The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The issue with Void Elves is that they really don’t play to the High Elf fantasy that people on the Alliance have been requesting. If anything the Void Elves’ desire to utilize void magic is closer towards what Blood Elves were with the Fel back in TBC. They are magistrates rather than rangers.

While Void Elves sit well with those who prefer the themes of forbidden magic with a touch of eloquence and in way are reminiscent of the sorceress and priest units from Warcraft 3 I feel that they lack the ranger thematics that were prevalent in Warcraft 2. Coupled with the fact Alleria is their racial leader and has the thematic appearance of the ranger fantasy is a bit jarring considering we don’t see that ranger theme anywhere else with the Void Elves. Not to mention her ranger theme is being subverted by her void themes even more now.

For myself, the themes of forbidden magic and the void aren’t really what I was looking for in the High Elf fantasy. Rather what I find interesting is the ranger theme and inquisitive nature of the High Elves who ventured beyond their home land and have broader understanding of the world beyond than there closeted kin.

On a more personal note, I would love to see Warcraft II interpretation of High Elves be prevalent again through WoW. Part of me knows that Night Elves picked up a bit of that ranger theme and Blood Elves were created for gameplay reasons and people enjoy them for what they are. But I feel frustrated and nostalgic to see something I enjoyed not being playable due to logistics and thematic evolution because of where the current story has gone. I have hoped that the Silver Covenant could be playable one day and allow for that connection back to the older Warcraft games. It is selfish, but I would very much like to have that part of Warcraft back.

I miss it very much.


I would absolutely love long, thick facial hair. I loved that dragon High-Elf dude with a beard. Thought he looked really awesome.

Man, whenever I talk about the High Elf stuff, I feel really disappointed. I can’t believe Blizzard went with Void Elves. What a stuuupid choice. They literally think that we just wanted to play a Horde race… simply because their good-looking. BS. We wanted our Alliance Elves that care and breed with our Humans/also mingle with our Dwarves. :rage:


Void elves don’t but I’d prefer void elves getting high elf customization to them giving high elf customization to blood elves out of spite as Ion so childishly suggested.


Well it’s entirely possible that the faction conflicts will be resolved within BFA (for the most part) which could justify High Elf customization within Blood Elves if both factions had access to it.

Even then I would hate for them to be referred to as Blood Elves. It would just… feel wrong.

On the other hand, Void elf customization could have made sense to both REEEEEEEE

That’s not going to take away from the fact that we’re playing an awful allied race, which was ex-Horde, and ex-Sin’dorei. Nothing will ever make me like these Void Elf scumbags. As far as I’m concerned, they’re simply using the Alliance. No way in an immersive story would these idiots be accepted back into the Alliance. No way would they even abandon Silvermoon. They only went to study the Void to protect the city, and now they’re alright with fighting against it? WOT? lmao

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It’s nonsensical but it is what it is.

I don’t even RP, but I like to have some background for my characters so that I can have a connection to them. I pretend my priest is an ex-High Elf Priest who worked alongside Humans in Warcraft III and never had a true loyalty to the Horde even when the political regime in charge forced it on him. He did what he could to protect his people, even assisting them in Void research. The rest is history.

Unfortunate that I have to make this all up for context, when most other ARs can just create a character and have a wealth of culture and lore accessible to them.

Well…except Lightforged too I guess.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I have been one of the more reasonable voices here that are against High Elves. This will be my last message to you.

I am not disruptive nor am i toxic or annoying, if i was any of those things i would not be on these forums and i would be enjoying a vacation right now. Each of those things you claim are ban worthy.

There are TWO threads atm and that honestly is one too many. This thread is titled The Unofficial High Elf Discussion MEGATHREAD. Not the The Unofficial Pro-high Elf megathread. I know you would rather i and several others go away but its not gonna happen. Blizzard needs to continue to know what a contentious issue this is and that a lot of people will be upset if they give you what you ask. This thread is not your place to run roughshod on the people that disagree with you here. This place is as much for them as it is you.

Called out and on the backfoot? My friend i unbound S my 2nd week on spinebreaker.


I’m sorry but isn’t this a bit hypocritical? There are pro-Helfers in this thread who make their own topics to make it appear High Elves are in high demand when they aren’t. And despite all the replies this thread has, it’s usually the same 5-10 people going back and forth incessantly about this fantasy they have about High Elves.

I believe Blizzard has spoken quite well about what their stance is regarding this. It isn’t happening.


The entirety of the Alliance was upset with Nightborne on Horde.

As long as something is cool with potential to make x% of people happy, they’ll run with it and just assume you’ll do it eventually.

You really should accept this, and spend your energy on something less frivolous, like what allied races would make you happy.


Read the first comment from this thread… all I gotta say Hahahaha

Except Blizzard has never said it isn’t happening and just recently even encouraged discussion on the topic.

A community manager as far back as in April said that the discussion had thousands of unique participants and that only accounts for the forums, let alone MMOC (which has a massive thread of its own) and other media like twitter.

Here’s the thread with the quote from Ornyx.

But the discussion has dwindled since then and there are a few people left who discuss it as there hasn’t exactly been fresh meat.

What’s particularly weird is that you take the current participation and try to twist it as a general indication. Fact is most people have moved on to other topics while they wait for results.

If you go further back even before ARs were a thing, High Elves were consistently in the top 3 of any “subrace” poll. Scientific or not, that has some worth.

That Void Elves are the most popular AR is surely fueled by the demand of having more elven variation on the Alliance. That people think that their popularity means less elves are possible in the future is hilarious.

Context matters. Stop ignoring it.


I’ve only seen two topics active on these forums recently and they’re not from pro helfers lol.

One is the topic dedicated purely to trying to make it seem like they’re not possible and the other was dedicated to giving blue eyes to blood elves (which some helfers didn’t even care about and were actually encouraging it so long as it didn’t impede with Quel’dorei elves being implemented to the Alliance)

I did see one post earlier that was about pro helf stuff but it was probably taken down. I know I personally reported it as spam and said as much in that thread because I do think it should be consolidated to this thread alone, pure and simple. But besides that point, I don’t think I should even be having to speak for the actions of others regardless. It’s just a popular topic and people who haven’t been around likely just don’t know these subjects are as popular as they are.

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Apparently Ponti(I think that’s his username) said that someone in the High Elf Discord spoke to Ion about High Elves, and he said something about bringing them up in the next expac. I would like to hear more about what Ion said, but that’s all the info Ponti gave us.

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I’m gonna need more of a source on this before I dare allow myself to get excited about any of it lmao

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I asked him about more information, but he just stopped posting. If you scroll up for a few seconds, you’ll see his post. He only posted a few days ago.

I wouldn’t get excited, but I genuinely think we’re see High Elves at some point.

Just don’t expect it in BFA. You’ll only disappoint yourself.

Personally I just want to see them build on it during this expansion. Maybe during a Quel’thalas warfront. Poor Silvermoon needs an update.


Until its a blue post what you said could literally be made up by anyone. I could say Crowley said someone spoke to Ion about High Elves and he gave him a firm NO, that they will never be introduced.

If i said that i’d be laughed at.

I will say this, if they did get added, you wouldn’t see me on the forums about it. I can accept defeat.

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Yeah… I’m not expecting them during BFA and my friends mostly x-fered Horde side for mythic raiding so I’m not really doing much anymore and not even logging in except for my time walker dungeons lol. I think I’ll be taking a break soon and go back to XIV and have fun with blue mages! Super hype about them. I heard some bad stuff about them too so I’ll see how that goes… but they also just introduced Cloud’s motorcycle as a mount so I’m getting that too <.>

I’ll prob come back during 8.2 if 8.1 isn’t interesting enough since my sub runs into the 16th of next month, or if by some miracle Blizz decides to communicate more about their future intentions beyond BFA and into the next expansion, but they prob won’t announce new allied race until we’re at the same spot as the game was last expansion… which is a bit of time :tired_face:


Not exactly what was said, if you’re going by the exact conversation, but here it is.


What do you mean? “Defeat”? This is our Alliance race. We deserve to have them playable. Make them ugly af for all I care. Make them get blown up my some appearance-altering bomb, which makes them hunched, gross freaks. That’s not going to stop us from loving them. Ofc, Blizzard could also just make them abandon the Alliance, and have the High Elves declare themselves as Sin’dorei, but I doubt that’s ever going to happen. According to that woman in Suramar, they’ve already been breeding with Humans. There’s just no way I see them ever joining with the Sin’dorei.