The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yet. They change their minds all the time. Classic WoW, cross-faction comunication, flying…


We pay for the game so it’s right for us to ask for stuff we would like to have on it.
A good company always address their costumers demands.


Yeah, I’m sure once the game has gone f2p and in an attempt to reel people back in it’ll be a cash shop skin option for void elves.

They did with blood elves and void elves. I think there’s even bigger demand for “no more elves” from a lot of people. But I guess they don’t matter, right?

Or the people who are against blending the factions together by giving alliance blood elves and horde night elves.

But I guess what YOU want is more important than other peoples wants.


He didn’t say it wasn’t going to happen.

He even said anything is possible in the future.

But I directly quoted an example of him saying no Dino forms for Zandalari Druids because being a cat or a bear are fundamental to being druids.

He was wrong. Things change. And soon we will have Dino Druids.

He also said they wouldn’t have Heritage Armor for old races. Ha.


Never say “never”.

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At Blizzcon 2017 players were asked to tell the Developers what Allied Races they wanted added, not what Allied Races they DON’T want added.

You’d probably go much further by trying to get people hyped for a different Allied Race and trying to make that demand surpass that for High Elves. I’ll wish you luck though. The support for High Elves has been going on for years and has now skyrocketed. Since the Allied Race system was added, no race has received as much attention by players, and the Developers have taken notice. We’re not going to get them in BFA, but if they were one of the first Allied Races available in the next expansion, I would not be surprised.


They already added Blood Elves on the Alliance and Night Elves on the Horde, they are not named as such, but you know, that’s what allied races are so far.
Plus you cannot judge what people should like or not, nor you should say that we had our demand addressed with Void Elves, they are nice but not what we have been asking for.


If void elves were the answer to the high elf requests, then Blizzard wasn’t listening at all.


Bigger you assume, but i will talk about that. People against the inclusion of High Elves as a allied race for Alliance are advocating against something that wouldn’t affect them at all, isn’t it weird?
People that support the inclusion of High Elves as a allied race for Alliance are advocating for… a new allied race, it is just that.


How is it no affecting them? The game already has more elf races in it than any other race…a lot of people don’t like that. Adding more is just silly. Instead they should just allow blood elves to have blue eyes.


Wrong there are Humans, Kultiran Humans, Worgen and Undead.


Honestly there’s likely two more elf races to be added. High Elves, and San’layn. A lot of Horde players have been asking for Undead Elves to be playable since the Forsaken were a thing, really.

Funny thing is, I don’t see Alliance players trying to suggest dead-looking Elves shouldn’t be a thing on the Horde because the Alliance’s Void Elves already look like frozen corpses.


You can even see threads for Dark Rangers right now.

The “NO MORE ELVES” idea is a bad mindset made by people who just don’t want people to have something they would like.


I doesn’t understand your point of people being against High Elves because there are to many elves on the game, since most of the anti High Elf posters play an elf like you.
Adding a variation of the most popular race group (elf) is silly? Well…
If something is popular and loved by the community adding anything related to it would be a good decision, doesn’t matter if some people are acting like “no more elvsss” when they are bothered by the large presence of them. If they are popular and common amongst the playerbase, they are a success, and you would want to explore that more if you are Blizzard.
Finally, the blue eye demand for the Blood Elves exist just because of the High Elf demand, they weren’t asking for it before the High Elf debate started to get intense, it is just a disguised way to ask for blizzard to remove the High Elves of the Alliance.


I mean, personally I don’t care if Blood Elves get Blue Eyes. I’d just ask for High Elves to have non-glowing eyes in varying colors instead. Brown, Blue, Purple, Green, Gold, Red…


Me either, but the main visual trait of the High Elves that set them apart of the Blood Elves are their blue eyes, plus that lorewise Blood Elves no longer can have blue eyes.


I think we all need to start saying that even if blizzard gave Blood Elves blue eyes we would still be asking for High Elves.
There is still enough of a difference you could do beyond eye color to make High Elves a thing.
That should shut down that demand.


They also have the option for Purple Eyes.

Which was most likely caused by feeding off of magical objects.

Those who think it’s just about Blue Eyes are… Blind… hehe…


The thing is is that the anti High Elf group didn’t wanted blue eye options for Blood Elves in the first place, it’s just that it could conveniently shut the High Elf demand, but as you said, it wouldn’t.