The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Here’s the thing folks…

Blood Elves ARE HIGH ELVES! It says so in the character creation description. Sin’Dorei is just a name we gave ourselves after the scourge slaughter and magic addiction thing. We’re still HIGH ELVES! Yes of course there’s High Elves on the Alliance. There’s also random race members in each faction that shouldn’t be. If you gave Alliance High Elves you’d be opening up a can of worms in terms of why bother having factions at all? Just have a light and dark side at that point.

I like having clear defined factions with racial themes (peoples vs monsters). I don’t want to see that get homogenized too.


When the High elves were brought up, Ion literally said “You want fair haired, light-skinned, blue eyed elves? Sorry? The Horde is waiting for you.” Essentially saying to everyone “Hey guys, they’re pretty much the same.”


Ion isn’t an authority on lore, nor is he infallible.

I don’t think many appreciated his racist implications. It was pretty damn surreal and it’s almost pathetic that people actually quote him rofl


Yes, I’m sure your authority trumps his. lmao

You sound like an angry little blue berry is all c:

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You are the one that sounds angry…


You gonna go to every thread in this forum and tell them they’re wrong for having a different viewpoint than Ion?

And it’s not even a viewpoint. He was objectively wrong. High Elves aren’t just “fair-haired”, aren’t just “blue eyed”, and are far more than what he implied. He pretty much showed how clueless he was about the whole thing.

He really should stick to gameplay.


Elisande trumps Ion when we are talking lore.


Ion literally never answers lore questions. It’s always gameplay or major events related to gameplay. The High Elf question was pretty unique and I’m fairly certain he was pressured into it because social media was nearing critical mass and Blizzard had to do damage control NOW.

Blew up in their faces though :rofl: My God his answer was bad. I like him but it was really a travesty.


Considering that he’s lead, his word is pretty credible. But yes, let me take the opinion over some rando helf crier over his.

I guess some people can come to grips with reality, and others, well don’t. :blush:

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Do you even know how software development works or do you think the hand of Ion graces everything you touch in WoW?

Bleh why am I arguing with a person who resorts to ad hominem :laughing: Can’t even argue facts so now engages in fallacious appeals to authority :rofl:

I guess Alex Afrasiabi, ya know the actual creative director of WoW, who says that High Elves are definitely possible, should be held to less regard :rofl:


They are the literal society of High Elves themselves, minus the ones that left for the Alliance (who aren’t High Elven themselves anymore due to cross-breeding and gene mixing), and the exiles (Void Elves; also High Elves), and were re-named to Blood Elf in honor of their deceased.

They renounced their former lives. To say that Blood Elves are not High Elves is asinine. Times change; People change; Cultures change and adapt over time. To think that a society that has existed for a millennia cannot, or will not, change as well, especially after a monumental, genocidal catastrophe, is ignorant.

It’s been over 14 years hunty. There’s plenty of divergence that trumps any arbitrary “10000” years that the game tosses at you.

Do we really have to quote all the intraracial conflict we’ve had throughout WoW every time? Pick up a book.

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All Thalassian. Each have seperate political ideologies.

They might be the same race, but allied races are more just factions or sub races joining with the core faction you’re in.

Considering the Silver Covenant already work with the Alliance it’d be safe to add them as an allied race. Throw in some unique customization options in the form of tattoos, war paint, tanned skin, rougher faces, better facial hair and it’d be solid. The heritage armor would be easy too. Think Ranger.


Yeah seriously. I would think that those that appreciate the Thalassian model would WANT more customization options.

Some Blood Elf players think they can hog all the development. It’s not gonna happen.


Saying “Anything is possible” is not saying “Definitely possible” but yes, let’s alter the wording to suit our agenda in the conversation. That’s always riveting. And with Void elves introduced, the chances of High elves EVER being introduced has been dashed into the ground, much like most of your argument.

Ion knew the question before it even came up. You can literally see him rolling his eyes when the guy goes to read it off. He’s lead, he literally speaks for the Dev team, and their decisions; that’s the very reason he’s the one answering them. I would say that you’re crying, but the tears match the color of your skin so I can’t really tell :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ive never said anything in this thread or the old forums’ thread. Im a casual player. Im still a bigger fan of wc2 and 3 than i ever was a fan of wow. Ill be honest i really just want high elves because they were alliance units in 2 and 3. I still cant wrap my head around the fact that blizz gave them to the horde. Maybe for faction balance, maybe for flavor, i dunno, it still doesnt sit right wih me after all these years. Its like horde losing trolls. What if they gave them to alliance? Yknow, because the amani didnt get along with the horde for a bit.

Sylv and the forsaken? They’re horde now. Lets not bother with a third faction that would actually make sense. And lets give Lordaeron to the horde while we’re at it. Night Elves? They didnt like the alliance at all. Hey lets just shove them in there though so we can atleast check the “elf” box for them. There’s no point to this post. Forgive me if i totally missed points of lore Im a scrub who just played casually off and on for a bit. Just venting because this was always one my biggest gripes about wow lore.

Atleast i will always have brood war, wc 2, and 3 if i want a good story.


You gonna argue semantics now? :rofl:

Man this gets funnier.

We aren’t really our characters FYI.

I think Blizzard, being old school horde fans, tries to play down the fact that Blood Elves are in the Horde.

You almost never see promotional images of them and the like.


Player population of a race does not decide the importance in the narrative.


Because “Definitely possible” isn’t much different than “Anything’s possible”? lmao Doesn’t Ion himself say “Anything’s possible” after shooting down the idea of High elves with an essental verbal b*tch slap? Every Dev says that because, well they have to. They’re never going to “Shut” a door completely, but to take that and drive it a mile is pretty laughable.

To be perfectly honest, I’m only in here saying that these people only truly want the Blue Eyes option for Blood Elves. Honestly, that’s all this is. Seeing as how Blood Elves = High Elf.

You cannot erase the fact that your race is a High Elf. Our eyes as High Elves match the color of the source of magic we derive our magic from. Blood Elves’ eyes turned green after the Sunwell was tainted with the corpse of Kel’thuzad, whom Arthas dipped in to the Sunwell and revived as a Lich for his Scourge. Only reason we don’t have blue eyes still.

Now, the Sunwell has been purified, yet even knowing that, our eyes would probably not be of the blue variety anymore. Blood Elves are less so Arcane these days and more in to the Light; Vindication and all that jazz. Not to say there cannot be Arcane to be found in Silvermoon City, or Quel’danas, but I’d think it would take a nice font of magic for the Blood Elves to get their blue eyes.

The Silver Covenent are tied to the Alliance, yes, but after many years of cross-breeding, the character you’d be playing would have to be one of those ~100 or less High Elves that have lived with the Alliance for decades, cross breeding, or it’d have to be a halfling Human-Elf. One or the other, and I doubt the latter leads to blue-eyed High Elven.