The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m just amused that Maghar were brought in from an alternate universe yet High Elves are seemingly impossible.


Because only the horde can get things they actually request. You should know this by now! :laughing:


Not sure how you derived that from my statement. This in not whether or not Blizzard should or should not, this is about forum etiquette and attempt to stop having repeat threads of the same thing over and over again on both sides of the argument.

Is it really that unreasonable to ask for some union on a baseline opinion, especially for something such as playable race, before attempting to persuade others on this forum?

If nearly everytime a high elf playable race thread boils down to “Blood Elves are High Elves” or “Blood Elves aren’t High Elves, so give us High Elves”, then we’re getting nowhere. Wasn’t that the purpose of this megathread? Wasn’t that the purpose of putting that tidbit in the OP saying that the desire is not the high elves of Quel’Thalas?

Edit: Because I’m personally fine (more fine now with the advent of Void Elves) on the basic notion that, yeah Alliance should have High Elves with their own separate themes, culture, whatever. But over the years I (and many) have grown spiteful of refusing to entertain that discussion when we have to continually tackle why blood elves = high elves.

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That’s fine. But take attention on my post. High Elves on the Alliance, i have the notion that Blood Elves are biologically High Elves, and they renamed theirselves as a homage to the fallen. The High Elves we are asking are the ones that remained on the Alliance and still call themselves Quel’dorei, the ones that took a different path than their Sin’dorei cousins, and those divergent paths resulted in cultural, political and physical differences.


Fine, go ahead, keep pushing that. My recent entrance to this thread is to point out bad optics in our contemporary forum environment of this community why I have to keep pointing out over and over again why, what this community wants is faction alignment and whatever political/cultural aspects that naturally comes with, not a re-establishment of a fantasy that hasn’t existed yet (ie high elves were never/aren’t in the game and blood elves were never high elves, etc. etc.).

Kul Tiran are literally Humans. They’ve been depicted since WC2 to be exactly the same as Stormwind Humans with the same Boats, Accents, Buildings, and Culture. On top of having the same body types.

Then suddenly overnight they have Magically Blessed Boats, British Accents, Copper Roofs, and now act completely different. And some of them are now beefy and those are the playable ones.

Dark Irons never had Flaming Hair or Tattoos or Burning Eyes until they where made playable.

Difference can be made that don’t really require explanations.


Or recently dead humans turning into dessicated corpses after 15 minutes when raised as Forsaken.

The arbitrary model argument is my fave.


High Elves aren’t in the game. A mangled version of Blood Elves were given to the Horde so that people who don’t care about the story could bolster that faction’s population. There’s a good reason why High Elves are so constantly and emphatically requested: they’re a core, iconic, established Alliance race that has been missing since the last RTS installment.


And there’s a reason Blood Elves are so underutilized in the story, with their only major appearances always having a corresponding batch of High Elves to fight against.

They never made sense on the Horde thematically and Blizzard had to make them fight High Elves as it was the only faction that would have made sense as an antagonist.

That being said, Blizzard recently added another travesty of a race to the Horde in the Nightborne, so now the two misfits can actual develop an independent culture away from the Horde into something interesting. I look forward to seeing where that goes.

But it’s definitely its own thing, independent of Void Elf and High Elf development.


Blood Elves basically fill the “Human looking” race role in the Horde, alongside humans they are perfect for new players who know nothing about the wow universe and just want to play a race with more familiar visual traits.


IMO the nightborne need to become the horde equivalent of the kirin tor/dalaran. The nightspire is perfect to raise up into the air and act as a mobile capital city for the horde like dalaran.

Meanwhile dalaran rejoins the fold and stops their little teenage years of rebellion and independence from the alliance.

If I am to be honest I would be down for a “Night Warrior” quest for why Void Elves get expanded HE customization, IF said quest is about High Elves joining the Void Elves, of both groups working together in a meaningful way, specially if it’s Silver Covenant or Allerian HE’s.

Cause personally, what I want is for the HE lore to move forward, and I see many ways that could happen.

And let’s be real if you get XRP or other addon you can write in your race name and be just like a Maghar that pretends to be from Outland rather than Draenor if you don’t want your char to be a Void Elf.


Aye. It’ll be interesting to see Blizzard to move forward from this point and add more to the Silver Covenant story without it being seen as additional fuel for speculation. They’ve got a decent track record with the previous expansions of finding a way to shoe horn the Quel’dorei into it somehow except for like… WoD and Cata.

It would be a begrudging acceptance from my end if the meld the high elf story with the void elves, but if that’s what it takes I guess I would have to consider settling.

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For me what’s a big kick in the teeth, is island expedition there’s a High Elf Paladin on one team and a Worgen Shaman on another… things that people always wanted :frowning:


Agreed. How do you suppose we stop repeat threads then? I can tell you for a fact it’s nobody that posts regularly on this thread making anything helf related outside of it. It’s either people I’ve never seen before, or people I’ve seen constantly being anti about the idea. I’ve done my fair share of flagging both anti and pro threads on the topic (with the exception of the primer one because that one has actual conversation going on inside of it even if it’s as mostly one sided as this one.)

The reason for the Blood Elves are High Elves argument still going on is thanks to Ion trying to be funny and spout the obvious while at the same time it being turned into this overused stale meme that it is now, added on with the fact that some people don’t want to or feel the need to clarify that they know full well blood elves are high elves, just not the high elves they want, and rather than proclaim that they want Quel’dorei, continue to push back just as hard and say things like “Blood elves aren’t high elves” when what they’re saying is “Sin’dorei aren’t Quel’dorei” but nobody sees it because nobody wants to actually listen.


If you want respect as a faction, the Horde is waiting for you.

Maybe they’ll add orc masks to the character creator at some point.


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This has been trending on the wow subreddit today and I think you guys would like it :grin:

https ://


I legit laughed.

Can someone with image embed rights put it here? :rofl:

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Lol I am not even sure how you get linking permission XD

You give Ion waaaaay too much credit.

He wasn’t trying to be funny. He genuinely doesn’t get the difference.