The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

This reminded me of Liadrin light tantrum in the Arathi Warfront.
Liadrin: Darkness cannot abide within the light
Turalyon: ???
Rokhan: You cannot hide from de shadows.


I kinda wonder whether the devs unwillingness to implement high elves signifies a faction traitor system is in the works or maybe cross faction guilds may be in the works.

Honestly I am not seeing that at all sorry, Blood Elves are the most developed horde race after Orcs and Forsaken. They always have something going on for them.

They are far from flavorless, they developed from a race willing to do anything to survive to one that accepts compromise while hoping for a better future. Their loyalty is to their own, their permanence on the horde politically motivated. I really don’t get the “They are the light of the Horde” comment, Blood Elves are far from pious, they definitely fall more on the self rigtheous category, which fits a race known for their arrogance.

Of course they boosted the horde’s pop because they are pretty, but that’s not to say they brought interesting themes to it as well, which I feel you are thoroughly dismissing -like saying the whole Dalaran debacle was just about an intraracial thalassian conflict, when it was a lot more than that-

Oh I’d love that soooo much.

See the issue is that all of this is essentially 12 year old lore. There’s little to corroborate this at the moment.

I’m not trying to make you dislike them. I’m glad you like them. It all just makes me sad.

I personally think your correct, if “Void” Paladins happened, it be the niche catch they need to be popular and accepted, voidish purple skins over usually Paladin abilities.

But hey Blizzard is anti fun… anything suggested by the community usually gets ignored, even in their last Q&A, they sort of basically said they don’t care on player feedback on forums which was interesting.

But Void Elves will never get Paladins, we’re struggling already over 14 years to get High Elves…

No new info on next set of Allied Races besides Kul’tirans and Zandalari, so we can assume these be the last Allied races for the expansion.

I need High Elves, I wanna restart over, play as Alliance on a Race I’ve wanted for over 14 years… I need content, I’m 8/8 Mythic Uldir on my Lock and now literally my guild just signs on one day a week for reclearing…

What type of MMO experience is that… play one day a week for 3 hours…, they suggest I play other MMOs till the next raid or other games.

P.s even WoD at its worse had a more “MMO” experience then what BFA has done in my opinion, I’ve never seen so many guilds disband and people just play so limited cause no content or anything pulling them in… it’s so sad :sob:

For The Quel’dorei!


My guess on the next xpac pre-order allied races will be:

Horde: Vulpera
Alliance: Junker Gnomes

Beyond that, I am really not sure what else they will come up with. San’layn, Ogres and/or Mok’Nathal are easy “gives” for the Horde. For the Alliance all I can really come up with are Wild Hammer Dwarves, maybe the Redeemed (those light raised undead), and if High Elves are absolutely out of the question, then Half Elves. Beyond those, I am unsure what either side can realistically get that isn’t something we haven’t heard of before.

Plus it would be weird coloring all the Paladin spells black and renaming them and giving them new icons.

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Why would that be weird?

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It’s basically a new class that plays exactly like a Paladin that takes a lot of work just to kinda make sense.

To me its just a paladin that draws on void energy instead of the light.

I mean if it being called a paladin is a big deal they could always flag the class to show a different name when its a void elf with it but mechanically it’s a paladin. It’s really not all that much work (relatively speaking) to recolor all the paladin skills with that blue/black void color and give them an alternate name.

It’s about the same effort as green fire for locks. If anything I’d like to see more difference in class vfx based on race. Like Night Elf priest healing spells using a soft blue/white color like moonlight rather than the standard yellow holy light coloring.

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Even if all the names could be done in a way that wasn’t totally ridiculous (Flash of Dark? Cursed Shield?) you suddenly have a class that has no frame of reference.

“Take this talent for single target” “I don’t have it on my tree… What’s the Void Elf name?” “I don’t know”

“You where supposed to interrupt his Holy Light!” “All I saw was Unholy Darkness”

“This potion is supposed to stop Holy damage! But all his spells are Void”

“Sorry, we need a Void Elf Pally for this boss because he doesn’t lock Void School”

See where I’m getting at?

Way too much special treatment to kinda make something work.

Not really. The precedent has already been set with green fire. I don’t think that has ever been a problem in any real measurable way.

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They would have to rename the spells and talents too. Holy Light and all that.

One is a different color of the same thing and one is the exact opposite of the original thing.

This is way past green fire in terms of making sense.

Green fire’s icons change, just the names don’t. I’m not sure it would be too difficult to make them change too.

Alternatively, they could finally do 4th specs and make a void one for pallies.

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To Celebrate our first 5k thread, I made one High Elf gallery, with almost 150 screenshots, just to show “how few in number” the Quel’dorei people are.

I think the Ren’dorei are jealous…

When someone come and say: “But they’re too few”, “They’re nearly extinct” or something like that, feel free to use it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Simply amazing! Honestly great work!

When i think about void paladins i think of a 4th spec. A lot of people are talking about potential 4th specs to the existing classes such as chrono mages, tank shamans etc. Nothing would change on the other paladin specs.


No, people here are mostly talking about a “Void Skin” on Void Elf Paladins.

I just don’t see it working.

Oh… I was expecting a 4th spec : /
Can’t see a void skin working. If i want a thalassian paladin on the alliance it have to be a high elf. But if a Void Paladin spec ever came to life it would make sense to void elves.