The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

On this and every other major WoW community site, high Elves have repeatedly proven to be the most frequently asked for race, and one of the hottest topics around race additions even before Allied Races were a thing.

I mean by all means, prove me wrong, but the evidence is pretty clear, and has been for a long time.


Yeah, I’ve never understood why they wouldn’t implement it as a special cosmetic option in the same vein as Green Fire. It always seemed to me that Player Characters are suppose to be “champions” on par or a little below “heros” so Velfs should be able to embark on a quest to look more like their racial leader Alleria.

  • You would still technically be Void Elf, so no modifications needed with passives and starting stats. Also the game won’t acknowledge it as anything other than an effect in the spellbook.
  • Exalted this and exalted that…
  • I’m pretty sure there’s a few developers who’d be able to devise torments for would-be “high elf” players without having to divert too many resources into the project. (i.e. A brutal legendary quest involving shenanigans; frustrating extra vague riddles that make people so crazy it’s worse than Roswell and JFK combined, drop rates just high enough to keep the flame of hope alive, super rare profession junk that needs to be bought or made)
  • After all that still only get like maybe one or two shades of pink skin lifted directly from the bloods with blue eyes that match Alleria’s. (No tattoos, that would be too generous.)

I’d love it. Pretty sure people would charge in to get it, so why not I wonder?

I still have PTSD from the Lucid Nightmare hunt >.>


That’s a lot of work for a cosmetic change imo lol. Even the night elven quests for black eyes is like a single quest line. If you wanna go that crazy with the requirements they may as well just be an Allied Race since those already have requirements tacked onto them.

Before this thread was a thing, all I really wanted to play out that fantasy was the Silver Covenant. They’re just so awesome looking, and I loved the azure mage aesthetic in WotLK…

…But the more I learned about the Highvale and the warrior woodlands elf, (Like Fliktarg showed) the more I became interested in those as well. That’s just plainly badass.

So I guess to answer your question I’d love to see them uniting under one banner under the name and sake of tradition. Possibly even directly countering the ideals of the Silvermoon high elves and creating a race war between the two traditions.


Seems pretty much everyone wants a mix of Silver Covenant and Highvale.

Maybe we can have the Silver Covenant go aid Quel’danil as the Forest Trolls advance.

Then we can get both High Elves and Forest Trolls as Allied races.

Pretty poetic considering they where counterparts to each other in WC2.


To OP: No.

Only undead elfs I will accept.

Why not both? Undead elf would be badass.

Nope but sucking the life out of living beings and objects did change them on a physiological level thus the overindulging turning them into the Wretched and problem which oddly enough has not been an issue for any of those who kept the name High Elf in any case save for the one lodge that became Wretched in Cata


I second that

Unpopular opinion I guess but I would love Half Elves as a customization option.


May i give a suggestion, it might not be adequate to post that in here, but i think we should stop discussing in the “Why High Elves would not work” thread, don’t keep a spam thread going further, just flag it as spam and let it die. Anti HE threads posts are just common spam at this point and the discussion happening there is drowned in toxicity.

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I’d be happy if Blizzard had wrote Void Elves as Silver Covenant High Elves who decided to take up the Void.

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I had to make this point twice now in other threads that blood elves = high elves.

Vocal minority yadda yadda, it still doesn’t help in optics that this community can’t agree on what they want on a base level.

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And Forsaken = Scourge because they’re both undead humans obviously.


Correct. Stupid 10 character limit.

Most of the community doesn’t give a dam about the forums discussions but for sure many of them would like to have a option to play a High Elf on the Alliance rather than have an eye customization option for a Horde race. They don’t care if people say that Blood Elves = High Elves or whatever, nobody outside of the forums care about this, they care if blizzard gives the options that fills their preferences and make them happy and satisfied. It’s not just forum regulars that want to be allowed to play High Elves on the Alliance.


Sure? I mean correct me if wrong but the OP of this thread implies that the “playable high elf race for the Alliance” concept specifically states that the desire is for High Elves not part of Quel’Thalas correct?

They should care because their opinion is being directly shown to the others of the community who do care. That’s the purpose of discussion on this forum, to share ideas with others. Yes Blizzard may not care, but this does not mean you ignore the community perception then complain about community perception being against said opinion thereafter. That’s ludicrous.

So, according to you, the community perception is that blizzard should not implement a race being requested for over a decade, well, i think you should play Alliance once in a life.