The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

You’re also assuming they wouldn’t just stop using them over time. Regardless, them existing at all outside of the Horde doesn’t beholden the developers from doing anything or ever using them as anything except as story fodder for their much larger population that’s in the Horde (and playable already.)

Doesn’t matter; giving blue eyes to the blood elves is viable, likely and doesn’t hinge on if they’re going to piss off a small group that wants a fringe bunch of npcs.

We will still ask for them even if Blood Elves get blue eyes.
Nothing of what you have said or will say will stop anyone from voicing a desire for High Elves.
You stick with that conclusion of yours, we will be here in the High Elf thread still asking for them and discussing them further.


If you think giving blood elves blue eyes will do anything to stop people for asking for Alliance High Elves, you haven’t been paying attention.


Well seeing as Alex Afrasiabi came out months after Ion’s notorious statement and said that High Elves are now a possibility after all, you just might want to rethink your strategy a bit.


Are you talking about when he said, “There’s always a chance” the same way people who play the lottery say, “there’s always a chance”?

I don’t have a horse in this race, but Thats a real stretch.

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It went from not never, no how, not gonna happen, to “there’s always a chance.”

You can’t tell me that has no purpose behind it. There is even talk about simply giving Void Elves High Elf options too. So they are definitely talking about how to move forward.

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yeah, I bet they change all the High Elves in game to a different model and then say, there is your High Elves.

File it under be careful what you wish for.

More like it would become an option for Void Elves like the black eyes for Night Elves, gold eyes for Blood Elves, straight backs for Orcs, or the upcoming robot customizations for Gnomes (yes, this could also be a full AR).

I could see 1 new skin color like the Night elf eyes are one skin color. That would not be that game breaking. It would have to be after a Silvermoon warfront.

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I could honestly see them going this route with it though.

I would be fine with it.

Here’s a edit done by Talendrion based off of the Night Elf model for example.

You can also do things like different animations like they did with Nightborne/Night Elves.


If their animations are nice (fix nelf/nborne animations, Blizz!) and their proportions are adjusted to be smaller than nelves, I’d actually prefer night-elf-based high elves than reusing the blood elf model.

I love Talendrion’s mock ups.


Well, wouldn’t be easier and better to just use the blood elf model and add a different main stance and make some changes? They are the same biological race and, lets be honest, the thalassian model is just better, the night elf model has so many problems and disproportions on it that i cannot put myself to play a night elf or a nightborne just because of how awful the model is, even myself being a fan of those races.

Sure, it would be easier and I’d be fine with it. But, if the problem people have is Alliance “stealing” “their” model, then using night elf models solves it perfectly and shuts up arguments about “faction identity”.

Do people actually complain that using the same models took way faction identity? They are being overdramatic if they do, but i don’t see them complaining about the model specifically.
Also didn’t blizzard already did that? I’m playing a character with “their” model right now if they didn’t realized.

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And High Elves are what Night Elves turn into when deprived of the Well of Eternity.

So technically the race is “Elf”.

Yes lol

They don’t care about lore so much as long as it doesn’t look like them.

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That’s true, they are all elves but, it seems like the Kalimdor elves have more physical differences from the High Elves than the Blood Elves do. (both in game and lorewise)

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Not really. It’s just exaggerated to make the models more distinct.

They used to use reskinned Night Elf models until Blood Elves where made playable.

The only thing that’s 100% canonically different is High and Skin Color.

Muscle mass and the like depends on lifestyle.

Also Nozdormu has a High Elf mortal form that a reworked Night Elf model.

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Yeah. If you check official art on elves, like the Warbringers series (compare Sylvanas and Delarin), elves are pretty much the same. What makes them different is: skin color, ears (high elves point up, night elves point back), eyes and height (night elves are way taller and usually more muscular).


It is understandable why blizzard used reskined night elf models on them, since they were a unplayable race on vanilla wasn’t a big of a deal to they having unique models, and it was also convenient. Also, those models are horrible to look at, ugh, didn’t worked well for them.
When the Blood Elves became playable and they bring the new model it was just better to use those less muscular and rugged version on the High Elves, especially considering that they are sister races.