The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Blizzard forgot about them when they cut Alleria’s and Turalyon’s storyline in BC.


Thanks for getting that SS.

I’m glad he’s at least gone to that kind of an answer rather than “The horde is waiting for you”.


No problem! Figured I’d shine some light on that since someone asked me at one point someplace else as well. You have the word of the person that saw him, not a recording or anything, but it’s the only information.


At best I’d be inclined to believe that there has been and will continue to be an internal conversation about it.

My goodness, how could it be you that gets the 4000th comment.

Oh wait, no on cares, because it gave us a bump.


What a random post to quote :laughing:

It was. Wasn’t as witty as it started in my mind.

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Oh. Thank you for the link. I guess that means I don’t really need to post in this thread anymore. Rip

No problem. I wish you folks luck, glad I could clear up some stuff.


Interesting. I mean, that’s pretty much per my personal expectations anyway tbh - if they have more Allied Races planned then they’d be set in stone by this point, but this is a long-term feature they said they’d be interested in expanding on past the life of BfA, so the door’s still open. And they were quite vocal about looking for community input and ideas, so unless that was just a PR stunt, then who knows what we might see?

Which realistically is about as much as we can hope for at this point tbh.


The point is simple, High elves are not distinguished as their own faction and entity.

I’m not making an argument, in the sense of A, B, therefore C. I saw an argument claiming the High Elves do have their own distinguished faction and entity. That is not true, they don’t.

Any one of the Quel’dorei factions could be made playable. All of the Quel’dorei factions could unite and be made playable. Pending such unification, High Elves are not distinguished as their own faction and entity.

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Neither were the goblins, the worgen, the pandaren and so on before they were made playable. Whatever conditions they lack can be met with little effort.

I’ve been following this game long enough to see arguments such as yours made against everything that was made playable since vanilla:

  • Goblins are neutral, they won’t be playable because they won’t join a faction
  • Worgen are feral monsters, they can’t control themselves
  • Death knights can’t be made playable because their abilities were given to warlocks
  • Death knights serve the Lich King, we can’t play as them until a playable Scourge faction is introduced.
  • Demon Hunters can’t be made playable because their abilities were already given to warlocks
  • There will never be a neutral race
  • Blizzard will never give the blood elf model to the Alliance

The decision to make something playable come first. Then, they work to meet the requirements for that to happen.

The important thing right now is that the high elves exist, are featured in lore, are part of the Alliance, are popular and can easily get lore to complete the requisites. Whatever they lack can be arranged, it’s just a matter of the developers willing it.


Indeed, all I’m saying in this exchange is that part of the ‘whatever they lack’, is having their own distinguished faction and entity - they lack that.

As for my argument against:

Alliance Horde
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From another thread

There are two flavors of argument. Both address the realities of the situation.

  1. Rolling Alleria lookalikes on Alliance isn’t going to happen because that is just a Blood elf (massive part of Horde identity, most unlike the Pandas).
  2. There is no race/faction to ally with that goes by the name High elves.

Two flavors on the other side too:

  1. If you could do Void elves, you can do anything (that is the weak argument)
  2. High elves have been loyal to the alliance forever (yes, yes, except most all of them - who now call themselves Blood elves)

As a NPC race, they don’t get many unique traits to differentiate themselves.

Put a nightborne and a night elf side by side, and they appear different despite having the same model. And that’s not because of skin color (both as still bluish/grey elves), but because of things like posture, a few slightly changed proportions and the ears pointing a little different.

On the other hand, put a void elf and a blood elf side-by-side, and they appear to be the same race, except one is blue and the other is not. Under gear, they are exactly the same.

That’s what could be done with high elves. That standing animation of nightborne makes them way more different than skin color does.


What are you even arguing about anymore, honestly? They’re already their own entity, they’re all Quel’dorei despite whatever faction they’re in (Silver Covenant, Highvale). If you’re saying that they need a more unifying faction than the one’s already available I don’t see what’s stopping blizzard from magicing up a random new unified faction for them to all fall under like they’ve done for literally every single other Allied Race there is.

The ones who DON’T have a unifying faction made up for them (like DID) were pre-established with their own heavy lore background. High Elves would fall under this category for two reasons;

It would be a hell of a lot less work for Blizzard to just use already established lore to build around a Quel’dorei faction

It would give a lot less people a lot less to question the future use of a militant force like the Silver Covenant.

I’m genuinely confused as to what sort of point you’re trying to make here. Previous lore isn’t even a requirement for an Allied Race. They’re making stuff up as they go. People in here are just so passionate that they want something that’s already established that makes sense to be implemented at some point in time in the future.


quite simply I won’t entertain the idea of merging high elves and blood elves for customization for the dissolving of factions.

This is because the day I stop playing and caring for warcraft is when blizzard gets rid of the factions. To me the faction conflict is the very core of warcraft and if it is no longer there then the franchise is dead to me.

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Respectfully, you’re already playing a High Elf, as are a lot of other people. Respectfully, Blood Elves are re-named High Elves; Kael’thas Sunstrider, Prince of the High Elves of the time, returned to Silvermoon City post-Arthas’ attack and having resurrected Kel’thuzad as a Lich in the Sunwell (thus poisoning the Sunwell, which is why it needed purifying), seen the damage and death left in Arthas’ Scourges’ wake and coined the new name ‘Blood Elf’ in honor of the High Elves’ valiant defense of Silvermoon City, but more importantly, to honor the very many deceased.

Many are already playing the true High Elves. You’re just asking for iconic blue eyes. That’s why this thread is ignored by the CMs, Devs and others.

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quite simply that isn’t true.

Blood elves don’t represent the same culture of what we ask for. You see blood elves as high elves but they are not the same thing. They have different ideals, different cultures, and different outlooks on life.


If you just lost 90% or more of your population in a matter of weeks, you’d have an entirely different outlook on life as well. And truly, culture changes over time. So really?