The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Nice mog!

One day I’ll post all of my ranger mogs. There’s so many options nowadays. :slight_smile:

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Said it before, I’ll say it again: Population numbers are irrelevant to whether or a not something can be an allied race.


Because the high elf story for the last decade and a half has been all about (a) rejecting dark magic and (b) rejecting the blood elves and the Horde, and the best “compromise” people can think of is (a) merging them with the void elves or (b) merging them with the blood elves?

The high elf story went from being what it was (magical power tied to a magical fount and being kinda haughty, and it’s still that for the most part) then the Third War happened and the bulk of their people become blood elves with a scant few (in terms of overall population) deciding to not go along with the name change or joining the Horde. That’s the high elf story, which is the blood elf story which is the MAIN racial story. The few in the Alliance don’t get to claim some grand master storyline when they’re used as a footnote to the greater race at large and as supporting characters in tiny amounts of content.

It’s not changing the lore in the least, it’s moving to a conclusion and a natural one. Would all of them rejoin their people? No, that’s silly, we know they won’t but that doesn’t matter. Those would bred/die out over time and not be an issue where the main race continues. We know that there would be those that would join their people in the Horde (and have instances of this) for various reason as the remnants of their race on the Alliance/neutral don’t even always see eye to eye and are fractured themselves.

The suggestions sure are aimed at precisely that. And that’s why Blizzard shouldn’t do it.

Mostly not their aim but that would be a very possible outcome, not a reason for Blizzard to not do it. We all know people wouldn’t shut up so that’s not really a point, and it’s regardless of the fact that these kinds of ideas may end up happening anyway as a natural story progression.

You don’t really get to say that one thing is held hostage by another, it’s really a thing if blizz wants to do it. It’s more than likely blood elves will get the option or they won’t and high elves in the alliance still won’t be playable ever and that may just be the way forward they want. One may not prevent the other but so what? It might, actually, if they decide it and precedence seems to lean heavily on the side of it not ever happening.

So, a natural conclusion is to go 180 degrees from their current direction? That’s not natural, that’s forced as hell.

Who’s talking about “master storyline”? It’s just their storyline. And it was a main plot in WotLK and MoP, as well as a important one in Legion.

You may belittle it as much as you want, it doesn’t change the fact that it was there.

Oh yeah? Which instances? Please, enlighten me.

And we will still be asking.


It’s like saying most Eredar became demons so there should be no Draenei Storyline. Most Humans are living so there should be no Forsaken Story. Most Orcs are corrupted so there should be no Mag’har story.

It’s just illogical.


Going to post this in both threads. Since it looks like Thursday’s Lore stream is a bit different from Q/As,

from No Lore QA thread? (Jan 10th Lore and Story stream)

then let’s hope one of their topics is Void Elves (if any playable race needed more light :laughing: shed, it’s definitely them) and they answer some of topics that have not been explicitly stated:

  • Can they make more of themselves? If so, how?
  • Are some High Elves turning into Void Elves? If so, how?
  • Are they constantly having to deal with whispers, since it doesn’t seem to be the case?
  • Do two void elves make a void elf baby? (Signifies if actual different race or not from High Elf & Blood Elf - like how Worgen are still humans and have human kids)

These are pretty much the questions and the only topic I’m interested in. Regardless of where one stands it’ll give more information overall to Void Elves and see what the relation is to High Elves (if there is one).


okay which part didnt ya like? the naga decurse or the bard siren?

You truly don’t understand what we are asking for. We don’t give a damn about the blood elves and their story and their legacy. Stop saying they are the high elven story when you don’t know what you are talking about. The high elves we want don’t associate with quel’thelas. Many never have even seen it if we can go off of reasonable speculation of how families develop.


There we go, now that I’m on my PC it’s infinitely easier to quote! I figured this was better than providing a link to a pageless source from a book.

Quotes from The Night of the Dragon.

“Only…there were not many high elves left at all.”

“The sphere’s blue illumination revealed inturn features akin to those of the high elves—a people now all but extinct…”

The high elves you want aren’t playable because they’re a piece of the past. It’s like demanding to have highborne as a playable race because some still exist.

They’re night elves, but you cannot have that ancient noble story.

Similarly, high elves are blood elves, but you cannot have the Silver Covenant story.

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Ever play a night elf mage? They’re Shen’dralar Highborne.


Ah ha! I hadn’t, I concede that point then.


Population numbers are IRRELEVANT.


No numbers, not even a comparison to other races.

Old books also said black and blue dragons were extinct. Not a few, but completely extinct. Deathwing and Malygos were the last ones of them. And then they kept appearing everywhere.


Sure, but I still believe High Elves are better off being left as a portion of the past instead of a fully fledged race. I’m intrigued by the concept of a single (vanilla) class having a particular background. It might be cool to allow high elves in that fashion. If there’s a new single-race, single-class release where it’s only one high elf.

Nono. No. If we’re doing that, we’re getting Wardens.


I mean, now you’re just questioning blatant lore which, to be honest in Blizzard’s case is a valid thing since they retcon so much, but at the same time it’s fruitless to argue. If we’re arguing that they could do xyz, yes, they could do xyz. They could bring Illidan and Arthas back for one final glorious battle on Blackrock.

I’m stating that currently, with everything we’ve been given, high elves are not on the track to be released as a playable race because of a myriad of reasons, all explicitly stated by developers and existing lore.

Well I don’t believe High Elves are better off being left as a portion of the past. I believe they can and should be made into a playable race in some manner, even if its through a concept like Half Elves.


Fair enough to you, we’ve all got our opinions. It’s nothing personal that mine opposes yours.

Just as an aside, I would LOVE to see wardens!

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