The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No such thing as a Quel’dorei faction. Using the name Quel’dorei instead of the name High Elves doesn’t create a faction / single entity.

To clear the confusion, there is a legit reason not to add playable Quel’dorei to the Alliance: most unlike pandas, the Sin’dorei are a major part of Horde identity. Another good reason is that there is no single faction of Quel’dorei to ally with.

Now enter the weak argument from those who desire Quel’dorei be playable on the Alliance side: just change up the lore, and add them. Ignoring the faction identity problem and deflecting with either the irrelevant Pandas (due to such relatively low numbers) or that the Void Elves are not really visually distinct (which is also disingenuous).

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What boring, tired arguments we have never seen before :joy:

Maybe spend more than 5 minutes reading the source material before writing?

Like we literally just got Blood Elves :laughing: … what is my VE? :rofl:


If you feel that way then you are only scratching the surface of those characters and not looking into their modern portrayals hard enough.

I agree I dont like the night elves/forsaken joining the alliance. In a perfect world there would have been 4 factions.

Thassarian and koltira don’t support the factions and are not even associated with them anymore. They were field commanders yes but now they have fully returned to the ebon blade.

Garona and lilian voss are working with the horde. At a glance it seems they agree with the horde or were threatened but when you press the issue you find that they have their own motives and goals and being with the horde furthers them for the moment.

As for the class halls well the ones that returned to their factions always put their faction before those class orders. There was a common enemy in the legion at that moment and pooling resources was the best way to fight them. Now that it is over they went home.


Anyone who does High Elf edits/art, could you conjure up models with elderly faces and long, glorious beards? I want to be an old wizard/sorceress.

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All this talk about blood elves being high elves makes me think there was a missed opportunity by not playing into more of the fel mutation story with the felblood elves.

Just search “Talendrion High Elf” in Google Image search and you’ll see a dark skinned bearded high elf that I REALLY want to play as.

I’d post the image here but I’m untrustworthy scum apparently :lollipop:

Talendrion is the best thing since sliced high elf bread tbh


Still 100% Supported! I would like to see High Elves/Silver Convenant Playable for the Alliance.

When this happens, please give a green hair option so I can race change to a High Elf! Thanks!


Still in 100% support of high elves for the Alliance


1+ Same here, Support High Elves and all races we have helped to be Allied races, mostly after High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves :slight_smile:.


If you want to play High Elves, 9.0 is waiting for you.


If they implemented High Elf eyes and skin tones like i think was asked at Blizzcon and still labeled them as Void Elves, that would be fine and i would be perfectly happy.

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Elaborating further on this point, check out here:

imgur .com/gallery/Nvmk6D2
(copy/paste and remove the space before the “.com”; forum won’t allow me to post a link)

Posture and some other minor changes to the model could make a high elf different enough without resorting to any kind of transformation. “Genetically” the same, but different attitude and outlook.

That wasn’t very nice lol

Read most of the Summarized ver of this thread found it a good read.

You guys have my vote for High elves for the Alliance.


Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read and show support!

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Here, let me fix that for you since you fixated on three words in a post that should have told you that I’m well aware there is no faction incompasing the entire Quel’dorei entity. I changed it from “the” to “a”. My point still stands.

Saying things like that makes your argument feel so much more disingenuous because it’s like you’re not putting in the effort to critical think over what I’m saying. If I don’t word something correctly 100% of the time, or even attempt to allow you to figure out what I’m saying without spelling it out without worrying you taking one word and making an entire complaint about it, then it makes it feel like having a discussion with you in particular just plainly isn’t worth it. Obviously there is no Quel’dorei faction as a whole. In that sentence I was saying Blizzard could use already established lore to build around and make one.

Under what basis are pandaren not as important to the faction identity of the Horde as Blood Elves? The Horde identity is in perfect symbiosis with the Huojin way of life.

Its a reason with clear solutions available that won’t come about until Blizz is ready to actually introduce them as an Allied Race. I could just as easily have said “There is no single faction of Void Elves to ally with. There’s just Alleria.”. Do you see why this is such a grand non issue? The void elves didn’t even have a faction before hand. Quel’dorei do. They have several to be chosen from if Blizzard doesn’t simple make one up for them.

Take your quote and change Quel’dorei with Void elf, and vise versa and see how much Blizzard seems to care.

It doesn’t matter how disingenuous you believe the void elf visual representation is in terms of distinctness, or how much it actually harms the blur between faction lines. They are a literal reskinned copy/paste of the model. They are literal blood elves. They are more offensive to the faction blurring than Quel’dorei. They are double traitors lmao.


Because Blood Elves have at least double the numbers of any other Horde race. So many more people are drawn to Blood Elves. Panda #s are nothing, they represent barely anything if at all of the Horde playerbase.

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So what?

Void elves were included in the Alliance and the world didn’t implode. And they are literally blood elves turned blue.


It’s really the ‘turned blue’ part. The whole visual distinction thing.

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