The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

This is so important to remember every time somebody tells you that the Alliance shouldn’t get Blood Elves because they’re a Horde race. Blizzard already gave the Alliance Blood Elves. Players can currently make an Alliance Blood Elf. Players cannot currently make an Alliance-aligned High Elf despite their constant presence in the story.


I know most of this has already been said but I just wanted to add my support here. I have played World of Warcraft since a few months after launch. I was disappointed I couldn’t be a High Elf then, since I have played Alliance since WC2. When I saw Blood Elves were being given to the Horde, I was tremendously disappointed. Over the years, as I have seen High Elves be a major story point in WotLK, MoP, and Legion, I had just little glimmers of hope. The allied race system seemed the perfect time, but instead we get Void Elves.
While on their own, they may have been interesting. However, with almost no story and little relevance to the plot, I am really not sold. I don’t understand why Alleria, who is supposed to be super in control of the void, doesn’t even look like a Void Elf. To see more High Elf NPCs continue to be added to the game and no really big story around the Ren’dorei just leaves me confused.
It’s also been said there are many ways to make High Elves unique. Change their posture, give them facial paint, make them a little taller, etc. Make High Elven culture more nature based - we know they once had Druids, and their Farstriders were legendary. They have had years of being exposed to Shamanism from the Wildhammer and Druidism from the Kaldorei, each of whom they have had a bunch of experience with. There are plenty of ways to make them distinct without introducing almost-loreless blueberries instead
(edited to post on my main :stuck_out_tongue:)


You should check the following thread in SoL forums:

It shows several details of WoW’s inception.

Three decisions in particular were mandated from above and had even the creative body of Blizzard resist them:

  • Night elves in the Alliance
  • Forsaken in the Horde
  • Blood elves in the Horde

No wonder, all three have bad consequences to this day: the watering down of night elves to fit the “good” faction, Horde being ignorant of the forsaken’s blatant evil and the players still asking for high elves.


No longer neutral \o/

Unrealistic, but in a world torn by war, pressures rise, and past tensions flare just enough to justify a vote within the council to shift towards the Alliance. Who cares if Dalaran is OP…? So is the lightgoat ship but they’re likely holding back on using it on moral grounds or something that keeps the Alliance from better entering that morally gray area.


I thought this is common knowledge.

Well before the High Elf fiasco even.

I’d still like to hear a Blizzard response on this one. This thread is ginormous and, generally-speaking, supports a playable high elf in some fashion on the Alliance faction.


I felt obliged to post in the “Official I have no life” thread.

I mean I gotta give fingerguns for that name alone!

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Beware the Viking God of Rock! For with the power of my Mighty Axe… I RULE!


Can we bring out the cool old drawings out again? I miss them and they had some good concepts


The High Elf discord has a lot of links.

I’d link them here myself but I’m untrustworthy scum apparently.


Awww yeah same :frowning:

And given my… ahem… colorful history throughout these High Elf threads, I wonder if I’ll ever achieve level 3 :rofl:

Lol I don’t even know how the trust levels even work

There’s a sticky.

Oh I’m sure the information is out there! It’s just that I haven’t really taken the time to read it lol

If you want to put a link, use the [ code ] [/ code ] tags. Won’t work as a link, but at least allows you to put a full URL.

Ty Alamara! lemme give it a try.

Line up Male Female My Ranger My Priest My Mage My Warrior


My Warrior:

My Ranger:** 

I see things like this and all I can think of is: “how can’t Blizzard artists think of such ways to make the race ‘different, but the same’?”

These are awesome! And not based on blood elf model at all!


It’s also been said there are many ways to make High Elves unique. Change their posture, give them facial paint, make them a little taller, etc.

They can also give them brown skin tones, different ear lengths to indicate that they are half elves or just cosmetic damage, signs of aging, and huge beards.