The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

You know… I feel like this gets thrown around too often; “Blood Elves are High Elves” Then when the argument suits, “Blood Elves are culturally and physically different than High Elves” So which is it? Sure, BloodElves are HighElves; But there is enough distinction that they are a different group at this point.
Germans and Australians are both Humans, but they are different in enough ways that you know and identify those differences. You wouldn’t lump them into being “the same thing”

Even better—Kul Tirans and Gilneans are HUMANS. The only differences are cultural. (Apart from the Worgen curse of Gilneans, but that’s a “condition”) Both of these groups are playable.

Simply stated, if Blizzard wants to do it they can. Reasoning can be concocted for or against in a hundred ways.

Just give it to us please.


I believe a void knight class should be introduced to fill this roll. Paladins should remain purely about the light. Priests can be considered the middle ground for the spectrum. Holy is light, shadow is void, and discipline is the middle and uses both.

That could work too!

High Elves still have my support! :slight_smile:

Also is it me or is the anti high elf thread been really toxic lately? Every time I go there it’s a bunch of anti people spewing insults and calling people triggered. I’m sad this thread kinda dwindled down because the discussion here has been a lot more tame lately.


quite simply many have unsubscribed. There are just a few left actually playing the game. The inactivity shouldn’t be viewed as support dying down but as quite simply blizzard hasn’t put out on their end so people have moved on from WoW.

I know plenty of people who support High Elves who also still play the game (they don’t visit the forums though), but you’re probably right with the quitting part… Even I’m starting to drift away at this point but I hope one day Blizzard realizes what people want. This expansion has been a serious mess >_>

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It’s just that there’s has been little news to discuss here.

No high elf sightings in 8.1, no news on allied races from Blizzcon, nothing. At best, we can talk about void elf roles in 8.1, but I haven’t even finished the campaign (I’m giving more attention on farming some stuff for now).

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I’ve basically written BfA off as a bust. It’s not WoD levels of bad but its not as good as Legion. 8.2 might be the saving grace but that’s not coming for some time.

As far as “near” future allied races are concerned, I’m guessing Junker Gnomes for Alliance and Vulpera for Horde when it comes time for the “pre-order the new xpac to unlock these allied races!” push, which will be really disappointing for me if I’m right.

I’m not sure what allied races Blizzard could come up with after that for the Alliance. There’s just High Elves (or perhaps Half Elves) , Wildhammer Dwarves, and I guess maybe those light based undead “The Redeemed”. Anything else will be something new they make up. I just don’t see races like the Jinyu (or 8.2’s fish people), or Ethereals actually happening as allied races.

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Actually I just made a thread talking about Junker Gnomes and someone mentioned that their mechanical parts could be additional options for normal gnomes instead of an allied race. I feel like they might treat it like night warrior questline because if the alliance gets another made-up race on the spot again I’m going to rip my hair out. :laughing:


Alliance getting allied races they didn’t asked for? Wow, what a surprise…


Yeah, things seen a little bit darker now, but I’ll wait untill next year Blizzcon, before jumping into any conclusions about the Quel’dorei future.

Meanwhile, the only thing that can bring High Elves is that Quel’thalas Warfront that we’ve been talking about before, I guess.

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I can only hope you’re right. I know its selfish on my part but… gnomes are a waste for me. I know there’s people who like them but, I’ve never been a fan of the “short and compact” races. All the allied races that are part of BfA are also lack luster for me.

Dark Iron Dwarves look kinda cool but I’m not really into playing them, and outside of their unique druid forms, I see little appeal in Kultirans. Whoever thought that beer guts and binge eaters were a good aesthetic for an allied race really needs their head examined and perhaps a visit from the “good taste” police.

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The current dev team is too lazy to revamp Quel’thalas to make it suitable for a warfront. We’ll probably get a barrens warfront instead, i’m not giving any kind of hope for BfA anymore, this expansion is dead. Give me Undead expansion 2.0 already.

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I’m glad, that even when we’re in darkness, worried about our future, there’s always new faces showing up, giving their support and keeping our cause alive.

So many have abandoned us after that infamous NO, but I know there’s still hope, and for that I love you all who still dont give up fight :heart:.


Perhaps, but I think we must wait and see, cuz an Quel’thalas Warfront doesnt mean that we’re actually assaulting Silvermoon itself, there’s a gate and a barrier that must be breached before getting into Sin’dorei lands.

Laying siege upon Silvermoon seems something too big for one Warfront alone, I thinks it’s more fitting for a raid or big event instead.

But I really doubt that Alliance is going to take Quel’thalas, no matter what happens.

They probably will end up doing this. We all know they would be originally planned as an AR but with the backlash they have already received they will probably back out of that idea and instead make it customization for base gnomes and go with some other allied race.

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No, we know there will be more allied races within BfA itself. It’s very likely that new pairs will be introduced in both 8.2.5 and 8.3.5

8.2.5 pair is most likely going to be vulpera and junker gnomes.

8.3.5 is up in the air right now. I think either an ogre or mok’nathal race is possible for the Horde. For Alliance, I have no clue. But, given the trend of bringing races out of nowhere for the Alliance, I wouldn’t doubt whatever it is being introduced as late as 8.3.

I don’t think there’ll be a big following on the system past BfA. Blizzard will move on to new things, and add allied races rarely from then on. Preorder bonus for next expansion may be not related to allied races at all.

Maybe I missed something somewhere, but how do we know “there are more allied races within BfA”? Was that specifically said at Blizzcon? I mean I know they said we’d “make friends” with a bunch of people in 8.2 but did that specifically say more allied races coming in BfA?


I wish I remembered where I’ve seen it, but during Blizzcon, in some interview, the devs said there are plans for more allied races after zandalari and kul tirans. They avoided giving any further details on that, thought.

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They need to fit the quota: one allied race for each main race