The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Beyond the numerous factions given already at your request, regardless of faction, the entity in which they’re called is Quel’dorei…


I don’t ruin anything for anyone. I along with many others want our voices heard, we want our voices to not be forgotten by blizzard. You have so many cool choices to choose from, I’m sorry but no, i don’t want you have these elves, You can have snake people, vrykul, vulpera, junker gnomes, jinyu, arrakoa, that new bad butt looking race from the nazjatar files. I don’t oppose you for fun, i oppose you because i know that whent you believe in fighting for something it means never giving up and never stopping. And thats me, i believe to my core that giving you this would be harmful to this game. Also yes, Your post was incredibly inappropriate.


The High Elves have diverged from the Blood Elves for under 30 years.

I can guarantee the British were trying to argue Americans didn’t exist in that time-frame. Pretty sure we fought a war or something over it, actually. :upside_down_face:


okay. You are allowed to have that view but My view is the kind of attitude and ideal you have is toxic for this playerbase.


that actually isn’t true. The high elves we are asking for started diverging from the quel’thelas casual nobility 2500 years agow hen they helped found dalaran.

And you can convey that very well without going into a multiparagraph insult fest.


Posting to voice my support for playable alliance high elves :slight_smile:
I probably wouldn’t play as one but I certainly wouldn’t want to get in the way of others who would :blush:


I am already a High Elf. And no, you can’t have me as a playable race on Alliance.

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Liar, I’m playing you on the alliance right now!


I just want a Void Elf based allied race that looks like them minus the dead skin tones and tentacle hair.

What does that have to do with Blood Elves? :thinking:


The tentacle hair is optional. So that’s not a big deal. Maybe jet black hair color though. Mainly though, it’s an issue with skin tones.

I feel bad for the void elf men. Like why do 80% of their hairstyles have receding hair lines? lol

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The void gave them a testosterone boost, as indicated by their facial hair growth, which can unfortunately lead to sudden alopecia.

I thought this was just a culture thing. Doesn’t the Wiki say something like “The Blood Elves frown upon facial hair.”?

I mek jok :wink:

Still :stuck_out_tongue: I see many people bringing that up. If High Elves were added, I wonder if they’d have large beards?


That is true your entitled to you opinion, and yes. Your voice should be heard, their are several and I mean several other threads that stand for what you believe in, so go post there and get heard…

Instead you choose to be disruptive, toxic and annoying to a community trying to discuss and theory craft about a race they wanted… people should be able to dream, talk amongst eachother without the continuous “ No I don’t want High Elves”, ONCE, ok your voice has been heard, SECOND TIME, ok your passionate good for you we get it, you don’t want High Elves, but you @grabmytotem just don’t let it be, your voice has been heard and now it’s annoying, a child screaming for attention, and point proven… your still here.

Theirs a time and place for everything, so don’t play the victim when you’re in the wrong place preaching your views…

Several other threads that agree with you and calling your name.

“lol voice not to be forgotten by blizzard” who you trying to convince a child?! get real, just because you been called out, and now on the back foot trying to be a victim when you a clearly in the wrong place…


Probably? They’re not only divorced from Blood Elf norms at this point, they’re either living among Humans or outdoors as woodsmen. Plenty of them have also mingled with humans which makes more facial hair even more likely.

I personally put “thick facial hair” as yet another way High Elves can be differentiated from the other elves. Give them a range from scruff to long “sage” beards for ones from Dalaran.

Blood Elves can be posh. High Elves can be rugged.