The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Pretends to be shocked


TBH with you Theon many High Elf fans would prefered to wont get any Thallasian elf, than this abomination called Void Elves.

I mean, even if someone are starving you dont give him garbage to eat, that’s cruel, It’s better to give him nothing.


People complained that all Horde races were ugly and as a result Blizzard gave them the Blood Elves.

I’m sure they were going to add them to the character creation screen, then they saw your mog, and said: cool, job done.

Quick question to everyone.

What type of High Elf do you prefer? What exactly are your ideas on the High Elf fantasy.

Trying to get all the different points of view worked out.


I like the Highvale because they took the most drastic measures after the destruction of the Sunwell. They were stuck with the worst of both worlds by not having easy access to magic artifacts like those in Dalaran, and they weren’t able to learn how to siphon magic from creatures like the Blood Elves did. Instead, they gave up magic altogether which makes them, to me, the strongest out of the bunch.

I love seeing all of the ideas of a rugged/barbarian type elf! The artwork is incredible, and it wouldn’t step on the toes of Night Elves who are more nature/druidic influenced. I can definitely see some hints at elf shamans being a thing especially with the Draenei and Wildhammer being soooo close by.

I would looooove to be a Highvale elf shaman with war paint on my face picking off the horde 1 by 1. Oh it’s my dream.


Well the Quel’dorei I like are already Ingame, Veressa, Alleria, Silver Covenant.

They the ones I want., tats and all


When you leave the work to your consumer then by what passion do you have left to claim at the end of the day?

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Maybe getting High Elves sooner then we think, a lot of Alliance whinging about faction imbalance and so much Horde bla bla…

I’m positive High Elves will balance the scale, I know I’d change in a heart beat haha

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No matter how much I wish for it, I seriously doubt they’ll do anything Quel’dorei related in regards to allied races in bfa. They just weren’t in the plans, and it looks like they’ve got the story they want to tell set in stone if what Ion said to that person in Blizzcon is anything to go by.

If theirs one thing I learnt from playing WoW for 14 years, is blizzard will do anything for revenue…

Huge example, “Never do Classic WoW”, now they bringing it out to draw people back haha cause many private servers were booming.

because we were never asked or knew Nightbourne were evening coming? nice logic dude.

Quality input as usual.

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For me is Silver Covenant because they are the groups of High Elves we keep seeing on a recurring manner. That’s why I am invested on them really, because they keep showing up.

I like the Highvale and the Allerian, but they really feel like one offs, and while I would love for the notion of the SC uniting the disperse HE groups, for me kinda has always been about their narrative in terms of why I’d like the HE’s being playable.

Like yeah, I’d be glad for Highvale or Allerian as playable, they still are cool groups on their own, but I would be a tad disappointed if it wasn’t the Silver Covenant the one that was made playable.


At least you admit that, that’s a progress. Blood Elves Horde race, understand the what’s wrong? Can’t play as a legit High Elf on the Horde. I like to play Horde with my Orc Shaman but playing a Thalassian elf on the same faction feels out of place.


We don’t need to pick just one High Elf group. The recruitment scenario could be about uniting all the High Elves split on Azeroth and Outland. Playabe Maghar Orcs are a union of different groups and clans. High Elves from different places would bring potential different customization options. Fancy and classy visuals from the Dalarani elves and ranger like looks from the lodge elves.


If and when, this would be the cooler way to do it - rather than just adding the Silver Covenant (just saying, still anti-HE-playable).

I agree on all that. “Highvale Elves” even sound like an off-shoot “new” race.

But Silver Covenant elves are more common and well-known, so people would feel cheated if they were left out.

So, the best option would be to merge them all. Something drives the Silver Covenant off of Dalaran and they settle with the Highvale. Now we have 2 factions (3 with void elves) cohexisting, and that means conflict, which is good for any story.


In all honesty I just want High Elves, let it be through Void Elf story and we get customisation to be basically Alleria, tats and all and when racial procs go void form, or give us Quel’dorei High Elves, it’s been 14 years in the making, we deserve them!

Alliance complaining not enough Alliance players, I’m positive High Elves would tip the scales to be more balanced.


Pure fantasy thinking. An allied race will not tip the scales for anything. Vanity will not save the Alliance. Not to mention thats kinda funny, Vanity is pretty much the Alliance themesong.