The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

But I thought the Horde’s population was at risk if High Elves were released.


It’s not the only thing at issue here. Views evolve Mythliel.

And to put a finer point on it. It will not solve what the rude Pepino is talking about. High End Raiding and M+

Even saying they’re the most popular AR is hyperbole. You have no way of knowing past some threads on the forums what the most popular. The forums represents a very small portion of the playerbase.

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There has been multiple polls in multiple forums over the years and high elves always have high (and often highest) results.


I can’t speak for the other anti’s, but my reasoning for not wanting them has nothing to do with denying others them. It’s simply because we don’t need them. Five of one race is just silly when we have just gotten the second of a couple others. This is personally what I want my high elf to be when I can make one.


I kinda agree. The problem is that Blizzard introduced a second, a third, a fourth and a fifth kind of elf before the first and most requested one.

No one has ever asked for void elves. We never needed them.


There is this concept where you take a small randomized portion of a large community and survey them and based on that small randomized portion you can scale up the results to get a rough estimate of the overall community.

Now you can debate that the forums are not random but the thing is it kind of is. All player opinions are represented here. Now if some just choose to not participate in it that is on them if the polls become skewed but since it can’t be proven well we just have to take the results and scale them up to get the rough estimate.

and I know there is a very large portion of the community that doesn’t even care for allied races so I say why should we even consider them? This is a feature they don’t care about and if they choose to vote they do so without really caring about the results. I know many that would prefer to not have allied races to be worked on at all and that is fine for them to have that opinion but to me that automatically marks them invalid to this whole debate.


“Silver Covenant or Highvale” Why not both? :3


and now that we are stuck with them if the factions must truly have an even number of elf races well than high elves for alliance and san’layn for horde. That would be the end of the whole elf debate because the only way for more elf races to be added is for blizzard to literally make up a new one.


agreed. Just name the playable race “high elves” and the faction for them would be the “united quel’dorei”

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People asked for playable nightborne since we saw them and learned their story. I remember when I rejoined in 7.2 there was a lot of talk about adding them and this was before blizzcon or anywhere near it.

I was even speculating they would go horde because the horde seems to be a lot more welcoming to them and it was even furthered with 7.3 and there was a nightborne representative that exclusively travelled with the horde contingent for argus.

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exactly. The silver covenant bring the numbers and the organized military. The highvale elves have the culture we want to represent and differentiate high elves. Of course it wouldn’t even be the only thing. Ideally it would be a mish mash of it all and also half elves/mixed lineage( not really half elves but not a pure high elf) included into them.


The customization options should be open to all those ideas. Some people here wants to play the more rugged ranger elf, but i want too to have the possibility to play with a more traditional Dalarani HE mage, with arcane markings and this kinda of stuff. It would look nice with the blue artifact appearance of Felo’melorn.


This I can agree with, even though I did make one and level it, but that was mainly because “ooooh shiny!” rather than because it was something I asked for. Same goes for lightforged draenai (or however you spell it). Once the luster wore off, I went back to my old standby’s. It’d be nice if there was something so radical that it just blew my socks off, but heck if I know if that’ll ever happen.


I doubt they ever will. even the ankora from nazjatar wouldn’t be some new radical race. They appear from what we know of them to basically be jinyu with expanded customization.

quite simply new shiny is good and all but what keeps people around is the stuff already established in the franchise. That is what we want. That is the reason why mag’har and dark irons are viewed as such a success.

Void elves are only the most popular because that is the closest thing to a high elf. People have gone around in game and asked void elves and most reply that they would rather be a high elf.

Nightborne are also highly liked and despite them being new they came with a lot of story to quickly establish them.

I prefer Blizzard’s High Elves as they were first introduced: Proud woodsman with rad tattoos and a dark, brooding attitude behind every word as they follow orders from their commander.

People routinely tell me these are “Tolkien elves,” but they existed long before Peter Jackson made Lord of the Rings a visually iconic fantasy franchise. Blizzard’s High Elves were the Alliance’s anti-heroes and had a very distinct look and feel for their time. They clearly inspired a lot of subsequent Wood Elf imagery that came out over the years, apparently to the point at which people think Elven Rangers are the chicken rather than the egg.


The best case to make to Blizzard to add High Elves to the Alliance as an AR is that they are merely an Allied Race.

Let’s presume a United Quel’dori faction with Veressa and Alleria as the archetypes and customizations ranging between them and varying for each is what playable High Elves means.

Visually this is copy, paste, and fills from the Blood Elf model - this is the issue that needs addressing.

Talk of Pandas is a non-starter (the numbers do matter). That Void Elves are already non-distinctive relative to Blood Elves is a criticism/slap in the face for Blizzard - and they are visually distinctive (for the love of High Elves, don’t make the entire campaign moot by dressing them in gear that blots out whatever character model is underneath and enter it as exhibit ‘V’).

However, on the character selection screen, there still would be no one-to-one counterpart to the Blood Elves. You have to unlock High Elves in order to play them. One does not merely gain exalted status with a faction - you first have to know the game, be oriented to the World of Warcraft. For those that already are familiar, I’m sure some in-game content would introduce the idea and smooth ruffled feathers (probably getting honored with the united faction - or the nemesis faction - for story and pathfinder completion).

Of course that is simply an arguable case.

Such a good way to put it. I agree whole heartedly with you. I have a void elf mage I mostly played on but now I just rarely log in. Before, when I mained a blood elf pally/DK combo, that feeling of luster never wore off because I was just so into the story of my character’s race and what he represented. Hardships and struggles and the willingness to do whatever it takes to survive. I actually personally related to my character in the game, I don’t feel that connection with my void elf. I just don’t feel like I know my character.


Some people have offered suggestions (myself included) to simply have them go the ways of Nightborne and Vulpera where you change their idle animation and casting animation as well as other animations so they do not share the same silhouette as Goblins.