The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The thing is that the high elves do not need a lot of setup. Both highmountain tauren and nightborne were being introduced in Legion. High elves were already a part of lore. A story about adding them just needs a catalyst to unite them. Like Alleria’s return could have been.

Indeed, Dalaran itself is obviously a mix between Human and Elven aesthetics just by looking at it, between square buldings, blocks and spires and detailing, the resemblance just pops out.

And it makes sense since the city itself was funded on that coalesnce between humans and elves, it’s pretty evident that Dalaran has it’s own culture in the way Gilneas and Kul’tiras have one, and the interesting thing is that with Dalaran we can clearly see the elven influence.

There’s so much that could be done with that, but as Dalaran just isn’t a “home city” for a race, a lot us just left unexplored. So yeah, Dalarani culture would be the perfect set up for High Elves tbh, there’s already a starting point on it, specially with the SC forming there. It seems like a no brainer, yet Dalaran is again neutral so who knows lol.

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I agree with that, but what I am saying is that I just can’t see the intention to make them playable in their Legion appearances.

That’s my point, given their background, High Elves could have been easily expanded to be playable, more so than any race, but even so, nothing of what Legion gave us made me think that was seriously considered.

Easily at one point sure, I think they need some prominent story telling once more.

More as they deserve it, rather than this “arbitrary” gate.

Very well expressed, as I’ve stated before I don’t really care if High Elves are ever added but I sympathize for the Quel’dorei. Especially when you put it in terms as if you guys got Forest Trolls. Oh I would’ve lost it haha


The thing is that Alleria’s return is the perfect catalyst for High Elves to do something. We know Alleria wants Silvermoon to return to the Alliance, and she has the Void Elves to help her with, but that might not be enough.

So all it should take would be asking Vereesa if she is down for it, to actually do something to “save” Quel’thalas from the Horde. And then is about just gathering every remainig High Elf who agrees with them and for a reclamation coalition. This would be the greyer option.

Alternatively, Vereesa could decide to not reclaim Quel’thalas as a goal, and create some conflict between her and Alleria, yet still decide she has to DO something, so instead she chooses to gather the rest of her people under a single banner, and we could also play with the notion that some High Elves would side with Alleria. I think every High Elf on the alliance would be happy to see Quel’thalas back on it, but it could be an interesting wrinkle if some believe they have to do it by force, and others convince the Blood Elves to return.


A VE + HE vs BE + NB would be legendary


Sure it is the perfect moment, “but”

The infamous but.

Just showing my support for playable Quel’dorei +1


gimme my high elf quel’dorei silver covenant playable race


Since the BE models are separated from the HE models they could actually start adding more differences to them to make them more distinct without too much fuss before they are made playable.

So would anyone be upset if they made a good portion of the Dalaran High Elves tan?

We have Davi as an example… What book was she in again?


Had they not planned on giving us Alliance HE they would have made VE from HE rather than BE.



I’m positive this probably has been said before, but in Legion their was a quest where you’d follow Alleria through the Void and stealthing past enemies.

When seeing another person doing the same quest Alleria would become a High Elf Ranger, but the model wasn’t a Blood Elf Model, the stance and posture was complete different.

I remember seeing this. I have a screen shot somewhere because I was so fascinated with it and thought this is where High Elves we’re heading and I loved it.

Just thinking why can’t we use that model for High Elves, so wouldn’t be a copy paste from Blood Elves and different from Void Elves.

Once again sorry if mentioned already just popped in my head. Theirs so many paths to take High Elves, model wise, and lore wise, I love it.

Well it sort of seems that Alliance are struggling when it comes to warmode and faction balance, but hopefully the 8.1 30% buff sorts some of it out, but I know deep down adding High Elves will balance this out instantly… 14 year requested race… it’s time :grin:

P.S 8.1, I’ll be finally levelling my Alliance to unlock Dark Iron and Kul’tiran reps, seems like the best time.


welperino pleasarno

I have to agree, I always said “if they wanted to stop the High Elf talk they’d make Void Elves from High Elves”, they obviously have plans for the most requested race, time will tell, fingers crossed not to wait too too long haha


Makes no sense to me why they didn’t write up silver covenant high elves as the current playable void elves. it would have indeed halted all the high elf talk.

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So, Aleria teachs void elvs how to contain void powers make look them like high elvs with some stupid racial ability (just cosmetic) and that is all, solved

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Well that’s one solution some people want, but some want pure blood Quel’dorei, Silver Covenant/highvale High Elves.

In the end it comes down to Blizzard, all I know is either option I’ll be going to Alliance, 14 years following the Horde!


A problem like this can only be solved by a “divide and conquer” strategy, which means: you see what the group you are trying to appease wants. If it’s impossible to give it to them, you search for the most highest common denominator and see how many of the group will be appeased by it.

If the non-appeased are still too many, you also search among the the highest common denominator. And so on, and so on, until the left over group is very small and you don’t need to bother anymore.

So, what do people want? High elves.

Can Blizzard give us high elves? If not, then what should it do? Look what high elf fans want from the high elves:

  • Appearance
  • Protagonism for them
  • Evolution of their lore
  • Continuation of their storyline

AFAIK, the only thing really impeding high elves from becoming playable, according to Ion, is their appearance. So, they made void elves, but failed to addresss all the other things people wanted from high elves.

Again, giving void elves a more high elf-like appearance still fails to address the problem. A story is needed there, something to say: “void elves are the natural continuation of the high elf storyline”. And that’s hard to do, because void elves started wrong.

I can think of amazing ways to go back and change void elf introduction to make it way more interesting for high elf fans. But it’s really hard to think of a storyline to fix what we have now. Trust me, I’ve been trying to piece together a fan-fic questline that feels like a natural progression and not a forced plot to achieve the goal.

I’ll post my idea later.


you are absolutely right. The thing is though many in our community believe it is too late to try and “fix” void elves. Their story is written. They are former belfs. Don’t mix high elves into them. At that point you are simply trying to kill 2 birds with one stone and instead you are literally murdering both groups of elves.