The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

So the thing about Elves in Warcraft is that They have mixed up different themes. Atleast as far as I know.

You have the Blood Elves who are Magic/City Elves but are also Sun Elves thanks to Yellow Eyes and Sun Preach Skin.

Then you got Night Elves who has the theme of Moon Elves/Wild Elves/Forest Elves/Dark Elves.

Then there’s the San’layn who are Dark Evil Elves/Undead/Vampire Elves.

Then there’s High Elves that has many themes of Snow Elves/Wood Elves/Half Elves/Silver Elves.

Then there’s Nightmare that has 2 two themes of being Magic Elves/Dark Elves.

Finally Void Elves which are kind of like Blood Elves but again same theme of Dark Elves.

So which Race has the better correction of Elf Themes?


actually tinkers have been asked for since vanilla the same as high elves. They are highly wanted as a class.


I’ve been playing since 2004 and I don’t remember hearing anything about tinker at all through Vanilla and TBC.

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They where a Hero unit in WC3


I know where they from, just I don’t believe they were asked in Vanilla, weren’t they from the merc camps in WC3

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They where.

But people would respond with “We already have Engineering!”


People have speculated about tinkers since the beginning. There was a neutral goblin tinker hero in WC3 (and I guess the goblin alchemist hero counts too). And in the old Warcraft RPG one of the main classes was the tinker.

Goblins riding shredders into battle are nothing new. Tinkering-related enemies have existed in-game since vanilla.

Tinker has a lot of potential as a fun, innovative class. It also can boost numbers on less played races, like dwarves, gnomes, goblins and so on.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with tinker as a class, it was one of the two strongest remaining possibilities (the other is something void-based).

Adding a class has nothing to do with adding races. No helfer should feel like it’s a “kick in the teeth”.


You know what I need right now? I need to know about some High Elves joining the Alliance. That’s what I need. Hey, Blizzard, let’s have some announcements. K?


Hugs & kisses,


It’s going to be their next “Demon Hunter,” I just know it. By that I mean their ace up their sleeve when the complaining about the game reaches its next crest.

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Has there been any Ginger Orange Hair High Elves besides Blood Elves within the Alliance/Dalaran?

I only know few High Elf Npcs that isn’t just Blonde or White Hair Elves.

We gonna know more about what Blizz is thinking about High Elves in general, when we get some content that focus in Blood Elves, Void Elves or Quel’thalas.

If somehow none of them appears, even in those cases, well it’ll be a really bad sign. However, if we start seeing High Elf presence again, like in Nothrend, Outland and Pandaria, probably our future ahead will be awesome.

But, for now the story is focusing more in Humans/Kul’tirans vs Forsaken/Zandalari.

High Elf Shamans please, Silver Covenant was taught by Wildhammer Dwarves.

Introduce Wildhammer and High Elves :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Would be kind of interesting since Kul’tiran Humans are already having a Shaman option for classes so why not High Elf Shamans.


My 2 Alliance AR wants!


I’d personally rather have High Elf (or Half Elf) Druids to be honest. Alliance has plenty of shaman races already.

Alliance has plenty of Warrior races too, another Shaman one can’t hurt.

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Why not both? Druids and Shamans can both make sense and cement that they’re a more nature-connected variant to Blood Elves, without outright usurping the Night Elven identity as the primary Druid race.


To all my Quel’dorei brothers and sisters, it’s 2 hours before Christmas here in Sydney, I just wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Hopefully next year finally brings us Quel’dorei and better things with WoW.

Also please have a safe and fun Christmas, theirs been a lot of car incidents here cutting Christmas short for some, please be responsible and safe so we can enjoy Quel’dorei being announced next year together.


Merry Christmas, mister Pepino and all Quel’dorei friends!


You to Pontifice, the True OG for this thread!