The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

If your assumption is right, then Void Elves becomes like Alleria… High Elves, Tattoos, Skin and hair and all…

If not I want my god damn High Elves I’ve waited literally half my real life for them! 14 years is too long…

All I’ve wanted was High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves all make sense in lore and in game… is that too hard to ask. :pleading_face:


The fact that we have 8 ARs all based on a specific playable race. And the only two other things we have seen is: a) a race that is a remodel of the goblins and b) gnomes with mech parts.

Doesnt anyone think its random how we are going to end up in Mechagon during the time when we fight Azshara? How we are suddenly going to get a megadungeon and a place to explain about these mechanized gnomes in the middle of fighting one of the biggest bads since Vanilla? How they are going to introduce to use these things and have lore introduced behind them to get a connection with these people during a time when we are recruiting allied races that are mostly remodels of current races?

Like this isnt a hard connection to make that every race is getting an AR: simply because the fact that mechagnomes are getting this weird out of place spotlight and development.

I could very well be wrong, but we have eight races which seem to have their own version of an AR…with one thats basically ready with no known counterpart introduced besides these new gnomes.

On top of that, every patch seems to be pushing out two AR, one for each faction. Using your ideology of them not using the same model twice…isnt it quite coincidental that we have two content patches left with four races between Alliance and Horde that dont have a AR represented for them?

Silly troll!! Alliance is only allowed to have made-up races on the spot because they’re “cool”! Have you not learned this by now?


Hey I can now be a human shaman/druid. All is fine.

But are not goblins.
If they make mok’nathal out of kul tirans, will you say they are humans?

Blizzard said very clearly that they chose the name “allied races” because they didn’t want to be constrained to subraces. So, why give that name if they were not planning to have at least one AR not related to a main race?

They also said that allied races are based on existing models. Every allied race will be a remodel of an existing race, but not all allied races will be related to existing races.

But there’s nowhere saying that they’ll be using worgen, pandaren or undead as base for the 8.3.5 AR.

Actually, I think they’ll reuse the kul tiran model in the Horde. That’s my bet.

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I mean, people are theorizing alliance light Undead, but what are going to be the Worgen based race on the Horde to counterpart it? I don’t get this idea. And of course they always release allied races in pairs, for obvious reasons.
Still the Vulpera thing, it just break the norm of the allied races (really don’t apreciate to call them races, they are more like allied factions than races) of all of them being the same race of the main one but with a different flavor, Vulpera are not goblins, they are… Vulpera, different race, culture, language, different everything.

Edit: If i wasn’t clear, i just going to state that i’m not denying that they are going to be playable, it’s quite obvious that they are, it just bother me that they are indeed a new race unlike the other AR’s.


No because im not calling the Vulpera goblins. I am saying they are the goblin AR.

They’ll make something up. Mechagnomes are a thing, remember.

None of which matters. All that matters is what their base model is from.

I feel like you guys are just being contrarian to just be contrarian, especially when people on the Vulpera AR group has said thats what it seems to be.

I assume this is blizzard logic then “Doesn’t matter if they are a different race, as long as they use the same base model they are fitting for the system”, this sounds so stupid, just like most of their recent decisions.

They share 90% of their animations and come from the same skeleton. This isnt like some hard guess.

Doesn’t seems fine to blizzard to give one faction a brand new race… ah excuse me, a “goblin remodel”, and to the other one they give a reskin.

Well i guess that Saberon are just Worgen then.

I mean they are, no matter if they arent the goblin race. You cant deny that.

We also havent seen any of them besides four of them on BlizzCon. Though I have no high hopes.

You can stop now, if you arent going to have a real post.

The face is completely different, and they have a tail, both features requiring a lot of work on animations. Also, body proportions are not the same. And many animations are different.

They are based on goblin model, but calling them a goblin AR is false.


Man…its like its a remodel or something. Like the Zandalari.

Yep, it just so happens that they are heavily based on that skeleton and uses a number of their animations. And is the only race developed mostly for release Horde-side…when next patch has a big focus on goblins vs. gnomes where they introduce a new gnome-based race.

Yep, they totally arent going to be the goblin AR. Not at all.

If I recall correctly, Ion or some other head developer said they are not using “parent races” to make allied races. They just do whatever is cool and whatever fits in the current storyline.

However, I think you’re probably onto something about the skeleton part. I think some races won’t have their skeletons used though but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


Well if blizzard treat Vulpera as a Goblin allied race i guess they have no credibility left.

Having a gnome allied race does not mean vulpera are the goblin allied race. Vulpera are their own thing, and I bet they won’t be the only allied race that is their own thing.

You call vulpera a “goblin allied race” and kul tirans a “human allied race”, but the same classification critteria can’t be true for both. In one, you are using base skeleton rather than actual race, in the other you are picking actual race but not base skeleton.

In short, you are forcing the evidence to fit your theory instead of making your theory fit the evidence.

There’s nothing so far saying that we will see a “worgen” allied race, or a “pandaren” allied race, or an “undead” allied race. For all we know, 8.3.5 could reuse models in new ways.

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Pretty sure blizz does whatever is easiest not “whatever is cool” when it comes to allied races.


You realize that they would need their own starting zone then, right? When we have done most of their questing in Vol’dun. How would that work?

Yes it can, you just dont allow it due to your strict rules of what an allied race can be.

We dont see one of an undead one either. Doesnt mean they wont exist in 8.3.

Doubt one will happen, since they are a special thing on their own.

It was their words, not mine. :laughing: