The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I do believe we come to a time in WoW where races should have unique visuals, where Night Elf priests have Silver colour heals from Elune.

Just makes the race and spec more unique and feel unique, think of it like Shaman Totems every race has a different totem be weird if they all had the same…

Every race heals and gets their spec and all from different places, Tauren Paladins (Sunwalker) from the sun, Human and Dwarf through Church and holy beliefs, Blood Elf through the Sun Well and Draenei from the Narruu. It be awesome if they all had distinct visuals to seperate them.

You gotta rememeber the game is 14 years old, a lot of other games coming out or already out have customisation that blows WoW out of the water… in all honestly we do need to step up to compete.

Releasing High Elves, Wildhammer Dwarves for Alliance, San’alyn and Ogres for Horde should be a start… you can’t have too many races and customisations, making something feel unique to the player is amazing…


Race specific visual effects for spells are a really good idea, i’m all for that, way better than racials at differentiating each race (and didn’t cause a faction imbalance with one faction having way better racials than the other).


It’s just sad to see so many other free mmos and arpgs have such awesome customisation and character choices and races, and they don’t have huge backings and fundings like WoW…

It’s about time WoW wakes up and does some awesome revamps, more races, more customisation, more choices, I wanna immerse myself in my character, feel like I’m making a difference once again!

As much as I disliked Classic WoW visually, back then I felt unique and like as if I was making a difference… my character was amazing… that feeling has been slowly slipping away and BFA has hardly pulled me back in :frowning:


I still don’t think it would work with switching Light with Void and calling it a Paladin.

I mean it be cool, but they could do stuff for the other races, I wouldn’t want Void Elves to get Paladins… that spot is taken when High Elves get released :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

P.S I’m secretly hoping Shamans become available for High Elves, Alliance need a good Shaman Race :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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many Queldorey! why blizzard choosed Rendorei if they have few members?

My +1 for Queldorei (and Sanlayn :heart_eyes:)


Amazing work, but don’t forget to add Yvera Dawnwing to it!

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With how limited Paladin Lore is, and how much of a clusterfrick Paladin players would made if they did it, I really can’t see this happen at all.

Like legit High Elves are more likely than Blizz making “Dark Paladins” as a cosmetic option lol.


Honestly, at this point, does anyone really know what’s going on w/ Blizzard? They seem to have a ZFG policy when it comes to existing lore, established pretexts, and convention.

I’m still a huge advocate for the High Elf race to be a playable option by Alliance. Dark Paladins? Anything can happen folks. We got blueberry blood elves out of nowhere, after all. :popcorn:


Hehe neat! (tho some dragons slipped through XD) From the top of my head, some missing NPC’s like Sarix from WoD, Yvera Dawnwing, the 7th Legion Shield Mages, and the Kirin Tor apprentice on the IE.

Also there are several HE NPC’s removed during Cata, who’s status is unconfirmed

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In fairness, at least a couple of those are dragons. You might want to remove Captain Iskandar and Taradormi before the antis pitch a fit.

Anything can happen, but the paladin playerbase is so fervent about “preserving” the paladin themes and flavor that I really don’t see Blizz going against them for a few people that would like “dark paladins”

“Traditionalist” Paladins are still whining about Sunwalkers, and Prelates now, it’s no like that Paladin players are the most zealous when it comes to their class fantasy, and I really don’t see an incentive for Blizzard to even go for “Dark Paladins”

Cause what reason would blizz have to do it? As in the, what do they get from it? Nothing really, and if there’s nothing in it for them, well…

I hope we don’t get “dark paladins” It would be better to make a void knight class that is the opposite of what paladins are. Death knights don’t fill that as death is not the opposite of light.

though with blizzard who knows. They admit they usually just go with the rule of cool and change lore based on that instead of taking the lore and writing within its’ boundaries. Some cases it is okay because it really only expanded on existing parts of the lore that were vague but in a lot of cases they just rewrite it to suit their needs.

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The problem is that “Paladin” is too much of a specialized niche archetype, we would not be having this conversation if it was more of a “Holy Warrior” archetype. The power would just come from whatever the weilder believes is Holy, but Paladins in WoW are just about the Light, and at best, they get to play with the origin of the Light they wield.

Priests can be both Light and Shadow because their power does come from whatever they believe in, and even if the specs themselves are limited, their lore itself clearly tells us the origins of their powers are as myriad as beliefs there are.

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The reason to do it is because they are already represented in the game with the Riftblades and Twilight Vindicators.

Also, priests have the ability to worship light or shadow. Paladins are a militant priest, or a priest who develops their martial skills in addition to their faith. Ergo, the militant shadow priest is a missing theme.

Brutal, I’ll be saving this to favorites for anytime someone tries to naysay high elves.
What I find ironic is that outside of the blood elf starter zones/TBC expansion, there are probably more high elf npcs if one wishes to get nitpicky.


Lovely to see that High Elf Shieldbearer as part of the Silver Hand.

Thank you very much for taking the time to do this. It’s also a helpful way to show Blizzard on the presence and "in your face"ness that High Elves have on the Alliance.


Wow, amazing!


They can also add Alleria to it :eyes:


Seeing Auric makes me cry tears of unused and forgotten potential