The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The void elves are kinda like the pre-Illidan blood elves were, yes. Using dangerous magic to protect. The main difference (besides being void rather than “demonic” magic, like back then) is that they neither suffer from magic addiction (AFAIK) nor are in a desperate situation for survival, both of which take away some of their “edge”.


Slightly off topic but can we talk about how male Void Elves sound EXACTLY like Kael’thas? At least they do to me. “I can’t cast that yet.” “I need more mana.” The first time I heard those lines I was startled thinking Warcraft 3 on a Youtube Video was playing without me knowing it.

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Can we split them up like Pandas? I want a High Elf regardless of faction!

Honestly this would’ve been the ideal method of implementation for the race, but then it wouldn’t have solved the population issue back in WoW’s early Lifetime.

High Elves as a race just flawlessly fit the Neutral Race idea far more than Pandaren do at this point. They have strong reasons to draw blood against one another, and they have reasons to be fiercely loyal to their factions as well. Pandaren always fail as a Neutral race because there is never a good reason for a Tuishi Pandaren to want to kill a Huojin Pandaren, or vice versa. Having different philosophies is not a reason for a race as relaxed and laid back as Pandaren to pick sides in an unending conflict that has the unspoken promise of genocide or enslavement for the losing side.


Are you serious? It’s the same thing just with blue eyes. At least void elf whiners can complain about skin color.

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There’s a very specific reason why I need High Elves and Blood Elves to be on the same faction, one that I cannot disclose because it is so private and sexy~

Creating a bunch of void constructs to both minimize the risk to your allies and deal psychological damage to your enemies is still Light Years away from forcibly converting your allies to the Void.

At least if finally shows that Void Elves are their own thing and don’t share the High Elf fantasy.

Agreed. At least one benefit from coming out of nowhere is the get to be something new.

Blood Elves should have been made a lot more gritty and less posh to fit in with the Horde.

They are always going to feel out of place as nobels among savages.

Give them some nose piercings or something!

Keals Blood Elves where the cool ones. Running in headfirst into siege machines and eating demons…


10 more posts and we can done round 5.0k :laughing:

I’ve accepted that we won’t see High Elves included the way we’d like them to for the rest of BFA at least, and honestly I don’t think there’s much more that can be discussed about it. I’ve no interest in throwing pointless insults at those who wish ill of our request, and I don’t have much more to add other than an occasional bump to the thread.

I probably won’t be renewing my sub like so many others, but not just because of the lack of playable Alliance High Elves. There’s too many problems with BFA and not enough time that I can set aside for the game nowadays, and while High Elves would convince me to stay they’re not coming in the near future.

Glad to see people are still willing to keep the dream alive though, best wishes to you all!


The sad thing is that with the current state of affairs on BfA, talking about High Elves is one of the few things that hold my interest. The game is not in a very engaging place right now, and I do feel that I have more fun talking about it than playing it and that is just not fun.

Like I haven’t even done the 8.1 war campaign because once I’m done with it what else I’m gonna do?


Still a strong supporter of playable High Elves for the Alliance! More so as a believer in that any role playing game worth its salt should allow its players to be the race, class and style they choose to.

I know WoW isn’t as open ended in terms of character creation versus a pen-and-paper role playing game where your only limit is your imagination but High Elves have been, no pun intended, highly requested since long before BfA. Arguably the hope has been there since before Blood Elves were announced to be playable for the Horde in BC.

The desire, I believe, has only gotten stronger since BfA introduced the concept of Allied Races, races akin to existing character races but with different features and backgrounds, basically WoW’s answer to the “Sub-Races”. I’d much rather have High Elves as an Allied Race or standalone race than simply a cosmetic option for Void Elves.

My hope is that we will see High Elves made playable in the expansion following BfA, if not during the course of BfA. My hope largely stems from what Horde players accomplished with the Saurfang story line; requesting agency in a traditionally linear narrative. Asking for the choice to choose a side rather than a quest decide for the player which side they were on. Here’s hoping our passion has inspire the developers into exploring the idea!


I think they should have played more into the fel corruption. Have them embrace it without remorse with more fel blood elf appearances. This would set them apart from high elves more than just the sunwell being turned to light.


They never know what to do with Blood Elves. That’s all there is to it. There’s a reason their leader was a meme and they have never been featured in any meaningful cinematic or part of any significant story other than their intraracial conflict with the High Elves of Dalaran post-BC.

By any reasonable metric, Blood Elves are a failure of an implementation. However they are insanely popular, because they were for the longest time the only “attractive” Horde character and are basically humans with pointy ears, especially now with how washed up they are.


For me, neutral races are about single individuals (player characters) choosing to involve in the Horde x Alliance conflict rather than the entire race being divided because of that same conflict, it’s on the name, neutral,they don’t care about it, any individual that does would go for it, this is what happens with the pandaren, the race or nation as a whole didn’t chose to stick to a side, but the player character have to chose one.
Considering their status before WoW lore happened, Night Elves and Blood Elves would work perfectly as neutral races because as nations they are very united among themselves, have consistent reasons not to take a side on the alliance x horde and are very prideful and isolationist. It would be up to the player to take a side after completing their starting zone.

Some of you might say that the Blood Elves (Thalassian Elves) are not united at all because of the High Elf x Blood Elf divide, but think about it, in a WoW where the Blood Elves never had allied themselves with the Horde and remained neutral, would the High Elves have reasons to stay away from them? While the Blood Elves still were using fel and draining life from living creatures maybe, but now that the Sin’dorei don’t do those things anymore, probably not. They would have blue eye customization options too if a reunion event happened. But noo, blizzard have to give them to a single faction that had no backstory with them and slap in the face of alliance players. The inclusion of the Night Elves in the Alliance was also a disaster, from a race of savage nobles that killed anyone who dare to set feet on their sacred forests blizzard turned them into a bunch of toothless tree hippies to fit them into the goody good alliance.

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It’s fairly obvious that Alliances Night Elves were meant to be High Elf Lite.

Talendrion here, showing off my BE mog ;D

I can’t agree with this notion that BE’s are a failure of implementation. There was a lot they had to set up so it made sense they joined the Horde, and some of how it was done on the BE starting area wasn’t the most elegant -like the NE’s spying on them- but it was not badly written.

After BC, we saw a swerve to the light worshiping aspect of BE’s removed from how the lore originally set them up; and while I do prefer the more edgy BE’s it was a development that actually made sense in context. Not what I would have gone with, but it worked.

I agree that they are basically the horde’s pointy eared humans in a way, and less interesting than they could have been, yet I can’t say it was a bad implementation of that, because while we lost a lot of flavor, it also gave them the nuance of showing alignment as a political choice rather than just cultural similarities, which later paved the way for nightborne.

I like that BE’s are on the horde because it added another layer of political complexity over the older dichotomy between horde and alliance races (“monstrous” vs “humanoid”) even when the game itself tends to still make the Horde the “morally grey” faction.

My only issue with Blood Elves is that they made more difficult for HE’s to be playable on the alliance, and as qualms go, that’s pretty much nothing compared to upside of having BE’s on the Horde. They made the Horde more interesting, and really boosted the Horde’s population, they have been nothing but a huge success for the Horde, save that they get sidelined a bit because they are not of the core 4 races.

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I’m the same, honestly just did Mythic Ghuun last night on my main, theres nothing left for me to do, BFA seems so lack luster for me.

If it wasn’t for this a few Allied Race Threads and the dream of High Elves & Wildhammer Dwarves, I would of left ages ago…

These speculation threads are the only thing keeping me going. Love you guys and gals :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

For the Quel’dorei!


If they really wanted Void Elves to be successful, they should have been introduced with a unique spin on a class (just like Death Druid Kul Tirans and Dino Druid Zandalari).

And that should have been Void Paladins. Think Captain Yami from Black Clover.


The issue is that none of this is actually reflected and that is what infuriates me. I’m frustrated FOR the Blood Elves, not to spite whatever their notion is.

They have barely had any input on the Horde’s narrative. Almost all their interactions have been constrained to this intraracial civil war. Whatever political complexity they COULD have brought is sidelined in favor of the Orcs and Undead, the real stars of the Horde.

They are flavorless, and devoid of any real development. Their leader was a meme until he turned into a thirst trap. Their most crucial involvement in the story was not their story at all (Jaina).

It’s not the writing team’s fault at all. How do you even represent the Blood Elves in their current iteration? You’d have to make them laughably “evil”. But they are now the Light of the Horde or whatever which makes them contrast heavily against their own people.

So now they look like humans, act like humans, talk like humans. They can’t even be arrogant about their heritage anymore.

The only reason they boosted the Horde population is that they are pretty. That’s all it is. Anything else is just post-fact justification.

It has nothing to do with the High Elves. I wouldn’t even care about High Elves if Blood Elves were well implemented. The only reason I have any investment in their story right now is their intraracial conflict with the High Elves which I find the best in the story second only to the Human/Forsaken one.

It’s actually sad when the Draenei have a more interesting development process than the Blood Elves, despite the former actually being created out of thin air.


To be fair they probably had 5 minutes to think of something for Void Elves.