Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Actually we have two playable high elf variants :blush:

Ironically enough, the Alliance variant looks more like high elves than the Horde, despite being even further removed from high elves. Void elves just need slightly less corpse-like skin tone options and we literally have Alliance high elves, but with a twist that actually makes them more than generic fantasy elves.

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Considering posts like the ones you did earlier, and how those threads are made by people trying to pick fights and taunt High Elf supporters i don’t think the reporting is unjustified.
Doing threads for the sake of provoking and pissing others is trolling.


Yeah, this thread legit isn’t worth the server space it occupies. The OP was a troll and got people to post over 600 responses on it, so I think OP’s been quite successful and there was nothing here to derail. Maybe you should consider visiting the high elf megathread yourself so we can get rid of this obnoxious spam?

:arrow_right: The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

i obviously was open minded in this thread. and now i have something else to chat to wow people about once i go into the megathread. tonight was a good night for me. maybe i’ll end up making some helf friends. :slight_smile:

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approves in semi-high elf

It’s hard to tell they’re all scattered in the forum and discord, but Talendrion made a compilation of some of his drawings:



Your own logic defies you

That’s some very nice artwork there friendo.

Sigh and now they’re forcing their ‘high-elf’ art (which is blood elf models with blue eyes) on the thread…

time to report it…

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Sorry if i was rude with you at any point when we were discussing, i don’t feel comfortable discussing High Elves outside of the High Elf Megathread, especially in a troll thread like this. Anyway, take care! :grinning:

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There’s no derailing going on here, like I said earlier. There’s literally no thread to derail. It’s a troll post, just have fun with it like I am.


Talendrion is really passionate about High Elves, I’m glad he’s with us. :hugs:


i am legit going to bed after i respond to you. but I ASKED FOR THIS. they didn’t do it on their own. scroll up my dude.

Even though it’s not against the rules, I do agree that what they’re doing is equivalent to graffiti. Can’t be like them and mass report things that aren’t applicable though, then we become worse than them.

Stinks of mob mentality and ad hominem in here.

There’s even an anti- thread.


Like I said, not against the rules. You don’t have to prove anything to me.

:man_shrugging: You’re free to express whatever anti-helf sentiments you want on the megathread created specifically for that. I’m just reminding you it exists because it’s been inactive for two weeks.

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I wouldn’t promote posting there, it’s being two weeks of no activity there, technically it would be necroing.

It’s a megathread and it’s been two weeks, not two years. We’ll be fine.

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I’ll express it wherever I deem necessary, which is in threads where the subject is involved like this one. This is equal ground as far as I’m concerned. You may as well be aggressive btw, because passive aggressiveness is way more annoying. Doesn’t give you the high ground you think it does, either.