The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Ok for me this is my Perfect situation, expansion after BFA they Announce Alliance High Elves and Wildhammer and Sethrak, Horde Ogres and Forest Trolls and Vulpera. All Allied Races available from the start just gotta do the quest… none of this bull about get Kul’tiran and zandalari to sell expansion but coming out next year…

They say no new class being released as they going to fix class design and specs, PvP and focus on lore,story and content (including warmode and warfronts).

That be the perfect ideal situation in my books.

Edit: I’m all for new Classes, Necromancer, Tinker, Dark ranger, whatever just I feel like they have a lot to fix already… sorry and forgot to add San’layn for Horde and Tuskarr for Alliance.


I’d be down for that.

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Don’t forget San’layn :wink:


Ofcourse, sorry i wrote in their thread too, honestly next expansion they should just fix everything up, pump out Allied Races and give customisation to Orignal Races…

Gives replay ability, cause hell I know I’ll be creating new characters, fixes a lot of the problems which made people leave, so hopefully bring them back.

No such thing as too much variety,customisation and Diversity within the races… more choice creates more unique characters more immersion.

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I’m not saying Blizzard should add every player requested race, because players would everything (which isn’t a bad thing mind you). :wink:

But I find it a lot more wholesome to see posters advocating for the races they do want instead of constantly trying to shut others’ requests down. :nerd_face::+1:

Thanks to everyone who contributes towards that. I hope WoW eventually offers the plethora of character customization it’s currently lacking right now.

As a player who would like to experience the world through different races and factions, sometimes the current options are very limiting.

But I’m sure the developers understand this, they just have a lot on their plate.


I’ve seen people asking for blue eyes for blood elves since BC, so the “didn’t want blue eye options in the first place” is bunk. Secondly, I don’t think it matters if people wouldn’t shut up about it. Don’t care if we see these threads till the end of time as long as blood elves get the option and the alliance don’t.

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How spiteful of you.


I personally think we should be adding the races which are allied already with us, or have helped in the past… what never made sense was we have all these races on Azeroth we have helped Tuskarr, Wildhammer, Hozen, Ginyu, Vyrkul, Troll Tribes, Ogres we have helped so many and now Sethrak, Vulpera and Tortilans

Azeroth gets stabbed by a Titan, about to fall apart, war is happening all around, don’t you think it’s time they pick a side? The world is crashing and burning and they don’t care?

High Elves, been apart of the Alliance from the beginning and still currently in Alliance = Playable.

Wildhammer, Falstaad is apart of Council of Three Hammers and is in the Alliance = Playable.

Tuskarr we helped, saved, defended all through WotLK, about time they pick a side = Playable

Hozen/Ginyu, all of Pandaria was helping them, they even choose a side! = Playable

Like I can keep going, theirs literally all the lore in the world to say they should be playable some easier to introduce then others…

High Elves Playable classes, Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Paladin, Hunter

Classes that could be taught, Druidism, Shamanism and Demonology (Warlocks), all which have been taught by other races so lore backs that up.

High Elves seem so versatile for everything!, lore backs everything up and npc’s!

I’m against like crazy races being added… like kobolds, Murlocs and stuff, but races we have helped should be playable…


Not really spite, just how I would want to see things go. Doesn’t matter to me if people are going to be vocal either way, I think it should be settled in game regardless if people don’t shut up about it. And if Blizzard added blue eyes as an option for blood elves you’re kidding yourself in thinking it wouldn’t be cased closed.

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There are a small sect of very devoted players who like gnomes. Perhaps they would see better reception as a horde AR.

When it comes to the story and lore side of the game it appears we do know more about it seeing as many of the head devs come out and say stupid crap and apparently ignore or don’t even know about certain parts of the story that has happened.

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Well, Ion isn’t really a lore guy, he’s more of a systems and game mechanics type of Dev.

their entire point revolves around not adding something they don’t have to even play and not offering any alternative ideas for what could be in their place.

It wouldn’t be case closed. As long as their is a demand for it some dev leader at some point in the future will add high elves.

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that is entirely my point. The person I was responding to was saying that we the players don’t know more about what we are talking about then the people that are making the game but it is obvious that we do know more then the current devs do when it comes to lore.

It is honestly kind of sad.


But it won’t be settled in any way because alliance still has high elves represented in game. High elf NPCs were made specifically for this expansion both minor and major. So unless all alliance high elves go void (a process they can’t or might not want to replicate) or betray the alliance and go blood elf, nothing will be settled.

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I don’t mind having some niche races, but there need to be some wide apoealing races first. Alliance got the short end of the stick so far.


This is something both factions require, but Alliance more desperately needs. The only race that is actually already have been allied with the Alliance are the Dark Irons.

I understand Blizzard is probably trying to mix “old” and “new” races when it comes to Allied Races, but from what I see there hasn’t been much for the Alliance to get excited about when it’s come to AR.

Although part of me thinks Blizzard is understanding this too, as they have let it drop that Wildhammer are in the works.

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Um… when did they “let it drop that Wildhammer are in the works”? Did I miss some news somewhere? I mean I remember hearing about a dev saying Wildhammer were a possibility, but that’s about as much of a promise as saying high elf customization options for void elves is a possibility. :stuck_out_tongue:

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About character customizations, can we expect more of them?

JF : We’re definitely looking for more ideas from the community. I know that there are particular groups of Dwarves that really wanna be a Wildhammer member and have all those awesome tattoos, and these ideas ultimately result in us having very nerdy conversations on the whiteboard talking about “oh this is a great idea!”, so please, keep shoving those ideas at us, we love hearing them!

They’re brainstorming cool ideas for Wildhammer Dwarves and knows there’s a fan base for em, if that’s not confirmation they’re in the works I’m not sure what else would be to be honest.

Also note that when asked about Allied Races, they also include the Dwarf heritage armor, and blood elf & night elf eyes so I don’t think they’re boxing themselves in, in terms of what constitutes “Allied Race”.

Do you have any plans for Allied Races after the Kul Tirans and Zandalari Trolls?

JF : I feel like Allied Races are an awesome addition to the game. You have seen us taking this system in a bunch of directions now, we kinda pieced it apart, we’ve added Allied races and then we said “hey, wait a minute, I like being a Dwarf!”, so we added a Dwarf heritage armor set. We added that, then we thought about Blood Elves wanting golden eyes or Night Elves, what do they get? So they got different customization options. So we really like the different levels of player customizations that came out of this and we’re definitely not done yet, but we don’t have anything to announce today.