The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I don’t think that is among their objectives. I think they’ll just avoid reusing the same base race for the same faction. So, if I’m right, that means no high elves, at least within BfA. But we could, for instance, get ogres based on kul tirans or a night elf-based race for the Alliance since there’s none right now.

Yes it is, every main race for Alliance except gnomes and worgen have their version of an allied race:

Dwarves - Dark Iron
Humans - Kultiran
Night elves - Void elves
Draenai - Lightforged.

Its going to be one for each race then the system is over. It doesnt have longevity.

You assuming that, just like I assume they just don’t want to use the same model on the same faction more than once within BfA.

Thats my point, though. I am only going further to say that Allied Races wont exist past BFA and the Allied Race system will only add things that reflect the models of current races.

Since we know Vulpera are close to the goblin model, and the only thing close to a possible AR is junker gnomes.

8.3 is going to be whatever the worgen/undead ARs are: and I will bet that its going to be another swap of models since its going to deal with the Void/Nzoth…and we know the Light counters void.

Since 8.2 PTR won’t go up until 8.1.5 releases, this is going to be a very slow winter in terms of news information.

It’s going to feel like a loooong winter for WoW :snowflake::snowman_with_snow::snowflake::sneezing_face:


I see, really stupid if blizzard is actually aiming this, seems to be a really unpopular decision, nobody asked for mecha gnomes or gilgoblins or whatever they are planing, release unpopular and unasked allied races for the sake of having one per main? Dumb as f***.
Otherwise, if they par Vulpera with Mechagnomes it would be really unfair, because Vulpera are a unique race, so much that they could be a main race instead of a allied one, plus they are very demanded. Mechagnomes in the other way…

Pretty sure Vulpera are popular.

They are just a remodel of the goblins. People had pointed this out when they were released.

Didn’t say that vulpera are not popular, read again, they are very demanded, i was talking about mechagnomes and gilgoblins (some people theorized it).

Also, how in the earth vulpera are just goblin remodels? They do use the same model, but they obviously are not goblins or anything similar. Just because they share a model, doesn’t mean that they are anything close, it is just that it was convenient for the devs to use the goblin model on them, just a in-game representation.

Why do you keep saying this? These probably wont happen since Vulpera are clearly the goblin AR.

Because they share the same model style, even down to animations. I mean KT humans model is nothing close to the current human one.

Denial isnt just a river in Africa, you know?

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Man, how vulpera are anything close to goblins? They use the same model and animations, but does this makes vulpera related to them?
Desert fox people and greedy green midgets, can’t see any similarity.
It was way easier for the devs to reuse a existing model rather than doing a brand new one from the scratch, it isn’t denial, i coursed game developing for some time back in the day, and making models and animations is hard work and take loads of time. “Why not use existing ones and re-texture them?” A artist might thought.
Lots of edits

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Allied races is probably the only BfA system that people are positive about, and it will be the only one that will have longevity if blizzard devs have any kind of sanity left. I just find weird to assume that the system will be over after one allied race for each main race while potential allied races would still exist and people would still be asking for them.


I hope so, but since the devs are completely deaf to the community demands, it might happen, and people would be even more pissed at them and more will leave, and they will keep losing their precious money.

Heartfully agree.

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“Exalted? Why?”
“Why do I have to grind old content to get allied races”

This was a thing remember?

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People complain about grinding to unlock them because they want them in the first place : )


How in the Earth Vulpera are just a goblin reskin?

They only share the skeleton and animations, but they’re nothing alike. Pretty much like Kul’tirans use Pandaren as base model.

So they are a remodel. Like the Zandalari or the Nightborne.

How many more hoops are you two going to attempt to jump through to deny that they are going to be the goblin AR?

They clearly arent the undead AR, since those are the last two Horde races to receive one.

Yeah that’s right they’re going to be the AR Goblin slot, but they’re nothing alike.

I literally said they were a remodel, and because of that they are probably the goblin AR.

Here’s some food for thought.

My assumption: Blizzard will not reuse the same model twice for the same faction within BfA’s lifespan. They are not limited to subraces in any way, only remodels.

Yours: There will be an AR for each playable race. But what’s your criteria? Because if it’s related races, then vulpera is based on goblin model but it is not a goblin-like race. If it’s remodels, then kul tirans are humans but not based on human model. Or is your critteria a very losely definition that encompasses both remodel and racial correlation?

Wow, the amount of work done on Vulpera is unprecedented. No way they are not an allied race.