The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No, they don’t. Their story is told in vol’dun and whatever recruitment quest they get, and they’ll start at level 20 as every allied race. Mag’har even set the precedence for there not being a proper racial hub, thought I think vulpera will get one anyway.

You can’t apply a single critteria for both. So, you either need to better define your theory, or it’s already proven inaccurate.

So we have established that they are an allied race, most likely. Glad we have set on this.

Based on every other AR we have seen, they are a derivative tie to a main stay race. All of the eight do this. Vulpera use the same base skeleton and animations, but arent goblins.

Using the ideas that ARs have been following the trend of relating back to a core race and that the Vulpera do derive from the goblin model…I want to safely say that they are supposed to be the goblin AR because of their model share. It would mean that Blizzard’s AR decisions could be anything.

I also do not believe that Blizzard would pull a fast one and use the slave race of Gilbins, when we have seen wide scale development and storytelling with the Vulpera and that they have begun to use goblin tech/interacted with them on Vol’dun in recent.

Blizzard’s own idea of Allied Race seems open ended: since it doesnt even have to come from the same faction nor use the same same model as their parent.

Which would be fine, if the previous eight didnt follow that same trend of using parent races.

I just want you to know they specifically said they called them allied races for a reason. They’re not subraces, they’re allied races.

I know that. But the last eight have all been a subrace of a core race. Meaning that they seem to be following a trend of each core race having an allied race.

I think them saying they dont have a parent race is to allow things like the vulpera because they arent goblins but clearly use their model/animations.

They arent going to randomly deviate from this path.

“These are Allied Races, these aren’t Sub-Races. There’s no direct associated Race or “Parent Race” or anything like that”
-Ion Hazzikostas, Blizzcon 2017 Q&A

This is for reference


And I think thats BS because look at the past eight allied races.

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So now Ion’s statements don’t matter?

Hey, Im just saying that the its weird how the past eight allied races are all versions of core race.

Dont try to use that Ion statement turnabout on me when I havent used his statement in any of my arguing. Use it on someone who has.

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I tend to agree but this is what he said. I hope they start giving us better stuff (including Vulpera, definitely not Mecha Gnomes though) and races people actually requested for. Horde got a lot of the stuff they wanted, now it’s hopefully our turn.

So Im not allowed to call it as I see it because supposed as an anti-helfer Im supposed to generally worship everything he says? I dont care what the lawyer says, even on the topic of the high elves. I think its a dumb argument, but only holds weight because hes the head of the game.

I mean we got Dark Irons, they are pretty cool.

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I said I agree with you! But if you want to make statements like that, why don’t you tell that to the people in the anti thread? They whip out Ion’s quotes like no tomorrow and most people disagree with him lol.

I love mine tbh. I really want High Elves and stuff too though. One step at a time.

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Also I don’t mean to rag on you or anything but I’ve been at work all day so I’m just catching up :laughing:

Because they are allowed to argue how they want to. If they want to use the words of a man who knows how to talk vaguely because he is the head of the game…they are allowed to. Whether or not I personally agree with them is not my objective. The only time I intervene is when stuff gets blatantly mishandled or out of control.

Like I dont make people agree with my platform.

I just don’t understand how people take the man’s words like gospel. He can spend 15 minutes answering a question but by the end you realized he danced around it so it was a complete was a time. But I understand what you’re saying.

Because its authority.

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And that’s my point: if Blizzard is open ended, then trying to pin down an absolute critteria is pointless.

I understand the idea that each allied race will have a link to another race because all AR will be remodels.

What I’m contesting is the idea that Blizzard aims to do one allied race for each playable race. I think Blizzard will repeat base models, just avoiding to do so in the same faction.

While the final lineup may be almost what you expect, I think there will be at least one exception in the end.

I know this may seem bit sad on my part for why I want High Elves. But reason why I want to play as a White Pale Ranger Elf is mainly being of 5 things that inspired me to play a High Elf Hunter.

I mean of course ONE would be Warcraft 2/3 and WoW.

TWO would be Wood Elf Ranger inspiration from Pathfinder/Dungeons and Dragons/Fantasy Theme.

THREE would be the Friendship of 3 main Characters from Lord of the Rings.

FOUR wanting to be Link from Legend of the Zelda Breath of the Wild which very awesome game with Cool Ranger Hunter Link.

Finally FIVE I really want better Elf Variety in the Alliance Side that isn’t Blue Skin nor Purple all the time.

Originally I was going to play as a Brown Hair High Elf Male Hunter but then I realized it can get little bit dull at times. Even without High Elves playing any Brown Hair Male Character can get little bit boring since I already plan on creating 3 of them like another Human with Brown Hair that Looks like a mix of McCree/Kyle Katarn, Heavy from TF2 as a Druid, and Hopeful Wildhammer Dwarf that is ether going to be Shaman or Druid or Warrior. All Depends on the Available Classes for them that is. Of course I did want to make a High Elf Mage originally but again I didn’t want to overburn myself with so many Elf Mages like Blood Elf One, Void Elf One, and High Elf One.

So Yea Basically I’m in a tough pickle when it comes to creating High Elf OCS when High Elves become playable. But you may be asking why I do I want to play a Silver Hair Male Elf Ranger? Well I want to play a Link Ranger with a Twist that He isn’t just a Legolas guy with Blonde Hair but more so of having a Cool Bow that is High Elfish with Wood Ranger Theme, with him wielding a Two Handed Sword instead of One Handed Swords, Cool Hawk Pet not the Dragonhawks just more like Bird Hawks and the ones in Kul’tiras, With a Cool Haircut of Breath of the Wild/Cool Spikey Hair and more of Friendly but silly personally than just your standard Elf personally that people see in terms of Elves now in days.

If I was going to name my Ranger anything He’s name would be Elakian Hawkchaser. I know Hawkchaser isn’t a thing in Blood/High Elf Last Names its basically me braining ideas to name my High Elf Characters something.


Oh also originally I was also going to create Snowy White Hair Female High Elf Ranger but I just didn’t want to overburn myself with just White Hair High Elves then of course I was going to do a Orange/Ginger Hair High Elf Rogue. But I wonder I might as well Create a High Elf Female Hunter with Orange/Ginger Hair or Brown Hair. All Depends on how I got inspired by lot of imaginative things in my head. As much as I like White Looking Ladies even Ranger/Elf Thing too. I wouldn’t mind playing as a Brown Hair or Orange Hair High Elf Hunter.

I mean I could go for Blonde Hair High Elf lady Ranger look. But there’s Blood Elves that as if I create one in terms of Mage/Rogue.

Its just my Thoughts and Posts in Nutshell Basically Folks.


As far as LotR comparisons, you can think of Blood Elves (minus the sinister stuff) as city elves from somewhere like the Grey Havens. Night Elves are basically a mix of Mirkwood and Lorien elves. Mirkwood has the cave dwelling aspect, and Lorien has the huge tree houses.

The one main thematic group that isn’t really represented by a playable WoW version is the Rivendell elves. This is the group that is both civilized and wild at the same time: living in large, ornate lodges in the wilderness where much ancient lore is cataloged and powerful artifacts are stored. This is the theme that High Elves in WoW need to be modeled on.


Sigh, all this talk in the forum about tinker class and stuff, just annoys me, tinker class hasn’t been asked for aslong as High Elves…

If we seriously get Tinker class before High Elves be a kick in the teeth.

I’m for all new classes and races, but first let’s add the OGs of Alliance and Horde and fix class and spec identity before introducing another…