The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

But you can’t RP the Silver Covenant atm. That is the whole point of this thread.

We want a new role to play, that of the Silver Covenant.


…Then why are you here? ._.


I have roleplayed them just fine.

How do you roleplay a role that doesn’t exist in the game?

Sounds to me like you are just playing dress-up as a Blood Elf.


All roleplay is just a form of dress-up.

We are playing a roleplaying game though, where roles are determined by the developers: not the clothes you wear.

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Now tell me the part where RP’ing something is the same as wanting to see the game itself explore the narrative of a group or sub-faction.

Cause it might shock you, fan content, such as RP, as fun as it might be, is not actual canon content.

What we’d like is to see pay off of High Elves alliance themes within the narrative of the lore, that has very little to do with each one personal headcanons and content, as obvious it might sound to explain.


If I want to roleplay a knight, i will grab some shining armor to transmog. If I want to roleplay a beetle, I will transmog into the druid set from mythic BRF. The developers dont determine what I roleplay as.

That’s all just your headcanon. It isn’t a real role in the game.

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Aren’t you a high elf turned purple/blue? It might shock you… but you are a purple high elf.

By definition, this character is a Blood Elf turned purple. In case you missed it, do you realize that Blood Elves are part of the horde, thus ANY void elf was part of the horde for 11 years?

And do you get the point that High Elves -the ones currently using the name- have never been part of the Horde, and have remained loyal to the alliance?

Do you see how that is a different background?


Have you watched the introduction cinematic for Blood Elves? No? It says the Blood Elves were once called High elves. A name change doesn’t change anything, but what they are called.

So why didn’t Horde get told to simply go play a Night Elf with the one Highborne skin and imagine that it is a Nightborne?

Blizzard’s own precedent disagrees with you.


Blizzard gonna be blizz. They also said Sylvanas wasnt a Garrosh 2.0… we all know how thats going.

He can’t see, because he’s a main Horde (probably BE) posting with his alt, and trying to cover his true thoughts about this matter with poor excuses.

Maybe I’m wrong, maybe not, who knows? XD


Honey. Let me repeat myself because it really just seems you just aren’t understanding.

Some High Elves never left the Alliance. That’s the ones we would like to play. Honestly that is not a hard concept to understand. Do you get what I am saying? The High Elves, on the alliance. The ones that didn’t left, didn’t rename themselves Blood Elves.

I think my meaning is very plain on this, but I can walk you through it if your really need it.

Like, in case you missed, not every High Elf renamed themselves Blood Elf, and didn’t join them, and thus, didn’t join the Horde.

Do you get it?


No. I don’t get it. Use words I can understand.

You are very close Night Elf. My main is actually an Alliance Pandaren.

He is monk who can walk on wind.

Some. High Elves. Didn’t. Become. Blood Elves.

They. Remained. on. the. Alliance.

We. would. like. those.


Oh. I get it now. You want to play the race that would have legitimately made sense for an allied race. But you got shafted and are stuck with purple reskins (I was disappointrd also when I found out the allied race was a purple blood elf).

PS: I’ve just been busting your chops this whole time. I get what you are saying. :slight_smile:

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