modernized and tweeked) that we see in Zulā€™Aman. And the Ogre would be a blast with customization options as well, maybe make it to where you can customize each head separately, so you donā€™t gotta follow the boring (one head as two eyes the other has one) thing that NPCā€™s have.

But if you want to go the route of ā€œmatch themā€ type of additions, Forsaken Elves could be an option.

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If they did Forest Trolls and Ogres, then there would be justification for both High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves. Perhaps a 4 Allied Race patch like the one at the end of Legion?

That would be pretty awesome actually.


The differences between the night/high elves are only their Height and Skin Color.

Muscle mass comes from different lifestyles.

Letā€™s look at Alleria. She looks totally different from other High Elves but no one doubts she is one. (other than those trying to say she is a void elf.)

The only races that make sense and are long requested are Broken/High Elves/Wildhammers for the Alliance and Ogres/Undead Elves/Forest Trolls for the Horde.

We got the Vulpra and Junker Gnomes that are likely BFA races that match each other.

The option for Stand Alone races is still there so they donā€™t all need to be matched up.

Ogres and Broken are good Stand Alones and Wildhammer/High Elves/Forest Trolls/Undead Elves could be made in almost any combo.


Height, Skin and hair colors, and of course their ears. Night Elves have longer horizontal ears, High Elf ears are shorter and more vertical.

Also this notion that High Elves would have different builds than Blood Elves is rather nonsensical considering they have near identical cultures and lifestyles. True High Elves might not live in Quelā€™thalas anymore, but just like Blood Elves, Magic is very much part of their culture and identity. You neednā€™t look any further than Dalaran where the majority of High Elves can be found.

Point being it would make no sense to give them a different model than Blood Elves.

I think could be very good if Blizzard give Blood Elves blue eyes. It would take down the argument that High Elven supporters just want blue-eyed Blood Elves.

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They will come up with something else. Itā€™s not a real argument.

I donā€™t agree with it because it doesnā€™t make any lore sense with the Sunwell being part Holy and the Blood Elves still using Fel.

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Yea, but Blue Eyed Blood Elves are already in the Alliance through Void Elves :smirk:.

OR Blood Elf Death Knight. If you were Horde.

Still doesnā€™t change people wanting High Elvesā€¦

Blood Elves live with magic in excess like floating bookshelves, brooms that clean for you and magical constructs as servants on top of the odd slave labor.

The Silver Covenant is a milterized group consisting mostly of archers. The lodges are outdoors. The ones in Stormwind donā€™t have the same access to magic.

It has been mentioned that Farstriders have a more muscular build then the average Blood Elf and High Elves tend to live more like them on average.

The non militarized mages in Dalaran would likely have the same build as Blood Elves but as we seen with Kul Tirans you can just use the most different model for the playable options.

Keep in mind it doesnā€™t have to be a exact copy of the Night Elf model. It can be edited to look more like a High Elf.

Alleria has a very different build and no one questions if she is a High Elf. Nozdormuā€™s mortal form is a High Elf that uses the Night Elf base and you can still see it as a High Elf.

I am not saying it is a must. But the logic is there for it to be an option.


If it was only about something as insignificant as eye color, then everyone would just roll a Void Elf. No, the desire to play them goes much, much deeper than shallow appearances.


My hope is that blizzard is seeing the community requests and backlash and have planned something like an ā€œold allegiancesā€ patch for the end of BFA as a preorder bonus for the next expansion like they did with the legion ones.


Sanā€™layn, two Thalassian elf variations, one for each facion, both of them are highly requested.


sadly many players only see skin deep when it comes to playable races and donā€™t give a crap about the attached story or background lore.

This is why people so adamantly fight against the addition of races such as wildhammer and high elves. They as people are incapable of understanding the reasoning of others and so push their view of things onto them. This results in the debate of adding these as allied races when in reality it is absurd that they are being debated considering they are the literal poster child of what an allied race is.


But Alleria base model is the Thalassian one, if they did that with all of the High Elves, i doubt that anyone would be unsatisfied.