The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Its definitely confirmation that they are brainstorming about a variety of things, but hardly an admission that “Wildhammer are in the works”. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to see Wildhammer added, if only because its been a longtime request by Alliance players, but I try not to read too much into things they say. That only ends up leading to disappointment.

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I can understand this, I suppose what cinches it for me is that they claim they know there are Wildhammer Dwarf fans out that want to play as a Wildhammer Dwarf and then go on to say it results in convos about “oh this is a great idea!”

I feel it would be incredibly strange if nothing comes from it, like why even say that comment? They acknowledge a fan request, and say it’s a great idea.

To me, the only thing is we don’t know when another Allied Race will come out post-BFA. It could happen in the next expansion, or not at all for instance.

But I hope Blizzard sees that teasing upcoming playable races is actually a huge incentive for players to keep playing.


Well I will say Wildhammer are likely at some point. I mean, outside of High Elves, Wildhammer are the only “long time requested” Alliance allied race I can think of that we don’t have yet. Everything else will be something new or derivative.


the way I see it is blizzard needs to add in broken/krokul, high elves, and wildhammer. These are the 3 most requested alliance allied race and are already allied with the alliance in some form.

After those 3 they can add more “experimental” races. As has been said before blizzard should add the actual races already allied with the factions first before new races. As it stands it seems the AR system is being used more to progress the story blizzard wants to tell instead of providing the fan service it should be.

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If a fair skinned Elf is a Blood Elf, then a blue/purple skinned Elf is a Night Elf. Now, tell me why Horde is allowed to have both, when Alliance only have the blue/purple variant.

This logic is complete illogical and totally biased.

Also, none of us is going to stop asking for something Alliance rightfully deserves, just because you dont like it.


He didn’t say anything about night elfs, unsure where you’re getting that from. :rofl:

I still think blood elves should have a blue eye option, considering the sunwell is arcane & holy and we already got gold eyes. It only makes sense.

Wildhammer will be an example of how Blizzard handles a race that is “pretty much X but with Y” since Wildhammer currently looks like a regular dwarf with blue tattoos.

It will give us insight into how can Blizzard blow up the idea “dwarf, but with blue tats” and this insight can then be used as a guideline (not strict rule) of how other almost similar races can be achieved as well.

Granted this all comes whenever Wildhammers are playable.


How come Blood Elves haven’t gotten Blue Eyes yet if this is the case? Pretty weird eh? :thinking:


You’re delusional, you dont even understand the statement you quoted.


If BC was created today, I believe without a doubt blood elves would have the option of green & blue eyes.

If BC was created today Horde wouldn’t have gotten Blood Elves because of the population difference. Its the only reason Horde got them back in BC.


Please add more substance to your responses. Replying ONLY to belittle people is not very becoming for these forums…

Substance? If you can’t understand a single sentence there’s no substance that can help on this.

If BC were re-created today, Blizzard would put Blood/High Elves with the Alliance to avoid the huge mistake that it ended up being to stick them with the Horde the first time around.


“You’re delusional, you dont even understand the statement you quoted.”

Sorry, let me quote what you said so maybe you can read it and understand what I said. Instead of belittling people, try actually making a real response.

Ok, my response was this, four replies ago, hopefully you’ll be able to understand now.

Also, if you want a serious conversation, don’t act like what I’ve said was funny.


Because if you reduce it down to skin color and physical build then Nightborne are no longer unique enough to not count as the Night Elf fantasy.

Tall Purple, Night Dwelling Elf.


And Broken. Don’t forget the poor krokul.

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Grinding rep with a large group of broken only to get a completely different unrelated race is a real kick in the face tbh.